Forum posts don't appear on front page

I have been fooling with thing, trying to figure it out, and previously this worked fine.  I just installed it on a real domain (for the first time) and created some forum topics and posts - just for the purpose of further testing.  Now, though, there is just an animated .gif (a spinning circle thing) where the posts from the forum are supposed to appear on the front page.  AS I've said, it worked fine when I put it on a local, dummy, intranet site.

Any ideas.....?

Quote · 15 May 2009

Did you change your index.php to somethingelse.php.?!


Also check you templates/base/_header.html file MOD conflicts.


I had the same issue and that is how I fixed it.

Quote · 15 May 2009

Didn't touch any of things you mentioned......  Not certain what you mean by "templates/base/_header.html MOD" conflicts.  All I've done if change the default images that at the top of the page...

Quote · 15 May 2009

Figured it out but I really don't know why this software has this issue...  I run my own server and have fairly standard entries in my hosts file (this is on Slackware Linux).  The first time I installed this whole thing the package could not identify "localhost" as my MySQL host; I had to edit my hosts file and insert the name of my dummy domain (just horsing with it on my intranet) with the local NAT number as the associated IP.  This time, it installed fine with "localhost" in the config portion so I didn't make that edit. However, it did what I've desribed as far as finding the forum posts for the front page.

I just edited my hosts file - as I did before when I couldn't get it to connect to MySQL - and now the forum deal, on the front page, is working.  It's some sort of odd DNS issue. I don't know enough about the code in this thing to have a clue as to why this would be the case.  I run OScommerce and a bunch of different packages, of this type, and have never seen this happen.....

Quote · 15 May 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.