I am posting this to show Boonex how easy it would be to clone the 'Groups' module, and provide us with a 'Pages' module. I would have done this is my last Topic on this subject, except a few members hijacked the topic and filled it with witless babble to such an extent Andrew Boon thought it best to lock the thread.
Attached is a clone of the Boonex 'Groups' module that I have renamed to 'Pages'. If you have a Dolphin test site and would like to install this to see if I've overlooked anything, I'd appreciate it. I believe everything is correct, but until further testing is done on this module, I would strongly recommend against installing it on a live site. I will keep this module updated (synced with official changes to the 'Groups' module)
I appreciate the fact that Boonex appears to be working on a relevant concept for Dolphin 8. I, for one, simply don't have the time to wait another year or two for something so simple. I am working on a new site, and I absolutely refuse to sit around waiting on this to happen. I've had one site on hold for years waiting for a more usable platform, and I'll probably have to scrap that one, because the opportunity is long gone. I can't let another 5 years go by. I need this NOW for a site I want to get online in no less than 6 months.
My strategy is to use this module as a base. I will do all the work to keep the module updated, and the base module will always be free. The second part of my strategy is to connect with developers of 'Groups' module addons, and hopefully convince them to port their group module add-on to this Pages module, and include it in the market download. Here are some existing 'Groups' add on modules that I may be using with the pages module, even if I have to make the changes myself. Any group module that I successfully change to operate with this pages module, I will offer to the original groups module author at no charge for inclusion in their download.
Group Scheduler: AndrewP
Photo Albums for Groups: AndrewP
Group News: AndrewP
Group Chat: Rayz
Groups Page Composer: AntonLV
Multi-Wall Generator: Scriptologist
Needed, but no existing modules available:
Blogs Events Video Albums Sound Albums Forum enhancement module so that pages can have more than one forum
I'll also need an "app manage" like the one that was released lately by bullblast (http://www.boonex.com/m/application-top-menu-manager-extension) only for 'Pages' so that Page creators can select only the features they want to use.
Helpful suggestions are welcome in this thread, witless psychobabble is not.
Upload the contents of the attached zip folder to your sites root.
Install the Pages module in admin
Edit the .htacces file in your site's root. Add the line in red just above the line in green that you will find in your existing .htaccess file.
RewriteRule ^forum/pages/(.*)$ modules/boonex/forum/$1?orca_integration=pages [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^forum/groups/(.*)$ modules/boonex/forum/$1?orca_integration=groups [QSA,L]
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Downloaded and testing..
[edit] got an error.
INSERT INTO `sys_privacy_actions` (`module_uri`, `name`, `title`, `default_page`) VALUES('pages', 'view_page', '_bx_pages_privacy_view_page', '3'),('pages', 'view_fans', '_bx_pages_privacy_view_fans', '3'),('pages', 'comment', '_bx_pages_privacy_comment', 'f'),('pages', 'rate', '_bx_pages_privacy_rate', 'f'),('pages', 'post_in_forum', '_bx_pages_privacy_post_in_forum', 'f'),('pages', 'join', '_bx_pages_privacy_join', '3'),('pages', 'upload_photos', '_bx_pages_privacy_upload_photos', 'a'),('pages', 'upload_videos', '_bx_pages_privacy_upload_videos', 'a'),('pages', 'upload_sounds', '_bx_pages_privacy_upload_sounds', 'a'),('pages', 'upload_files', '_bx_pages_privacy_upload_files', 'a');
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
good one, ill give it a try when i find some free time.
I don't see one reason why boonex can't do this and include it in the next beta or 7.1 final. Someone should create a blog and people that are interested should vote on it to be done.
EDIT Someone should create a post and we should vote on it to be done, since creating a blog and engage users to participate in it is not allowed.
In the install.sql file, you need to make this correction :
Change :
INSERT INTO `sys_privacy_actions` (`module_uri`, `name`, `title`, `default_page`)
INSERT INTO `sys_privacy_actions` (`module_uri`, `name`, `title`, `default_group`)
Notice the bold text.
Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz |
Thanks. I made that change on my server and forgot to add it to the download.
In the install.sql file, you need to make this correction :
Change :
INSERT INTO `sys_privacy_actions` (`module_uri`, `name`, `title`, `default_page`)
INSERT INTO `sys_privacy_actions` (`module_uri`, `name`, `title`, `default_group`)
Notice the bold text.
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My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Would the addition your asking Boonex for remove the "/m/pages/view/" and show "site.com/addedsite"
No.... that would impact every other module. Boonex would never do that.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
I have a 7.1 test site that I will give this a try on. I agree that the group module is lacking in many ways. Thanks for offering it. Geeks, making the world a better place |
One More time.
Fixed several errors in the cloning process. New zip file is attached.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
I am assuming this is a 'separate' module that does not overwrite the default groups module correct?
Nothing to see here |
I am assuming this is a 'separate' module that does not overwrite the default groups module correct?
That is correct. You can install both at the same time.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Question for those that may be interested in the ongoing development of this:
What's a better word for Fan, Fans, Join, & Leave.... fans just doesn't have the right ring... in my opinion..
Some possible replacements for Join = 'Like' 'Follow' 'Subscribe'
Some possible replacements for Leave= 'Unlike' 'Unfollow' 'Unsubcribe'
Some possible replacements for Fan= 'Likes' 'Followers' 'Subscribers'
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Question for those that may be interested in the ongoing development of this:
What's a better word for Fan, Fans, Join, & Leave.... fans just doesn't have the right ring... in my opinion..
Some possible replacements for Join = 'Like' 'Follow' 'Subscribe'
Some possible replacements for Leave= 'Unlike' 'Unfollow' 'Unsubcribe'
Some possible replacements for Fan= 'Likes' 'Followers' 'Subscribers'
follow, unfollow, followers
Opinion Poll: Should the existing Photos, Videos, and Sounds features be stripped out of this module in lieu of third party modules that provide more robust functionality? (An example would be AndrewP's photo albums for groups module ported over to this one). In my opinion the built in media features are pretty weak, and useless for a mini-CMS pages module. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
follow, unfollow, followers
That was my first choice also
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Difficult isn't it!
'Follow' and 'Follower' are ok, but 'Un-Follow' doesn't seem right as it's not in the dictionary. Maybe 'Stop Following' is better.
The word 'Subscribe' is used too often to mean 'Buy Now' in my humble opinion.
Question for those that may be interested in the ongoing development of this:
What's a better word for Fan, Fans, Join, & Leave.... fans just doesn't have the right ring... in my opinion..
Some possible replacements for Join = 'Like' 'Follow' 'Subscribe'
Some possible replacements for Leave= 'Unlike' 'Unfollow' 'Unsubcribe'
Some possible replacements for Fan= 'Likes' 'Followers' 'Subscribers'
This is my signature, there are many like it but this one is mine... |
Opinion Poll: Should the existing Photos, Videos, and Sounds features be stripped out of this module in lieu of third party modules that provide more robust functionality? (An example would be AndrewP's photo albums for groups module ported over to this one). In my opinion the built in media features are pretty weak, and useless for a mini-CMS pages module.
It's a yes for me, especially if the 3rd party modules don't rely on it.
Maybe 'Stop Following' is better.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Thank You houstonlively for a great module, I have already stripped out Videos, and Sounds Maybe some day we will be able to embed videos. I love your aproach to clear simple English (follow, unfollow, followers)
Opinion Poll: Should the existing Photos, Videos, and Sounds features be stripped out of this module in lieu of third party modules that provide more robust functionality? (An example would be AndrewP's photo albums for groups module ported over to this one). In my opinion the built in media features are pretty weak, and useless for a mini-CMS pages module.
List Of Enhancement Modules That Are Needed For This Pages Module
Photo Albums For Pages
Sound Albums For Pages
Video Albums For Pages
Events For Pages
Blog For Pages
A simple 'About Us' page
A 'Contact Us' Page..... the page admin should be able to add their physical address, email address where the submitted form will be sent. This should work with both sendmail or smtp mailer.
Other 'Pages Module' enhancements are welcomed.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Although you may not totally agree, but with the new 7.1 Timeline, I think it would be great to have one where all 'followers' could view/post to it as well. Only viewable/available to the Page followers.
Of course it would interact with all the member actions performed within the group. Example: So if someone created an new photo album and uploaded some photos to it, then it would show on the timeline
Nothing to see here |
Thanks houstonlively I will install it on my test site cos this is really something that is needed and hopefully BoonEx will add it to the next upgrade before D8 :-)
Diddy is not greedy and has time. Dolphin is cool and its not just mine :-) |
Just an FYI.... There where zero changes to the Boonex Group module code on which this module is based from 7.1.B2 to 7.1.0. Therefore this module is currently up to date. Pages for 7.1.0 module zip is attached to this post. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
I have successfully ported AndrewP's 'Photo Albums For Groups' module to this Pages module, as well as his 'News For Groups' module. It involved a lot of searching & replacing in the source files, as well as some debugging. Both variants can be installed along with their 'Groups' counterparts. If anyone wants to use these variants, I will gladly provide the modified source files to AndrewP for inclusion with the existing source files... or for separate sale. It's entirely up to AndrewP. I will also port over AndrewP's scheduler for groups Module in the next few days.
I have my eye on AntonLV's Group page composer, but it's not available for 7.1 yet. When it's available for 7.1, I'll purchase the module and port it over to this Pages module.
I'll be able to come up with a fairly robust Pages system by porting over third party groups modules, but for anyone else to do likewise, it'll take a little collaboration by those third party vendors. If Boonex jumped on board, even better things could happen, but I won't hold my breath on that one.... nor should anyone else. I don't see any reason for third party vendors of Group module add-ons not to be perceptive to porting their modules over to this one... especially if I help with the conversion free of charge. In the end, it may be a little more work for them, but I believe they'll be rewarded with increased sales. Hopefully, my efforts will not be in vain along those lines.
An About Us page
A Contact Us Page
Events for Pages ...drawing on the existing Boonex Events module
Sound Albums For Pages
Video Albums For Pages
If any of you Coders out there come up with any of these modules, I'll buy it as soon as it hits the market. If anyone else is interested in any of these modules, it wouldn't hurt to mention it here. A strong enough financial incentive will help get it done.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Houston, words can not express how much I appreciate you taking it upon yourself to do this for us. I personally do not have skills to implement such a fantastic mod, (hell, I can not even install dolphin on my own as of yet) but that does not mean that I do not appreciate the true "value" of what is being done here. Im an ultra newbie, and it may not mean much, but BIG FUCKING THANKS!
Since you are a really smart guy, I would like to ask you.....now that you have done the work already, do you have any idea what boonex excuse could possibly be to still not adopt it?
Ultra Newb reporting for duty. |
Thanks Houston Great addition to dolphin .
Needs some additional seo any one know how to put more than just the title & information from the Description Block in the browser title ?
IE: username city Category from the info block on the users page .
Happy new year peeps
do you have any idea what boonex excuse could possibly be to still not adopt it?
Andrew Boon mentioned that Dolphin 8 will incorporate features along this line. If Boonex does not see this as fitting into their overall plans for D8, or if they do not believe this will fit into a migration path to future version of Dolphin, they will likely not adopt this.
At this point, this has to be treated as a third party modification, with possible collaboration from other third parties. Don't assume there will ever be a migration path to Dolphin 8 for this module and and third party add- ons. I am personally OK with that. Dolphin 7.1 will serve my needs well for a new site I am developing, and I don't see a need to ever migrate to Dolphin 8... I'm going to take 7.1 and run with it. I have been in the vicious cycle of upgrading sites for three years, and I have to draw a line somewhere.
Bottom line: If anyone uses this module and any third party modules ported over to it, they should be comfortable with the fact that they may be married to 7.1 and NOT have a migration path to Dolphin 8.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Thanks for answering and explaining that fully. It really sucks that you have had to wait 3 long years to move forward with your plans. That too, I also thank you for, because if you did not choose to stick it out with dolphin, this mod probably would not have occurred until D12.
I wish you the best of luck, and hope that I am successful enough to reward you (and a few others who kindly contributed to make dolphin better) generously one day for such a kind gesture! Thanks Man!
Ultra Newb reporting for duty. |
Thanks Houston,
This will be the key element for my next boonex site. 
Now this idea is making more and more sense..
Facebook has a place for pages dedicated to cats, ferrets and softball teams, but people are not using them correctly. Instead users are setting up personal pages for improper usage. That includes people who create dummy accounts for Facebook stalking purposes. Anyone who wants to maintain a page for Rover or Fluffy needs to use Facebook's "Pages" option.
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
Thank you so much for the addition this is such a welcome touch to Dolphin... Csampson |
I am interested in installing this on my site. I currently have the following modules for 'Groups':
- Photo Albums for Groups (AndrewP)
- Scheduler for Groups (AndrewP)
- Group Chat ( Which I found is no longer being sold but think it was ESASE's)
- Group Wall - I may be able to customize it to use the new Timeline instead.
My question is, just how hard was it to port the modules you had into the Pages mod? Just going through the 'install' part and making some changes referencing 'groups' or was it much more intense?
Nothing to see here |
My question is, just how hard was it to port the modules you had into the Pages mod? Just going through the 'install' part and making some changes referencing 'groups' or was it much more intense?
There's a ton of renaming to do. So far I've done AndrewP's news and photos for groups. If you want these, I will gladly provide the ported modules to AndrewP at no charge if he wants to include them in the original product download. Same goes for any other third party modules that I port to this one. I don't know why he wouldn't want to do this, as it should be good for product sales, but we'll never know until people start asking him.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
I will definitely stay in touch. I sent you a PM with some other ideas as well. If I can get the ones I have ported over, we can get this done ourselves :) Nothing to see here |
There's a ton of renaming to do. So far I've done AndrewP's news and photos for groups. If you want these, I will gladly provide the ported modules to AndrewP at no charge if he wants to include them in the original product download. Same goes for any other third party modules that I port to this one. I don't know why he wouldn't want to do this, as it should be good for product sales, but we'll never know until people start asking him.
Can you outline the procedure you use in porting a module so it can be used in "Pages"?
Geeks, making the world a better place |
There's a ton of renaming to do. So far I've done AndrewP's news and photos for groups. If you want these, I will gladly provide the ported modules to AndrewP at no charge if he wants to include them in the original product download. Same goes for any other third party modules that I port to this one. I don't know why he wouldn't want to do this, as it should be good for product sales, but we'll never know until people start asking him.
Can you outline the procedure you use in porting a module so it can be used in "Pages"?
I believe an example would be going through the whole module and renaming the word 'groups' or 'groups' to 'page' or 'pages'.. in a nutshell..
Nothing to see here |
Can you outline the procedure you use in porting a module so it can be used in "Pages"?
In a word, No.
It's more than just renaming instances of 'group' to page. Some instances of 'group' relate to privacy and if changed, things will break. There are database tables that need to be renamed, functions that need to be renamed, language strings that need to be renamed... to name a few. Most of all, it takes a certain 'knack' to recognize what needs to be renamed so that there are no conflicts with the original module.
I suppose I could write up a procedure, but I'm not going to.... I have enough headaches to deal with.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |

What did you guys use for an Icon as none of the icons are showing up for me for this fantastic mod.
I see there is page in the slots but it does not appear. Did it appear for you?
Csampson |
What did you guys use for an Icon as none of the icons are showing up for me for this fantastic mod.
I see there is page in the slots but it does not appear. Did it appear for you?
A bit of an oversight on my part. Until I can come up with something better, add this to the end of icons.css
.sys-icon.page:before { content: "f016"; }
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Replace the modules/boonex/pages/classes/BxPagesCalendar.php with the attached version. This fixes a language key problem with the pages calendar.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Latest zip with all fixes My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
For the icon the forum removed the back slash before the f .sys-icon.page:before { content: "f016"; }
why does forum allow / slash but not back slash ?
happy thoughts
groups = pages
Groups = Pages
search and replace all but make sure to make the search/replace case specific.
I believe an example would be going through the whole module and renaming the word 'groups' or 'groups' to 'page' or 'pages'.. in a nutshell..

What did you guys use for an Icon as none of the icons are showing up for me for this fantastic mod.
I see there is page in the slots but it does not appear. Did it appear for you?
Line 417
INSERT INTO `sys_stat_site` VALUES(NULL, 'bx_pages', 'bx_pages', 'modules/?r=pages/browse/recent', 'SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `[db_prefix]main` WHERE `status`=''approved''', 'modules/?r=pages/administration', 'SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `[db_prefix]main` WHERE `status`=''pending''', 'group', @iStatSiteOrder);
Or if you prefer, put file instead of group. |
groups = pages
Groups = Pages
search and replace all but make sure to make the search/replace case specific.
I believe an example would be going through the whole module and renaming the word 'groups' or 'groups' to 'page' or 'pages'.. in a nutshell..
That's only a start. There's a lot of other things that need to be renamed to avoid problems with concurrent installations of the original module. BTW... searching for 'groups' will miss instances of 'group' that need to be renamed.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
This is correct and was removed by the forum for just being what it is...
It appears the forum removes a very important aspect of this repair...WHY?
.sys-icon.page:before { content: "f016"; }
Thanks again HL for this repair indeed replaced the icons in "Stat Box" and more important the "Outline"
Csampson |
Line 5
<div class="wall-event-circle"><i class="sys-icon file"></i></div>
Line 5
<div class="wall-event-circle"><i class="sys-icon file"></i></div>
Line 5
<div class="wall-event-circle"><i class="sys-icon file"></i></div>
Line 5
<div class="wall-event-circle"><i class="sys-icon file"></i></div>
I appreciate you trying to help, but posting code here is only going to confuse people. If you have suggestion for code changes, send then to me via PM. BTW... renaming the class to 'sys-icon file' really doesn't make any sense.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Let me clarify that last comment.... I really want to use a unique icon for this module, and at first glance I didn't see any font awesone icons that seemed appropriate. I'd like to keep the class "sys-icon file" as-is, and probably add the css to the module itself, and It may not be a font awesome icon. This is one of those little things that would be solved if this were a boonex standard module, because then the css for a unique class could be included in the source files, and not added to icons.css as I did. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |