Do you know any free template ? or how to change background coloe of the default template? And When i find a template how will i install it to the template folder? Please help thanks. I have searched forums but i couldnt find any exact answer.. |
You can change te background color into your CSS files. Go to admin- css settings. You need to look into the general.css. Kids first |
ok thanks but which line should i change to change the background? |
In general.css, body (tmpl_uni by default has a background image) Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine. |
Hi to change the background colour you need the general.css file and change line 123 I think it is
,main ( position: relative; width: 960x; border: 1px solid ~999; background-color: FFFFFF
Change the FFFFFF to what ever code you want
A useful link if you dont know the hex values is http://www.guistuff.com/tools/css/colorhex.htm just click on a colour and it will give you the code you can then insert that code into your css file and that should sort the background out for you
Gd luck |
@ Swiss Michael
changing the default image in the general.css file allows you to use an image as a background
See above if you want to just have a block of colour
Thanks you guys. It helped. Now i can change background color by replacing bogy_backgr.gif in /images . |
@ meetingpoint
Thank you for your advice ;-) Please visit this link: http://www.expertzzz.com/Downloadz/view/4454 ;-) Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine. |
In general.css, body (tmpl_uni by default has a background image)
Which picture is it? I found the Background image, but my communty shows a white background instead of a grey background as here, e.g. |
Do you know any free template ? or how to change background coloe of the default template? And When i find a template how will i install it to the template folder? Please help thanks. I have searched forums but i couldnt find any exact answer..
I actualy found a nice free dolphin template at www.flashdaweb.com/blog/2007/10/25/dreamline-free-dolphin-v6-template.html Its a sleek black thing for all versions of dolphin. ive not used it as ive just spent many hours customizing the uni, but its there if anybody wants to look. Follow the links around and you will find it for the newer versions something like www.flashdaweb.com/resources/dolphin/dreamline-dolphin/ I hope the link works as ive just had to type that... This firefox is really getting on my nerves with the copy and paste thing.... Argggggggggggg LOL regards tyke |
Do you know any free template ? or how to change background coloe of the default template? And When i find a template how will i install it to the template folder? Please help thanks. I have searched forums but i couldnt find any exact answer..
I actualy found a nice free dolphin template at www.flashdaweb.com/blog/2007/10/25/dreamline-free-dolphin-v6-template.html Its a sleek black thing for all versions of dolphin. ive not used it as ive just spent many hours customizing the uni, but its there if anybody wants to look. Follow the links around and you will find it for the newer versions something like www.flashdaweb.com/resources/dolphin/dreamline-dolphin/ I hope the link works as ive just had to type that... This firefox is really getting on my nerves with the copy and paste thing.... Argggggggggggg LOL regards tyke Weeeeeelllll ..... FREE ..... but with strings attached. It's only really free to do with as you please as long as their logo or copyright or whatever stays in place. I think most people who are building a real community aren't looking to have links and such from all sorts of third parties which makes their own community seem like less of an individual project. For removal of such items from this aforementioned "free" template you have to pay 20.00 USD. For that price (and less) , there are actually quite a few offerings available right here: . Greetings from Germany |