Friend Finder 1.0 from AntonLV

Hello everybody.
This is a support forum for our Friend Finder 1.0 module.
If you have some questions or suggestions regarding it feel free to post them here or contact us directly.
Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 1 Feb 2012

1 thing I have noticed about Dolphin when dealing with profiles is every developer seems to ignore privacy settings.  When a member is set ot private, they want to be private.  So...

In this mod, the following file AqbFfDb.php around line 45 I changed it so NO private profiles will be shown


            WHERE `tf2`.`Check`='1' AND `tp`.`ID` NOT IN ('" . $iId . "', '" . implode("', '", $aResult) . "')";                       

I changed to ...

  WHERE `tf2`.`Check`='1' AND `tp`.`allow_view_to` <> '2' AND `tp`.`ID` NOT IN ('" . $iId . "', '" . implode("', '", $aResult) . "')";                       


I have done this on ANY modules or mods that access profiles and it makes ANY profile that is private, hidden.

I hope you incorporate this to keep private profiles private.  ;)

Thanks for your time.
Quote · 13 Apr 2012


It was created in the same way as default Profile's Friends checker in Dolphin. Moreover:

1. By default Dolphin doesn't check privacy settings displaying thumbnails, because correct checking via BxDolPrivacy class may add unnecessary server loading. Also allow_view_to field from Profiles table associated with the Profile page and not with profile's thumbnail. 

2. If you take a look at default Dolphin's Browse page you may find members who marked their Profile pages as "Me Only", but they are displayed in the search results. However if you try to view the profile page you won't be able to see it because the page is marked as private.

I think in your variant Dolphin should have additional privacy setting for the WHOLE profile, which should controll the visibility in all places (TOP lists, Search results, etc), the access via Mailbox and so on. 

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 13 Apr 2012

I can see where you are coming from there, my thought is, if I am private, no one should see me unless I want them to.  :D
Quote · 25 May 2012

So I have noticed (now that I am paying attention) that I am getting duplicate profiles recommended in friend finder (see attached image)

This particular profile has 3 friends (admin, supergoddess, talitiana).

admin is friend with everyone.

supergoddess is friends with everyone that is doubled on the screen.

tatiliana is friends with none of them.

I hope this helps!


friend finder.png · 214.3K · 542 views
Quote · 25 May 2012


So I have noticed (now that I am paying attention) that I am getting duplicate profiles recommended in friend finder (see attached image)

This particular profile has 3 friends (admin, supergoddess, talitiana).

admin is friend with everyone.

supergoddess is friends with everyone that is doubled on the screen.

tatiliana is friends with none of them.

I hope this helps!


Yes, I see the issue and fix it ASAP.

Thank you very much for the report.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 25 May 2012


So I have noticed (now that I am paying attention) that I am getting duplicate profiles recommended in friend finder (see attached image)

This particular profile has 3 friends (admin, supergoddess, talitiana).

admin is friend with everyone.

supergoddess is friends with everyone that is doubled on the screen.

tatiliana is friends with none of them.

I hope this helps!


 The issue was fixed and the product was updated.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 28 May 2012

Thanks!  That works!  :)

I did spruce it up a bit...


I am sorting it by Avatar (so people with no avatars appear last), then alphabetical by nickname


        $sSql = "...Other code here.... after the )  and before the ";  add the green lines

 ORDER BY `tp`.`Avatar` DESC ,`tp`.`NickName`
Quote · 31 May 2012


Thanks!  That works!  :)

I did spruce it up a bit...


I am sorting it by Avatar (so people with no avatars appear last), then alphabetical by nickname


        $sSql = "...Other code here.... after the )  and before the ";  add the green lines

 ORDER BY `tp`.`Avatar` DESC ,`tp`.`NickName`


Thank you for the suggestion. We appreciate it.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 1 Jun 2012

Hello everybody.
The module was updated. It's available for Dolphin 7.1 now.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 7 Nov 2012

Is this module based only on mutual friends or can be extended to show profiles based on match percentage

Quote · 11 Sep 2017


Is this module based only on mutual friends or can be extended to show profiles based on match percentage

By default the module is based on mutual friends only.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 11 Sep 2017

when clicked on view all in people you may know block it is leading to url

how to change aqb_friend_finder to mutual friends in above url

Quote · 4 Jan 2018


when clicked on view all in people you may know block it is leading to url

how to change aqb_friend_finder to mutual friends in above url

'aqb_friend_finder' is unique module's URI which is defined in install/config.php file and is used in different SQL scripts and PHP files inside the module. If you want to change it you need to uninstall module first and then replace all appearances of aqb_friend_finder with mutual_friends or any other you need. Note, the URI should be unique on your site.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 4 Jan 2018

 Thank you.


when clicked on view all in people you may know block it is leading to url

how to change aqb_friend_finder to mutual friends in above url

'aqb_friend_finder' is unique module's URI which is defined in install/config.php file and is used in different SQL scripts and PHP files inside the module. If you want to change it you need to uninstall module first and then replace all appearances of aqb_friend_finder with mutual_friends or any other you need. Note, the URI should be unique on your site.


Quote · 5 Jan 2018


 Thank you.


when clicked on view all in people you may know block it is leading to url

how to change aqb_friend_finder to mutual friends in above url

'aqb_friend_finder' is unique module's URI which is defined in install/config.php file and is used in different SQL scripts and PHP files inside the module. If you want to change it you need to uninstall module first and then replace all appearances of aqb_friend_finder with mutual_friends or any other you need. Note, the URI should be unique on your site.


You are welcome! :) 

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 8 Jan 2018

There are four instances of aqb_friend_finder, in which one is aqb_friend_finder_list.

I have replaced all four with mutual_friends

Then only it is working. If I skip aqb_friend_finder_list, the webpage   www........./m/mutual_friends is not showing any profiles.


Quote · 16 Jan 2018


There are four instances of aqb_friend_finder, in which one is aqb_friend_finder_list.

I have replaced all four with mutual_friends. 

Then only it is working. If I skip aqb_friend_finder_list, the webpage   www........./m/mutual_friends is not showing any profiles.


The problem appears because install/sql/install.sql file has constructions like the following

SET @sPluginName = 'aqb_friend_finder';
CONCAT(@sPluginName, '_list')

If you don't replace aqb_friend_finder_list with mutual_friends_list then the page with profiles cannot be generated correctly.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 16 Jan 2018
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.