I finally got to downloading DU and after uploading and extracting, I am beginning my quest.
First things first. when going to domain, I am greeted with a message indicating that my server may not meet requirements. I do like this addition, as I can see right away whether or not I can even run DU. 
Now, after clicking Server Audit, I am slightly confused:
- version = 5.4.26 - WARNING(your version is probably outdated, upgrade to the latest 5.6.0 maybe required)
I need to find a way to apply php 5.6 to just this cPanel account
- php module: oauth - WARNING(should be module oauth)
This was easily resolved by installing the PHP Pecl oauth package by using the module installer in my WHM(web host manager)
Next, I entered all of the pertinent data regarding site name, database, and all that stuff. Then created my cron job. Next, deleted the install folder. And then it got retarded again. I clicked the link to go to the Studio, and all hell broke loose. Am stuck at this point.
Any help would be appreciated
caredesign.net |
All you need is a simple php.ini adjustment to shut off the depreciated messages.
Or edit inc/header.inc.php and find this.
And change it to this.
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT); https://www.deanbassett.com |
thanks Deano - but what exactly is that error, and can/will it affect other things within the site. I would really like to have a project with no errors, so is this error something that can be easily resolved?
Edit - well, I did another fresh install and all went well. Wonder what caused the issue the first time.
caredesign.net |
OK, now that I have things working - WTFlip!!!!!!!!!!. While I kind of like the basic layout of the template (and I know this is not really an important factor) the structure is rather overwhelming. I feel like I have to learn a new ay to develop a site. It was very confusing figuring out just the basic step of creating a new account. Which leads to my first big gripe - what happened to the days of having a base homepage with a bit of sample content. This "you have not created a profile" deal is totally whack in my opinion. When I go to the homepage, I am not expecting the create profile. I am looking for a basic homepage that can help me generate my ideas into actuality.
Since it is getting late for me and I have work early in the morning, I am not going to be able to play any more with DU tonight. But before I go, I will say that I do like the added type of page blocks. Too bad they couldn'y just add things like that to D7 and make it better. But I do understand that sometimes you have to start all over in order to make a better product.
Edit: OK, I spent a few more minutes. WOW. I really like the way the page builder (called Pages in DU) is on DU. The added ability of choosing different page layouts, the ability to add seo content to specific pages, as well as the ability to choose block visibility by membership levels (integrated page access control). (Now just need the ablity to add seo info to specific blocks - hmmm)
OOH. If this is just the beginning and the developers continue on this path, there may not be much room for 3rd party modules. At least not a whole bunch of them. If this is any indication of how they are going to implement existing modules into DU we may lose a lot of developers. I hope that does not happen, but as for the page builder   and a thumbs up.
caredesign.net |
So at what point is Boonex going to start addressing php deprecation in the Dolphin code? It should be addressed now, not years from now. And the same goes for Dolphin 7. Geeks, making the world a better place |
So at what point is Boonex going to start addressing php deprecation in the Dolphin code? It should be addressed now, not years from now. And the same goes for Dolphin 7.
They have to some extent.
Your statement suggest they just jump to the latest and greatest version of php and not use any code from older versions. Well they can't exactly do that otherwise dolphin will only run on servers that have the latest version.
There is such a thing as backwards compatibility.
I don't even run the latest of any software on my servers. In other words, when i download a distro of Linux, upgrading Apache, php and everything else to the latest's version is not what i do. I install any patches, but i do not upgrade it. I stick to the versions that shipped with the distro.
Upgrading everything may be what you do, but it's not what most people do. And it's not what most service providers do.
So. The proper thing for dolphin to do is support the majority. Not the few people that insist on upgrading all the software on the server to the latest versions.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
I really like the way the page builder (called Pages in DU) is on DU. The added ability of choosing different page layouts, the ability to add seo content to specific pages, as well as the ability to choose block visibility by membership levels (integrated page access control).
That is my favorite part as well.
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
All you need is a simple php.ini adjustment to shut off the depreciated messages.
Or edit inc/header.inc.php and find this.
And change it to this.
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT);
I try to install this new dolphin, but i cant mke nest step, because i get this error:
Your hosting doesn't meet minimal requirements:
- disable_functions = show_source, system, passthru, popen, proc_open -FAIL(must be = )
I try this header.inc.php solutions, but no help. What i need to do and how, that i can go to next step.
Just realized that I gotr the error when trying to use php 5.5, when went back to 5.4 all went well. So - if 5.5 has issues, what is the benefit of 5.6 - which is not even available on my EasyApache setup? caredesign.net |
disable_functions = show_source, system, passthru, popen, proc_open -FAIL(must be = ) I try this header.inc.php solutions, but no help. What i need to do and how, that i can go to next step.
You will find that in your php.ini settings, not in the site files.
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
Just realized that I gotr the error when trying to use php 5.5, when went back to 5.4 all went well. So - if 5.5 has issues, what is the benefit of 5.6 - which is not even available on my EasyApache setup?
PHP 6.6.0 was just released last month. http://php.net/archive/2014.php#id2014-08-28-1
It's mostly feature improvements and some new features. There are no benefits unless dolphin uses those new features, which it will not. As i mentioned somewhere else, dolphin has to support the majority, not the few that insist on running the latest versions of everything. So this means that dolphin will be written using functions that are used and supported in all of the common php versions and will avoid using 5.6 specific functions that will render dolphin un-usable on older versions of php.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
There is such a thing as backwards compatibility.
Backward compatibility has also killed a lot of products. Microsoft finally got that and stopped trying to put DOS into Windows. Windows 8 is not compatible with a lot of old software. Apple got it as well when they moved to a Unix based OS; it meant that a lot of old software was left in the cold. Users had to upgrade hardware as well. If Dolphin U means that webmasters have to upgrade then that is what has to be done. We have been having to upgrade for a lot of products over the years, it is just the way it is if we want to move forward.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
which version of php dolphin U is using..??
also is it using html5 and css3 ??
For me - on my server - I attempted to use php 5.5 and got the errors I posted earlier. After switching back to 5.4, everything is working well so far. As Deano (I believe) stated in another post, there is a post somewhere that AlexT responded regarding the PHP versions, but I do not know where that post is. caredesign.net |
disable_functions = show_source, system, passthru, popen, proc_open -FAIL(must be = ) I try this header.inc.php solutions, but no help. What i need to do and how, that i can go to next step.
You will find that in your php.ini settings, not in the site files.
And what i need to do there. I dont have php.ini in my hosting, i use shared hosting.
So at what point is Boonex going to start addressing php deprecation in the Dolphin code? It should be addressed now, not years from now. And the same goes for Dolphin 7.
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