He thinks this is a replacement for the NickName field - Stewart, there is another mod that does this, but I have defined a special field called "full_name" that is separate from the NickName field.
Ottar, Just tried to send you this my private message but it was too long. This is displaying the word "full_name" on my browse.php link, rather than the actual full name: http://caltrade.com/members/browse.php
I have made other changes to browse.php, so it is possible this is something I did- would you mind taking a look.
Thank you
* Dolphin Smart Community Builder
* -----------------
* begin : Mon Mar 23 2006
* copyright : (C) 2006 BoonEx Group
* website : http://www.boonex.com/
* This file is part of Dolphin - Smart Community Builder
* Dolphin is free software. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
* http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
* Dolphin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License along with Dolphin,
* see license.txt file; if not, write to marketing@boonex.com
require_once( 'inc/header.inc.php' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . 'design.inc.php' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . 'profiles.inc.php' );
$_page['name_index'] = 60;
$_page['header'] = _t("_Browse Profiles", $site['title']);
$_page['header_text'] = _t("_Browse Profiles");
$_page['css_name'] = 'browse.css';
// ================================================ parse variables ================
// =================================================================================
foreach( $_GET as $key => $value )
if ( 'sex' == substr($key,0,3) )
$sex_sel .= $value . ',';
else if ( 'country' == $key )
$country_sel = $value;
else if ( 'age' == substr($key,0,3) )
if ( 'start' == substr($key,4) )
$age_start_sel = (int)$value;
if ( 'end' == substr($key,4) )
$age_end_sel = (int)$value;
else if ( 'online_only' == $key )
$onl_only = 'on';
else if ( 'photo_only' == $key )
$pic_only = 'on';
// =================================================================================
// =================================================================================
$_ni = $_page['name_index'];
$_page_cont[$_ni]['page_main_code'] = PageCompPageMainCode();
function PageCompPageMainCode()
global $sex_sel;
global $country_sel;
global $age_start_sel;
global $age_end_sel;
global $onl_only;
global $pic_only;
global $site;
global $p_num;
global $page;
global $pages_num;
global $p_per_page;
global $page_first_p;
global $pages_num;
global $search_start_age;
global $search_end_age;
global $max_thumb_width;
global $max_thumb_height;
$sex_options = makeCheckbox( 'sex', 'Sex', ( $sex_sel ? $sex_sel : 'male,female' ) );
$country_options = makeList( 'country', '' , 'Country', ( $country_sel ? $country_sel : 'all' ), 'onchange="javascript: flagImage = document.getElementById(\'flagImageId\'); if (this.value == \'all\') {flagImage.src = \''. $site['images'] .'spacer.gif\';} else {flagImage.src = \''. $site['flags'] .'\' + this.value.toLowerCase() + \'.gif\';}"' );
$age_start_sel = $age_start_sel ? $age_start_sel : $search_start_age;
$age_end_sel = $age_end_sel ? $age_end_sel : $search_end_age;
$age_option_start = makeList( 'age_start', "{$search_start_age}-{$search_end_age}", '', $age_start_sel);
$age_option_end = makeList( 'age_end', "{$search_start_age}-{$search_end_age}", '', $age_end_sel);
$photo_only_check = '<input type="checkbox" name="photo_only" id="photo_only_id" ' . ( $pic_only ? 'checked="checked"' : '' ) . ' /><label for="photo_only_id"><b>' . _t('_With photos only') . '</b></label>';
$online_only_check = '<input type="checkbox" name="online_only" id="online_only_id" ' . ( $onl_only ? 'checked="checked"' : '' ) . ' /><label for="online_only_id"><b>' . _t('_online only') . '</b></label>';
$country_def_flag = strlen($country_sel) == 0 || $country_sel == 'all' ? $site['images'].'spacer.gif' : $site['flags'] . strtolower($country_sel).'.gif';
// $ret = '
// <form id="browse_form" action="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '" method="get">
// <div class="browse_form_wrapper">
// <div class="browse_form_row">
// <div class="clear_both"></div>
// <div class="label">' . _t('_Sex') . ':</div>
// <div class="value">' . $sex_options .'</div>
// <div class="clear_both"></div>
// </div>
// <div class="browse_form_row">
// <div class="clear_both"></div>
// <div class="label">' . _t('_DateOfBirth') . ':</div>
// <div class="value">' .
// _t("_from") . ' ' . $age_option_start . ' ' . _t("_to") . ' ' . $age_option_end .
// '</div>
// <div class="clear_both"></div>
// </div>
// <div class="browse_form_row">
// <div class="clear_both"></div>
// <div class="label">' . _t('_Country') . ':</div>'.
// '<div class="value">' .
// $country_options .' <img id="flagImageId" src="'. $country_def_flag .'" alt="flag" />
// </div>
// <div class="clear_both"></div>
// </div>
// <div class="only">
// ' . $photo_only_check . '
// ' . $online_only_check . '
// </div>
// <div class="submit">
// <input id="search" name="search" type="submit" value="'. _t('_Show') .'" />
// </div>
// </div>
// </form>
// ';
//----------------------- search results -------------------------------------------------
$page = (int)$_GET[page];
$p_per_page = (int)$_GET[p_per_page];
$aVar = array(30,60,90);
if ( !$page )
$page = 1;
if ( !$p_per_page )
$p_per_page = 30;
$real_first_p = (int)($page - 1) * $p_per_page;
$page_first_p = $real_first_p + 1;
$temp_arr = explode(',', $sex_sel);
foreach ( $temp_arr as $value )
if ( $value ) {
$value = process_db_input( $value );
$sex_add .= " `Sex` = '$value' OR ";
if ( $country_sel && 'all' != $country_sel ) {
$country_sel = process_db_input( $country_sel );
$country_add = " `Country` = '{$country_sel}' AND ";
if ( $age_start_sel )
//$age_add .= " ( (YEAR(NOW()) - {$age_start_sel}) >= YEAR(`DateofBirth`) ) AND ";
$age_add .= " DATEDIFF( NOW(), `Profiles`.`DateOfBirth` ) >= ". ($age_start_sel * 365.25) ." AND ";
if ( $age_end_sel )
//$age_add .= " ( (YEAR(NOW()) - {$age_end_sel}) <= YEAR(`DateofBirth`) ) AND ";
$age_add .= " DATEDIFF( NOW(), `Profiles`.`DateOfBirth` ) <= " . ($age_end_sel * 365.25) . " AND ";
if ( $pic_only )
$pic_add = " AND `PrimPhoto` <> '0' ";
if ( $onl_only )
$onl_add = " AND (DateLastNav > SUBDATE(NOW(), INTERVAL " . getParam( "member_online_time" ) . " MINUTE)) ";
$sex_add = $sex_add ? '(' . $sex_add . ' 1=0 ) AND ' : '';
$age_add = $age_add ? '(' . $age_add . ' 1=1 )' : '';
$sql_add = $sex_add . $country_add . $age_add . $pic_add . $onl_add . " AND (`Profiles`.`Couple`='0' OR `Profiles`.`Couple`>`Profiles`.`ID`)";
$p_num = db_arr( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `Profiles` WHERE {$sql_add} AND `Profiles`.`Status` = 'Active'" );
$p_num = $p_num[0];
$pages_num = ceil( $p_num / $p_per_page );
$profiles_list_query = "SELECT `ID`, `NickName`, `Sex`, `DateOfBirth`, 'full_name', `Couple` FROM `Profiles` WHERE {$sql_add} AND `Profiles`.`Status`='Active' ORDER BY `Couple` ASC, `Picture` DESC LIMIT {$real_first_p}, {$p_per_page}";
$function = '
$ret = \'?\';
foreach ( $_GET as $key => $value )
if ( $value )
$ret .= $key . \'=\' . $value . \'&\';
return $ret;
$ret .= '<div id="container_result" style="border: 0px solid #000000">';
$ret .= '<div style="margin-bottom:10px;"><center>' . ResNavigationRet( 'ProfilesUpper', 0, $function, $aVar ) . '</center></div>';
if ( $p_num > 0)
$res = db_res( $profiles_list_query );
$iI = 1;
while ( $arr = mysql_fetch_array( $res ) )
//$user_is_online = get_user_online_status($arr['ID']);
$iNewWidth = 0;
if (isset($arr['Couple']) && $arr['Couple'] > 0) {
$iMaxThumbWidth = getParam('max_thumb_width');
$iNewWidth = 2 * ( $iMaxThumbWidth + 10 + 2 ) ;
//$templ = str_replace ( "__ext_st__", 'style="width:' . $iNewWidth . 'px;"', $templ );
} else {
$iMaxThumbWidth = getParam('max_thumb_width');
$iNewWidth = 1 * ( $iMaxThumbWidth +12 ) ;
//$templ = str_replace ( "__ext_st__", 'style="width:' . $iNewWidth . 'px;"', $templ );
$sWidthStyle = ($iNewWidth>0) ? 'style="width:'.$iNewWidth.'px;"' : '';
$cont = '<div class="browse_thumb" '.$sWidthStyle.'>';
//$cont .= getProfileOnlineStatus( $user_is_online ) . get_member_thumbnail($arr['ID'], 'none' ) . '<div class="browse_nick"><a href="' . getProfileLink($arr['ID']) . '">' . $arr['NickName'] . '</a></div></div>';
$cont .= get_member_thumbnail($arr['ID'], 'none', true ) . '<div class="browse_nick"><a href="' . getProfileLink($arr['ID']) . '">' . $arr['full_name'] . '</a></div></div>';
$ret .= $cont;
if( $iI > 6 )
$iI = 1;
$ret .= '<div class="no_result">';
$ret .= '<div>' . _t('_No results found') . '</div>';
$ret .= '</div>';
$ret .= '<div style="clear:both;margin-top:10px;"><center>' . ResNavigationRet( 'ProfilesLower', 0, $function, $aVar ) . '</center></div>';
$ret .= '</div>';
return $ret;
function makeCheckbox( $name, $sField, $sSelected ) {
$arr = getFieldValues( $sField );
$aSelected = explode(',', $sSelected);
$ret = '';
foreach ( $arr as $value => $lang_v ) {
$sel = ( in_array($value, $aSelected) ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
$ret .= "
<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"{$name}_{$value}\" id=\"{$name}_{$value}\" value=\"{$value}\" $sel />
<label for=\"{$name}_{$value}\">" . _t($lang_v) . '</label>
return $ret;
function makeList( $name, $digit_range, $sField, $selected='', $js='' )
$ret = '';
$ret .= "<select id=\"$name\" name=\"$name\" $js>";
if ( $digit_range )
list($a, $b) = preg_split( "/[\.,\-]/", $digit_range);
for ( $i = $a; $i <= $b; $i++ )
if ( $selected && $selected == $i )
$sel = "selected=\"selected\"";
$sel = '';
$ret .= "<option value=\"$i\" $sel>$i</option>";
elseif ( $sField )
$arr = getFieldValues( $sField );
$arr = array_merge( array('all' => '__All'), $arr);
foreach ( $arr as $key => $value )
if ( $selected == $key )
$sel = "selected=\"selected\"";
$sel = '';
$ret .= "<option value=\"$key\" $sel>". _t($value) ."</option>";
return false;
$ret .= '</select>';
return $ret;