Does anyone know how to change the "sex" field to only allow the user to select the opposite gender? I don't want women searching for women and vice versa. My site is a christian site. Any help would be much appreciated.
Does anyone know how to change the "sex" field to only allow the user to select the opposite gender? I don't want women searching for women and vice versa. My site is a christian site. Any help would be much appreciated.
Thanks, |
so why would you imply that they are not looking for friends and assume they are looking for a sexual partner? dont sound very christian to me. 12 guys looked for JC, are you implying they where all gay? because they sought him out for sex or to become friends? funny how the church has to dictate who people can be friends with, i'm lesbian by the way, and you are homophobic Very well said Sammie, looking forward to the next episode, LOL |
Damn good point Sammie! |
Sammie, I guess if you were a christian, you would understand. Being gay is a sin. If you want the scripture for that, I would gladly show you. As a christian, I'm not going to support the sin. I'm sorry if I offended you, but I believe that's the truth. I don't sugar coat things. Being gay is just a spirit. I believe you can be born gay, but I also believe you can be delivered from it. |
The question remains... If anyone knows how to update the gender properly, please let me know. Thanks |
People like you give Christianity a bad name rigg - why don't you get lost. |
I'll pray for you too caltrade. |
please don't. |
Add me to your list of people to pray for, I agree with Sammie...
Cheers Paul
p.s. Chelsea are playing Bordeaux tonight in the champions league. Could you also pray for a Chelsea win please? p.p.s. I have put one pound on the national lottery for this weekend. Could you pray that my numbers come up please? |
I give you right Caltrade, I' am not a praticum Christian, but I leave every one his life, of he or she is gay, black, brown yellow or red... you know what I mean. Kids first |
I believe discussing sexual preferences and religious beliefs when the OP was clearly asking for technical support is gay. Do I need to be prayed for? When a user asks a perfectly valid technical question and is told to get lost; this forum is anything but "Unity". Although I am guilty of enjoying Sammie's commentary, it was not at all relevant to answering the OPs original question. As Sammie once tole me..."no information, is better then poor information" (unless it is one Sammie's classic jabs that makes me laugh; then it is always relevant information). ...and as not to point fingers... Yep, this response is just as pointless as the others and offers no technical information to the OP. |
i suppose i can add to the pointless information on here as well. i dont think this script is setup to perform as you are asking, however in light of not being a default function, i do know that it couldnt be terribly difficult to get an if then else statement on the gender. this would require custom programming, and there are many available here who are capable of customizing the source for you. one that comes to my mind is topher, i have seen him do some things on here with code manipulation that i think would interest you. sometimes the questions you ask, may not lead to the answers you are seeking, but you should continue on your trek, until you have satisfied your desires and accomplished your goals. regards, DosDawg When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
Thanks Dos Dawg, and Sruckh. I will look to find someone who can manipulate the script. |
I can not sit silent on this one, I am afraid.... Normally if I say something no matter who to, I try to be diplomatic and helpful no matter what is being asked and if something offends me then I usually just ignore it, I am with Sammie on this one, Why did it have to be pointed out that this will be a christian site and women should not be searching for women...and vice versa.. The support question is valid (you wish to achieve something with your site) but there is no reason to elaborate as to why you wish to achieve this. Sin or no sin, fact or fiction this is not the place to be preaching about anything, christianity or any other group. So you want to provide the scripture that supports this, I would not bother. This is an argument that has existed for centuries and will probably exist till the end of time. However a little bit of interesting reading is provided below: THE BIBLE AND HOMOSEXUALITY People differ greatly in their view of the Bible:
Many conservative Christians believe that certain translations are essentially free of error; e.g. the King James Version and the New International Version. Thus, when they read some of the passages that clearly and unmistakably condemn homosexuality, they are inclined to trust the translators and conclude that God hates homosexuality. Unfortunately, many groups of translators have been heavily biased against certain people, including Witches, gays and lesbians; many have tended to warp their translations accordingly.
Each Bible translation reflects the world view, beliefs and mind sets of its translators. Their personal biases distort their work. There is an additional complexity facing translators: today’s society is very different from that of Biblical times. It is sometimes difficult to find a current English word that closely matches a Hebrew or Greek term. The Bible describes three emotionally close relationships between two people of the same gender. They appear to have progressed well beyond a casual friendship:
Daniel’s relationship appears to have been a committed homosexual partnership; the others may or may not have been sexually active.
Paul was certainly aware of sexual orgies in Pagan temples, including both heterosexual and homosexual encounters. He would have been aware of the practice of male adults keeping a boy for sexual purposes. These may have been the only forms of same gender sex that he knew of. He did not appear to make any references in his writings to consentual, committed homosexual relationships. He probably did not know of any. One should note that Paul also condemned women preaching (1 Cor 14:34) or wearing gold or pearls (1 Tim 2:11). He also accepted and did not condemn the institution of slavery. Many Christians feel that his writings reflect his own prejudices are not a particularly useful guide for ethics and morals in the 20th Century.
One can argue that the ancient Israelites were surrounded by warlike tribes. Their fertility was very important if the group was to survive. The early Christian church was persecuted by the Roman government and by the Jewish religious leaders. Homosexuals tend to have few children; thus their presence would be met with opposition. At the end of the 20th Century, conditions are the exact opposite; we are threatened by our excessive fertility. Perhaps Paul’s criticism of homosexuality is no longer valid, like his various prohibitions against women’s behavior. clubbeyourself |
not as is code alterations needed... I have video tutorials to help you |
If the programmers here can come up with some code that prevents "sin" I will be seriously impressed! |
If the programmers here can come up with some code that prevents "sin" I will be seriously impressed!
I will be banned from all sites that exist in our universe..LOL |
just as i wont reply to any of yours from now on. I doubt that very seriously. I am bound to hit a nerve and you won't possibly be able to refrain. Just admit I am your arch-nemesis and no good hero/villian story was ever told in silence. Besides that, I know deep-down you like me. |
last reply to you, trust me. C'mon, stop it...Now you are just making me blush. |
Most of you are making such a big deal out of a little question.... Grow up. |
"Grow up." Exactly, this is the 21st century. For a Christian you are a bad example. Most of you are making such a big deal out of a little question.... Grow up. There are none so blind as those that will not see. |
I have a good suggestion in case no coders are present to manipulate codes for you, how about displaying a big cross in the index.php so non-christians and evil people will stay away from joining your site. I think displaying an image on the home page is a lot easier than manipulating codes, dont you think? throw in an image of garlics will add functionality. |