Hello everybody!
This is a support forum for our Global Points System 2.0 module.
If you have some questions or suggestions regarding it feel free to post them here or contact us directly.
Related products:
1. Gifts for Points - allows to motivate your members to be more active and earn points on your site.
2. Points Vouchers - allows you to create a "voucher codes" which can be used to get points for free.
3. Points for Store - allows to buy products in store for points.
4. Wallet - buy any products from Cart using points.
Products which allow to use points:
1. Social Inviter - allows to use points as commission sending invitations to FB, Twitter and their join
2. Forced matrix with Affiliate\Referrals system 2.0 - allows to use points as commissions for members' activities
3. Blogs Page Composer - allows to award members with points for blocks creation on their blogs pages
4. Forced Matrix for Affiliate\Referrals System - allows to use points as commissions for members' activities
5. Affiliate\Referrals System - allows to use points as commissions for members' activities
6. Groups Page Composer - allows to award members with points for blocks creation on their groups pages
7. My Account Composer - allows to award members with points for blocks creation on their Account page
8. Profile Composer - allows to award members with points for blocks creation on their profile page
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
If you like to exchange previous version of Global Points System to this new version Global Points System 2.0, you need to pay difference $20.
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
Archive with mod was updated. Several unnecessary files were removed.
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
Version was updated.
Small correction for points update in profile was done.
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
Version was update.
Additional corrections were done for points' actions to prevent members to get points for their own items(photos,video,comments and etc..) when they post comments or rate them.
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
Module was updated and it is availabel for Dolphin 7.1!
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
Is there any possibility to turn off diplaying number of points above the thumbnails? |
Since upgrading to the 7.1.2 and have now noticed that points are not being given to members that were existing prior to upgrade. New members are receiving points. I have checked all settings they are still the same as before. Any solution? Vunderba..... Challenge Yourself to be the Best...... Hosting from Zarconia.net |
Sorry, for such delay. I had missed to subscribe to this theme.
Is there any possibility to turn off diplaying number of points above the thumbnails?
Yes, you need to remove __points__ constant from these both files modules/aqb/points/templates/base/points_profiles_ext.html and modules/aqb/points/templates/base/points_profiles_sim.html. Don't forget to clean change after changes.
Since upgrading to the 7.1.2 and have now noticed that points are not being given to members that were existing prior to upgrade. New members are receiving points. I have checked all settings they are still the same as before. Any solution?
I think you need to check permissions of file in cache folder for old profiles' files. May be their permissions doesn't allow to change them.
If you still have this problem, provide us with site's access info via our private inbox, we will check it.
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
New 1.0.3 version was released. There are several fixes and improvements.
If you want to upgrade and have no changes in default version, just replace current files with new and recompile the cache.
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
Andrew when installing the update, it seems to wipe out all points accured. For example, I had 1400 points accured now I show zero. Fix or thats the way it is? Vunderba..... Challenge Yourself to be the Best...... Hosting from Zarconia.net |
Hello, Itsawhiz!
I can not tell you excatly where is the proflem, I need it.
Provide us please with your ftp and site's admin panel access info via inbox. We will check.
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
I have no idea how members can use points to upgrade to a premium membership level.
I have gone to Global Points System Administration > Memb. Settings
For 'Premium' membership I added 30 points for 30 days.
I thought this would be enough to allow members to pay their upgrade with points.
But then, to test this, i opened a standard account, added 30 points to that account to test system out.
But I can't find how a standard member can use points to upgrade to Premium membership.
Ignore above post. Just had to update module. |
We have updated version, now the latest version is 1.0.4.
Bug with points sum in admin panel and profile info was fixed.
The PRICE on our latest version was DISCOUNTED from $90 to $70.
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
1. Can we integrated your News Premium Modul with your points?
2. Where can we find the Alerts action name and the alerts module name for new modules?
Greetz Rappi
Bezirzer.de, elbrocker.de, tierschutz-community.de |
Hello, Greetz Rappi!
We can send you instructions about how to add new actions to the Dolphin and Points System on email. Provide use please with your private email, we will send you the doc.
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
Module was updated for Dolphin 7.2.
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
If we have the module running on our site, how do we upgrade to the newest version? |
Yes, if you want to update module up the Dolphin 7.2 version, you just need to replace current files with new and recompile the cache. It doesn't require to uninstall/install the module.
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |

First of all you need to create paid membership types in admin panel -> settings -> membership levels.
The go to admin panel -> modules -> global points system -> membership levels add mebership levels for points.
do you mean levels tab ?
can you see attachment ? still nothing.
let me explain to you my members list.
paid membership name : writer
type membership on your module: writer
so its 1 day / 1 $
now after Expires from writer, the membership will downgrade automatically from writer do standard.
now how i can let the member to upgrade by points ? i did your steps but not working.
... |
You try to set points levels, but you just need to set price for already existed membership levels. So, you need to go to Mem. settings area, select membership and set days and price for it in points.
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
wow, i'm still smiling.... 
i'm so professional , when i use boonex 
thnk you
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something i dont get it,
from your module i have 2 type. writer and client.
in paid membership i have . writer and client.
writer 1 : 1day/1$
writer 2 : 5day/3$
writer 3 : 9day/5$
client 1 : 10day/1$
client 2 : 15day/3$
client 3 : 45day/5$
now when you give me your steps its work 100%
but in available membership,,,, its show all of them.
i need writer to see only writer membership only
i need client to see only client membership only

... |
i think you should make it to be create by blocks, you make it all in one block.
now i cant use you other module to help me on this. i need a solution .
... |
Global Points has its own page for membership exchanging and is not integrated to PTS, but we can make it for you. Provide us please with your ftp and admin panel access info via PM, we will add it. Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
... |
Can you please specify, what exactly doesn't work? Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
About the feature: exchange points to money
I want to test the feature as a user.
Can you allocate 5000 points to the test user: aqbtest

Can you offer some picture about:
How to set the ration about us dollars to points?
thanks a lot.
Walter - http://www.ForeignTeacher.com |
You may allocate(assign) points to any member via admin panel -> modules -> points system ->members area. Just click on give points near appropriate member and you will see window below.

Price and limit for exchange, you may set in admin panel -> modules -> points system -> settings
You need to set rate to "Price for exchange point to cache(price in currency for one point) " option and limit to "The minimum number of points to send exchange request (0 - no limit)"
1.png · 59.2K · 629 views Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
It's amazing. points can convert to money.
Suggestion one
Is this module offer an "points records" in the administration area?
As administrator, we need analyze points regularly.
With the feature to export data to excel is perfect.
Suggestions two
If some member's points increased abnormal, Administrator should have an feature to locked his points.
If confirm everything OK, unlock his points again.
Walter - http://www.ForeignTeacher.com |
There is misunderstanding between us.
The user aqbtest don't have 1000 points, I can not test the feature: exchange points to money
I have not bought this module.
Thanks a lot for your time.
Walter - http://www.ForeignTeacher.com |
About Suggestion one: Every 24 hours admin gets report with 10 members who earned the most amount of points and also you may sort members by number of points in admin panel -> members section. Also admin may see each member's points history and remove any record.
About Suggestions two: We have ability which allows to set limit per 24 hours for earned amount of points and also limit for the all period of time. Also you may set limit for each action available for earning points for 24 hours.
About exchange points feature: You may test it on our demo site http://dolphin73.aqbsoft.com/
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
VERY VERY POWERFUL Walter - http://www.ForeignTeacher.com |
In "Global Points System Administration",
"Price For Exchange Point To Cache(Price In Currency For One Point)"
Can I set: 0.009 or 0.008
thanks a lot
Walter - http://www.ForeignTeacher.com |
I already received a mail about this.
Not necessary to answer this post again.
thanks a lot.
In "Global Points System Administration",
"Price For Exchange Point To Cache(Price In Currency For One Point)"
Can I set: 0.009 or 0.008
thanks a lot
Walter - http://www.ForeignTeacher.com |
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
Just picked up your mod. A lot to figure out but I'm sure it'll be well worth it. One thing. We have your full pages mod set and would like the points to be set up for those activities. I noticed it's listed but the points actions are empty. Can you add those in as I assume you've done this before and it's a quick thing for you to do? |
Also, can you better explain how we add actions for particular modules.
For example...
Petitions module from Modzzz shows up but is empty. How do I add points for particular actions.
Another is the OAuth2 which shows up but is empty -- can I award points if user connects to RocketChat which uses Oauth2 in authentication?
You've got me excited in revamping the way I monetize our site and keep members engaged and involved. Just need a little clarification on adding actions and I'll be on it. Please let me know ASAP
And as always, much much thanks for your amazing mods and skills in getting cool customized features into the already versatile and incredible Dolphin platform.
If you see modules with empty actions in Edit actions area, it means these modules are not integrated in points system by default and must be integrated and how to add actions, depends on your requirements. It means you may want to present/deduct points only for certain activities in seom modules.
We can .doc with instructions about how to add new action to any part of the site.
We have sent it on your email.
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
Thanks. Got the doc but I must be missing something as when I create the new actions they aren't triggering points.
Example. I've got the Petitions Mod from Modzzz. I'm doing a test action for creating a petition.
In the code I've found two things relating to "alerts" and it seems Modzzz has implemented alerts but I assume for his own points system. However I've tried integrating using the Uri found in the config.php file which is "petitions" as well as what he indicates in the module php file as well which is "modzzz_petitions"
Attaching SS of where the existing action is. Please let me know what I may be missing/doing wrong. Thanks.
Also, as mentioned in direct message, I would think you would have actions already integrated and shown for your own modules -- namely your awesome Pages suite. I've got the full suite and it appears I'd have to manually add in actions for everything.

Also, can this info for existing alerts be more easily found thru phpadmin? I ask because I checked the sys_alerts database and found that alert referenced above.

If so is there a way for your Points module to simply create an action by default for each and every "alert" already existing in the sys_alert database?
Follow your example you need to use as name of the module modzzz_petitions and as action name any of the next: add, change, delete, mark_as_featured
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
I did that so there must be something else causing actions not to trigger the set point addition/deduction
I messaged you directly to look into this. Thanks.
One thing I think may be missing as a feature (unless I'm missing something) is that someone can go into negative points with no consequences. Here's why this is a huge issue.
The points can be earned or "spent" doing certain actions. A member can earn points by doing actions like commenting or rating or viewing other member's content. That is an awesome way to incentivize better member involvement.
My thoughts on using this module were to also see that points earned could be "spent" for example if member wants to create a page or post an ad. This is already possible since you can make certain actions a negative point. The shortcoming is that say a member has 12 points and I set the "points cost" at 500 points to post an ad. The member is able to post the ad even thought he didn't have enough points to do so. And his balance then shows (in that example) as -488 points.
A definite must is that member can't have negative points. So in that same scenario when member tries to create the ad he gets an error message along the lines of "Sorry, you don't have enough points to complete this. Start earning more points through positive actions or buy the points you need right away." And you would have a link to the buy points page right there.
Again, this is a must in my opinion as it further encourages members to engage in "point earning" activities while also promoting the "buy points" feature whenever they can't complete something due to lack of points.
Maybe you already have this functionality built in and I'm missing something. If not please let us all know how quickly you can get that must-have feature integrated.
See please my comments below:
1) One thing I think may be missing as a feature (unless I'm missing something) is that someone can go into negative points with no consequences. Here's why this is a huge issue.
The main Idea of the Points System to motivate members for activities on the site using points. They may earn some number of points and then spend them on the site or convert to the money. If you need to use it as blocking tool, which blocks all members' activities if they have negative balance, we can do it, but it is not good, because if you close all features, members will not be able to earn points any more and use his/her account. We also have credits module, which allows to close some membership actions for members and make them paid. Members will be able to pay for membership actions with credits which maybe bought for points and spend them on actions.
2) The points can be earned or "spent" doing certain actions. A member can earn points by doing actions like commenting or rating or viewing other member's content. That is an awesome way to incentivize better member involvement. Yes and you may direct users to any module of your site increasing amount of points which member can earn here.
3) My thoughts on using this module were to also see that points earned could be "spent" for example if member wants to create a page or post an ad. This is already possible since you can make certain actions a negative point. The shortcoming is that say a member has 12 points and I set the "points cost" at 500 points to post an ad. The member is able to post the ad even thought he didn't have enough points to do so. And his balance then shows (in that example) as -488 points. It may confuse members in some cases: for example if member gets negative points for logout or uploading photo, which actions to block?
4) A definite must is that member can't have negative points. So in that same scenario when member tries to create the ad he gets an error message along the lines of "Sorry, you don't have enough points to complete this. Start earning more points through positive actions or buy the points you need right away." And you would have a link to the buy points page right there. It is possible, but as modification. If you like to close some activities many changes must be done in the code. Also you may check our credits system, maybe it helps you with it.
5) Again, this is a must in my opinion as it further encourages members to engage in "point earning" activities while also promoting the "buy points" feature whenever they can't complete something due to lack of points. We will think over it.
6) Maybe you already have this functionality built in and I'm missing something. If not please let us all know how quickly you can get that must-have feature integrated. We can discuss it via our support email.
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
About this feature:
Present points – any member can present number of points to other members
Can we control members with which membership level can use it?
Walter - http://www.ForeignTeacher.com |
By default, this option is not connected with membership level, you can only disable/enable it.
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
Firstly this is an amazing mod with huge influence on how effective one can monetize or encourage sustained use and involvement by site members.
Question regarding your Points Mod, is there a way to integrate your profile splitter & membership level splitter better? I ask because the points mod allows you to set up membership to trade for points or automatically set at certain points. However, I don’t see a way to do this based on profile types set up using your awesome mods Profile Splitter and Membership Splitter. This is a problem unless I'm missing something.
As far as I understand you would like to have ability to reward members with a membership level depends on members' profile types when they reach certain number of points. Right?
This feature doesn't exist by default and can be added as modification.
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |