GoDaddy Installation (I know, I know...)

Due to issues out of my control, I'm stuck with GoDaddy. Was wondering if anyone had successfully installed Dolphin. Would love to use it, but if I can't, I can't....

Quote · 23 Jul 2008

Shared, Dedicated or VPS w/ GoDaddy?

Quote · 24 Jul 2008

If you're using a Godaddy shared hosting account you are out of luck... it's possible on a VPS or Dedicated from Godaddy but it isn't easy.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 24 Jul 2008

Yeah... it's shared hosting.

Ah well. I hate to make anyone pimp the competition, but any other suggestions for open source social networking? If not, then just ignore me, and thanks for your time :)

Quote · 24 Jul 2008

It works okay on GoDaddy Shared hosting. I ran it for about 6 months then went to a vds for performance. Try it and pm me if you need help.

Quote · 24 Jul 2008

I just wanted to let everyone know that I had the same problem on godaddy, but I did some research and found that if you put these two statements into the .htaccess file in the root of your site it works fine after that.


AddHandler x-httpd-php5 .php

AddHandler x-httpd-php .php4

I couldn't believe thats all that it was. Right after I put that in the .htaccess file it work flawless. I hope this helps everyone out there.
Quote · 24 Dec 2008

I also have a shared Godaddy hosting account and was getting frustrated after I downloaded and then uploaded a million folders and files for Dolphin.    I installed this within the .htaccess file and it came up in my browser!

AddHandler x-httpd-php5 .php

AddHandler x-httpd-php .php4

I was recieving this information after uploading within my browser:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mb_internal_encoding() in /home/content/j/l/y/jlyskowinski/html/mycommunity/install/index.php on line 541


Quote · 1 Mar 2009

How is the performance on Godaddy shared?  Does it load acceptably?

Quote · 2 Mar 2009

I have just started helping someone with a site installed at Godaddy, and so far it seems to be running acceptably.  I've just run into the 2MB file upload limit though - does anyone know if I have access to the php.ini file?  It is a shared server account.  If not, is there any other way to up that limit so bigger video files can be uploaded?  Any other issues with Godaddy I shoulk know about?



Quote · 7 Mar 2009

Godaddy is just fine

and if you are on the grid hosting plan that's a +

the php.ini should be in your root :)

Quote · 7 Mar 2009

I am using an unlimited  shared godaddy account. The load can be a little slow for my liking. I will be swithcing one of these days I like the support their so I might just swith to one of thier VPS.

As for the php.ini well that one I cant understand myself. Every time I change my file it cuts my upload from 8m to two.

I want to change it 30m but for whatever reason if I make any changes to the file I end back down to 2m.

I opend a support ticked today, I will let you know what they say to me when I get an answer

Quote · 7 Mar 2009


I am using an unlimited  shared godaddy account. The load can be a little slow for my liking. I will be swithcing one of these days I like the support their so I might just swith to one of thier VPS.


As for the php.ini well that one I cant understand myself. Every time I change my file it cuts my upload from 8m to two.

I want to change it 30m but for whatever reason if I make any changes to the file I end back down to 2m.

I opend a support ticked today, I will let you know what they say to me when I get an answer

 The answer will be simple.  The php.ini settings they have in the root directory will not allow you to override them with an .htaccess file. 

Quote · 8 Mar 2009

i had the same issue with them just keep e-mailing them till you get it working
here's a replay from godaddy to me

Thank you for contacting online support.  

First, your .htaccess file that you place in your root directory will take precedence over any other apache settings.  Your .htaccess settings will not be over written by apache settings.  Second, the exec() command is not disabled within PHP 5.   Third, Yes our PHP is running in CGI mode.  If you are not using php 5 then this option will be disabled and is not able to be enabled.

this info might help some of you out there who are hosting with godaddy :))

Quote · 8 Mar 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.