Good day,
I am trying to set up my groups page so they have a hierarchy. I currently have Modzzz's premium groups on 7.3.3 but I believe this may be out of the scope of that mod.
I would like to set it up by country/state/city where each subgroup would be dependent on the previous. Thus USA/Arkansas/Springfield and USA/Kentucky/Springfield would not bring me to the same page.
I was considering AntonLV's dependency fields module but see in this thread that it does not work in groups without modification.
Any recommendations?
If I did get the dependency fields module where would I need to modify? I am pretty new to php and not used to digging around the code yet.
Thanks in advance.
Hi @Dureck, Just a word of warning. Dolphin is a combination of several languages and the PHP they use is very difficult to follow. Unless you have a very good knowledge, you will probably continue to struggle as I do, even though some rare bits of it do make sense to me.
I was interested in this bit:
I would like to set it up by country/state/city where each subgroup would be dependent on the previous. Thus USA/Arkansas/Springfield and USA/Kentucky/Springfield would not bring me to the same page.
I have Modzzz Premium Groups and I would have thought that anyone filling out the search box correctly would be taken to the area they want. I actually haven't tried it, but like the USA, Australia has cities with the same name in different states. If someone types in Arkansas/Springfield and gets Kentucky/Springfield as well, It's a problem with the search routine. Modzzz is an approachable person so he should be able to fix that for you if it's actually broken.
Thanks, I have not asked Modzzz yet. However I do not think his module is broken, merely something that is not in it. I will send him a message. |
johnk42 I just reread your post. What I was getting at with the same name was the two paths create two groups with seperate ID's. Not the search function per se.
USA>Arkensas>Springfield = group ID 95756
USA>Kentucky>Springfield = group ID 95873
2 seperate groups named Springfield.
Sorry @Dureck, I'm lost.
For starters, I'm wondering why you're concerning yourself with ID's. I've been playing with Dolphin for years and ID's have never crossed my path before - ever.
If you create a bowls club group in USA/Arkansas/Springfield and another similar group in USA/Kentucky/Springfield , both are completely separate groups which can easily be found by entering in the correct search criteria.
If you're not doing a search, but looking for groups from the groups home page, no sorting is done. You can click categories to begin sorting or you can do a search, which is obviously best.
Incidentally, the search box (image) is in the standard Dolphin module so it has nix to do with Modzzz. I tested it on a new test site with bowls culbs in NSW and VIC, both in the city of Burwood.
By leaving "State" blank I was presented with both groups, but by entering either state, the single group for that state appeared. Thus, everything seems to be exactly as you want it, unless I'm not reading your question correctly.
I don't want to create a group in that city. I want the Country, State, and City to be a group.
United States -group
Arkansas - group
Springfield - group
Kentucky - group
Springfield - group
People in the same city will be able to post to the timeline. People in the same state will be able to post to the States timeline.
I can create a group categories for Country, State, City. But I can not create two Springfield groups in the City category.
By creating a group hierarchy, similar to windows folders system, this will be achievable.
Unless there is something I am missing.
For what you want I would contact Modzzz and be very detailed in what you want to accomplish. Modzzz does charge for custom work. Geeks, making the world a better place |
As for understanding the Dolphin code, it has very specific functions and classes that one must first learn. For instance, the service class and alerts system. Play with the blog tutorial and do some reading and searching and you will get a better understanding. Geeks, making the world a better place |
Thank you geek_girl, I have already contacted Modzzz and have replied to him.
Coding is not something I am very skilled in yet. So I will leave it to the professionals if I can 
Researching this request it seems people have been asking for it since around 2008. If I can get it accomplished I will keep this thread updated for future reference.
The Groups concept on any site I've ever visited is to to bring people with similar interests together, not people who live in specific areas. That can be done through site searches. Without knowing what your site is attempting to achieve, it's possible that another Dolphin, or third party module will work better than Groups.
Unless you have a pocket full of money and you're ready to pay someone to do the design work, it's often necessary to modify your way of thinking to make best use of what's available within your budget.
As GG said, tell Modzzz exactly what you aim to do with examples and maybe he will have a better option available for you. Also consider Anton LV.
I am not most sites. And sometimes the mold needs to be broken. Facebook however has a few groups "Buy sell swap or trade in _____ county." or of a similar title. People in the mentioned title join to read and post. Interests by location.
I have browsed through many of the mods in the market. If there is one that has the ability to do what I want I am open to using it. garage sales mod seems to be similar. I need to look into that more.
We have a newsletter tool that goes out via email twice a day. You sign up to receive the newsletter based on your town. When someone posts in it they can choose which towns they want it to go to. I want to create something similar but more live. Posting to a wall in a group page and allowing people to join/fan the group seems to make that work.
Basically I want people to read/post about what is going on around them.
I believe I have found a way to do what I wanted.
I have created a new page bypassing the groups home page. On that page I have two columns.
Column 1 <link to group> Column 2 <Link to list of subgroups>

Any link chosen on column 2 will bring the user on a similar page.
Now another question. Is there a way for me to make one of those columns a drop down list? As you can see in the image "States" would be nice to click on/press and open a drop down menu to select their state.
The Auto Join Group module allows you to setup Groups for Specific Countries and members that join the site from those countries are automatically added to the relevant Group. It could also be extended to include States and City. Paypal email is - |
Thanks for the response Modzzz. I have unfortunately turned to another platform to get what I wanted done. It is not user friendly yet but it works. To give you an idea here is my site.
Each location is a group, or to be better understood, a page people can join. Each page/group has an activity feed. The feed trickles down the hierarchy so posting in the state page is made visible in county and city pages in that state.
I really like dolphin. If I could get this setup to work I would consider switching back.