i've checked profiles pagecompose and profilefields already as per postings..

nothing works.. new_item and newblock refuse to go into the page builder

meaning i can not add fields...


now i deleted some of my old fields, even from the database using mysqladmin. profiles


i get around 7000 users a month and for the past two months no one has been able to join

it gives a mysql error. i'm assumming that this is related to the new_item newblock errors i keep getting.


i've spent a lot of time and patience with this dolphin 6.1.4 script. building it into what i want.

the fields error has been going on for over 2 months and so has the join mysql query error...



i need professional help on this one.. i am a programmer somewhat fluent in mysql and php

but this problem has been evading me for a long time now.. my site is totally crippled...

can anyone help on this.. and remember i deleted fields that may have something to do with it.



Quote · 13 Feb 2009

another major issue, we need to be careful when creating new fields.

add the new  field give the _LANGUAGGUE KEY in LANGUAGUE SETTINGS and thats all for me, well it works just fine for me, I got 9648 members and never got a query error (thanks god).

I would like to help you to solve this problem, but I dont know where to start.

good luck mate.

Quote · 13 Feb 2009



Please post the SQL error message.  Why did you start a new thread?



Quote · 13 Feb 2009

not too sure how to set the script for a mysql error dump.

so far it's only showing a mysql query error..

i am going frantic and losing hair over this

Quote · 14 Feb 2009

Do you not receive the sql error messages by email?  If you are seriously stuck write boonex technical support.  I would include all access information.



Quote · 16 Feb 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.