i've checked profiles pagecompose and profilefields already as per postings..
nothing works.. new_item and newblock refuse to go into the page builder
meaning i can not add fields...
now i deleted some of my old fields, even from the database using mysqladmin. profiles
i get around 7000 users a month and for the past two months no one has been able to join
it gives a mysql error. i'm assumming that this is related to the new_item newblock errors i keep getting.
i've spent a lot of time and patience with this dolphin 6.1.4 script. building it into what i want.
the fields error has been going on for over 2 months and so has the join mysql query error...
i need professional help on this one.. i am a programmer somewhat fluent in mysql and php
but this problem has been evading me for a long time now.. my site is totally crippled...
can anyone help on this.. and remember i deleted fields that may have something to do with it.