HELP: Profile info checker from eSASe

hi, i bought this module "Profile info checker" from eSASe and i don't get support because the vendor

don't response, not even with his privet email he provided. so

i wanna ask if someone had the same problem that the notification

about "No Profile Thumbnail" and "Enable Notifications" not worked

and fixed it (d 7.1.5)? 

Always remember that the future comes one day at a time.
Quote · 31 Mar 2015

This is not fair, many of esase's modules are on market, this module is updated to 7.1.5, but you can't contact vendor, I have many modules bought from esase, I try to contact him, but nothing and boonex doesn't want to delete esase's modules from market. Why?

Quote · 31 Mar 2015

This module states "compatibility not specified" which means it has not been updated for Dolphin 7.1.5. You will not get a response from him as he is no longer participating here. Not sure why his products are still active, this gives sellers a bad reputation. 

Paypal email is -
Quote · 31 Mar 2015


 boonex doesn't want to delete esase's modules from market. Why?

For one thing, many of us has his modules and might need access to them.  I think Boonex can remove the buy button; not sure on that so don't quote me on it.  Plus, I don't think lack of support is one of the things required of selling modules in the Market.  It would be nice to know beforehand if a product is supported or not.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 31 Mar 2015

I wonder if BoonEx made it obvious on market product pages exactly when the module's seller last logged into their BoonEx account... that it might help those considering purchasing the module... if people could reasonably infer that developers like tboulley, modzzz and AntonLV who often log into the site are also active supporters of their modules :-)
Quote · 1 Apr 2015

Yes, in a prominent place it could state, "This Provider Last Logged on XXXXX"; I still hate that "Provider" moniker.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 2 Apr 2015

"Last login: Apr 1, 2015"   would suffice ;-)
Quote · 2 Apr 2015

Last login was 1/28/2015


Moderators can see this information (and other stuff) on the profile page. Now before you ask, we have never been given definite instructions from BoonEx on time periods when a member and their products should be removed. I will bring this up to them though and find out what BoonEx says.


Nothing to see here
Quote · 2 Apr 2015


Last login was 1/28/2015


Moderators can see this information (and other stuff) on the profile page. Now before you ask, we have never been given definite instructions from BoonEx on time periods when a member and their products should be removed. I will bring this up to them though and find out what BoonEx says.


So basically he has been on the site two months ago.  Of course that does not mean he is supporting his modules.  However, is it a requirement of sellers to support their modules?  That has not been answered and I can not remember what the terms stated; yes, I did read them but not memorise them.  I guess I should go read them again.  I don't recall it being mandatory that one has to create a support forum topic for a module.  So bring up the issue of if a Provider has to provide support for their modules.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 2 Apr 2015

I'm not suggesting moderators remove access to products based ONLY on some period of "inactivity".  I can imagine some developers may have only a few products that are coded well (for their intended purpose) and don't require constant checking.  As a module buyer, I've learned to review the feedback and support forum for *when* problems where posted and *when* the developer resolved them.  So I like the idea of displaying the developer's "Last login" info, possibly next to the big green Message button, where name and logo is displayed above each module description. :-)

@GG, not sure if support forums are mandatory... I suspect they're not (they should be!).  Personally, I refuse to buy a module unless there is an active support forum -OR- I know the developer is VERY good at responding to issues... a very short list indeed, with developers like deano at the top.
Quote · 2 Apr 2015

ESASE has been suspended due to inactivity, failure to respond to support, and response request by a Moderator.


Nothing to see here
Quote · 14 Apr 2015
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