Hi All!

I have it in my mind to add a HTML block to the following pages... Groups, Videos, Classifieds, Photos, Blogs, Forums, Events, Polls, and Articles.

The idea is that I have already added a column to the Homepage and Account Profile page and all other pages available within the Builder - Pages section to where a column of ads will show via a HTML block. I would like the exact same ad column to show up on all the above pages as well as just these two.

Please help... ANYONE!

Thanks in advance,


Quote · 25 Oct 2009

if you want the same ad to show on all pages just put the code in the _footer.html  file in the templates folder....  just a thought... - Skype: Dolphin Techs
Quote · 25 Oct 2009

That would drop it to the bottom of the page, which would make it appear on ALL pages, but not in the section that they want it.  It's been a proven fact that Ads are clicked more often when placed in specific places DJ, the footer is rarely viewed and thus has an incredibly low click through rate.  Ads placed next to images or in the middle of content the end user is interested in have the highest click through rate.  Not meaning to sound harsh DJ, just pointing out the difference between your suggestion (which would work) and what the Original Request is.


Now, I think I'm missing something here though with the Original Post.  VG is saying she wants it to appear on all pages as well as just these two, but I'm not seeing the "Two" she wants it to appear on.  This is where I'm getting lost. 


The block can be added by going into phpMyAdmin and adding any pages you want that aren't currently in the page compose and adding them to it, of course, there will be some additional coding to those pages to get them to run through the Page Builders, but if you take a look at the ones that are there and the tables for the DB you should get the jist of how to add them.  Once you have the pages added that you want, then you can either load the html via the phpMyAdmin or in the Page Builders directly along with any additional columns your looking for.



Quote · 25 Oct 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.