I have Dolphin at hostgator and web space business, I have a problem with the HTML BLOCK this does not work for me.
I have Dolphin 6.1.6.
I ask for help
Excuse for my bad English
I have Dolphin at hostgator and web space business, I have a problem with the HTML BLOCK this does not work for me. |
What is the real problem? Kids first |
HTML BLOCK opens a new window without the Tiny Editor, General Pagecomposer does not go on the html block |
Details zum Fehler auf der Webseite |
Oke I have seen this error before... but don't know at the moment how to fix this one. Kids first |
Problem with Safari 4.0.3 Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer 8.0.7600 |
Okay, I try it once |
Many Thanks for this information, now the HTM BLOCK goes flawlessly |