HTML Block on specific member profile page

Is their any way for an admin to put a HTML/PHP block on the profile page of a particular member because if admin add a html block on profile page through "Builder" then it will be shown on the profile page of every member so is there any way to solve this problem???

Thanks in advance 

Quote · 9 Jan 2014

You can use a php block because with a php block you can use code to check for the member ID, if not the correct member ID, then return.  PHP blocks won't display if they are empty.  Then use heredoc to output the html code to be displayed.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 9 Jan 2014

Ma'am can you help me for doing the same ???

Kind Regards,

Quote · 10 Jan 2014

To add php blocks, do you have the free mod from Deano?  Either the php block module or his Deano's Tools free mod?  You will need those to be able to add a php block. 

Yes, I can look at the code you would need to do this, not hard really.  Might not be able to get to it today though.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 10 Jan 2014

Can anybody help me about the code to be written ???Cry

Quote · 22 Jan 2014

Tell us more about what you want to accomplish, there may be several ways to go about it; some being better than others.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 22 Jan 2014


Tell us more about what you want to accomplish, there may be several ways to go about it; some being better than others.

 Thanks for the reply, Let us take an example that there is a member named "A" and admin wants to add an HTML block on its profile page such that this block appears only on A's profile and not on the profile of every member, which it use to happen if done through the page builder option at boonex.

OK if I want to add this code 

<!DOCTYPE html>



<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>




to the profile page of the member " "

then what should be the php code and where to paste it ???

kind regards,

Quote · 22 Jan 2014

First of all, you would only add the iframe code part.

Secondly, if you wanted to do this for several members, a dozen, a 100, adding a php block each time is going to become very messy because each of those php blocks would need to be on the profile page in the builders.

What is needed is a module, one that will put a single block on the profile page.  Then in the admin section you set up who should see that block and what the content should be.  You could add several just sections in the admin that feed to the one block on the profile page.

Do you see the scenario above where you might want to do this for many members of your site?

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 22 Jan 2014


First of all, you would only add the iframe code part.

Secondly, if you wanted to do this for several members, a dozen, a 100, adding a php block each time is going to become very messy because each of those php blocks would need to be on the profile page in the builders.

What is needed is a module, one that will put a single block on the profile page.  Then in the admin section you set up who should see that block and what the content should be.  You could add several just sections in the admin that feed to the one block on the profile page.

Do you see the scenario above where you might want to do this for many members of your site?

 is there any module available at the market???

Is there no other option ma`am ???

Quote · 22 Jan 2014

No there is not.

But you may not need a module. It depends on your answer to her last question which you did not answer. And her question was....

Do you see the scenario above where you might want to do this for many members of your site?
Quote · 22 Jan 2014


No there is not.

But you may not need a module. It depends on your answer to her last question which you did not answer. And her question was....

Do you see the scenario above where you might want to do this for many members of your site?

 Yes Sure sir

Quote · 22 Jan 2014

Is there any way that every member will got an option to add an HTML block on its profile page but that can be done only if admin provide an access to do so .

Quote · 22 Jan 2014


Is there any way that every member will got an option to add an HTML block on its profile page but that can be done only if admin provide an access to do so .

The Profile Composer module in the market will allow this, it is a $100 module I think but it allows for the members to remove blocks from their page, add html blocks, text blocks, and RSS blocks.  They can rearange blocks on the page as well.  It is a very nice module.  You can set it up so that admins have to approve blocks before they are placed on the page.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 22 Jan 2014

Thank You A Lot 

Quote · 22 Jan 2014

I just want to add php to ONLY ONE MEMBER'S PROFILE PAGE. I am using Deanos Tools to add a php block to profiles. Thank you Deano. I have studied the profile.php file but I just don't know what will work [profileID?, memberID?, Cookie?]. If someone could show how to write a simple echo statement that only shows on one specific member's profile page that would be great!!!

Quote · 19 Jul 2015

Resolved. Thank you.

Quote · 20 Jul 2015

can you tell us the fix in case anyone else ever has such a request :) 

Quote · 20 Jul 2015
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