I'm getting more and more members and my site is becoming slower and slower.
I contacted hostforweb to ask to check this and they replied that Boonex is a very heavy script, so the more members I get, the slower it's going to become.
This is not really good, because members will stay away when they click and click and ... nothing happens :-(
Hi Anabel,
would you let me know how many active members you site got? CAuse i think thats intersting for finding the problem.
Hello annabel,
you sometimes should perform optimization at your site, SQL and PHP optimization,
or you think that anyone can just install own site and forgot about it, just hope that it will work with million - trillion members? :) seems no.
So sometimes need check performance of site, found weak spots (points) of site, and try to found good solution
At this moment I have 'only' 50 active members, so I'm holding my breath when my site will expand.
Andrey, nice to hear that I have to optimize, but is there a manual on how to do that ? I'm not an expert, so I'm not aware of that.
OK, since there is no manual on that, I asked Hostforweb how to optimize. This is their answer :
"MySQL and PHP are fully optimized on our servers. I am not sure what exactly were techs from Boonex referring to. If they can provide you with exact things that should be optimized, we can check what can we do on server."
So please, andrey, provide me with the information they (or I) need to optimize.
I mean that you should optimize your filled database sometimes
this include - delete all unnecessary information for example, to make common weight of tables less, hope you agree - if your database will more little - your site will work faster
next - script (PHP)
you should count and determinate time of execution of any page at your dolphin, find weak places in dolphin,
execute synthetic and live tests of performance script,
are you need literature to it? I have it :)
need execute profiling of pages
and as possible make SQL instructions, or another long places more faster
Hey Andrey,
The only things in my database are member information, messages they send, pictures they post and events I created.
All the rest I don't use ... no forum, no groups, no video's, no music.
So how can the script run slower on just this minimum with only 50 active members ??
I've been reading something about optimizing, but in my case hostforweb is already doing that. There's not much more I can optimize I guess ... is there ?
And for that last remark ... time of execution is just too slow on ALL pages. It start with index page already :-)
Just check it out www.onderweg.be/index.php
It's far from normal.
I had 2 peoples with overloaded tables 'BannersShows' and 'BannersClicks', common size of this tables was about 120mb :) when default dolphin database just 700kb
these sites was very slow, I just clean these tables and sites begin run again :)
so again, don`t forget recheck and database and script
I can`t perform live tests here .. all ok at local version .. I performed (via SSH) tests - calling many times scripts .. to determinate speed .. and many was fast always, something I review (SQL queries) to make it faster (was slowes in blogs) ..
If you can help us with it - it will good, I always ready to make our dolphin a little faster than now
I have the basic package (5000 Mb) of which 167,6 is used. |
I have no bannershows and no bannerclicks ... everything is limited to the minimum. I also deleted the guestbook.php from the script, because somebody was spamming it. Guestbook in database is also empty.
I really don't know what causes this problem.
According to hostforweb everything is working properly at a normal speed. I just don't know what 'normal speed' is supposed to be.
At this moment, my site is running faster again, while I did not change a thing.
Should I be suspicious about what Hostforweb is telling me ?
Don't believe your host by default. I've spent 2 weeks trying to convince my host that they had a server overload going on. When it was over, I was right. They knew that already - they just didn't want to do anything to fix it.
Do you have CPanel? You can check your server load through that, most likely.
@ annabel
Login to your database while using phpMyAdmin... Select the database that your site is using, then go down to the end of the tables list... Check (tick) all tables and choose Optimize in the little dropdown menu that is below the tables list 
Check also the list of the tables... maybe some of them are not used any more. If you find some tables that you are sure of that there are not used, make a backup then delete them...
To speed up your site, you can also use the HTML block in your site header rather than the JS promo block which is anyway not working well with IE7...
Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine. |
Well, I found out that I don't have to trust my host by default. In a next mail they were offering to upgrade to a lower level VPS to ensure more dedicated memory and processing power. But when I saw the price ... no thanks.
After a few mails ... out of the blue ... the problem was solved. But they kept blamig the Boonex script being too heavy, while I'm just using a fraction of the possibilities it offers.
Hostforweb has an excellent helpdesk, but that won't keep me from looking for another host.
A quick recommendation. Take a look at some of the
other hosts out there and signj up for one that offers a money back
guarantee. Next backup your site and reinstall it at the new host. Now
you can make a direct comparison between two hosts.
currently use Hostmonster for my site and it appears ok, but I dont
have anything heavy on it yet. I once had a site hosted at godaddy.com
(simple wordpress site) that took about 10 seconds to open up the
index page. I switched to Host For Web and my site opened up in less
than a second. (I subsequently left host for web for security
So if it turns out the new host is just as slow then it may be a
Dolphin problem or your site is set up incorrectly, in which case you
can cancel the new host and continue working on your site. However if
your new host is faster then you can make a full move to the faster host.
Also I recommend going to http://tools.pingdom.com/ and testing your
site. This will let you know how fast your site is opening up and it
may also reveal what is slowing your site down. Plus you can do an
objective speed comparison between your current site and and any new hosts you
My site just dropped to a crawl. Hostmosnter said they were doing work on the server but when the tech looked at my site he said I had some tables hanging up and my database had some overhead. I have 16 members!
If I have 16 members and my database has some overhead does this mean that I can expect serious trouble in the future when I get busier?
Does anyone have a membership figure at which they would recommend you switch to a VPS? Keeping in mind that all I use is Dolphin as a pay wrapper for Orca - I have no galleris or video hosting.
Tech support were very helpful and they said this -
I'd keep an eye open for overhead in that database, i think a lot of your problems were coming from there.
[11:48:43 AM]: phpmyadmin is a very neat tool that'll optimize tables with the click of a button
[11:48:51 AM]: It's located under the "Databases" category in your cpanel.
Hope this helps
Sorry to hear that you had the same kinds of problems with your host that I had. I kept hounding them until they switched me to a new server with 4 CPU's. That fixed my issues. (I use ANHosting/Midphase). In their defense.... they have helped me with some other much smaller stuff which I really appreciated.
Needless to say I don't like spending hours debating what is a clear cut issue though. If I ever get the income flowing in, I will probably switch to DosDawgs company. I have no doubts that he will go the extra mile to help people out with his own company, since he does it here constantly, for free.
(Which I'm pretty sure that we ALL appreciate greatly )
AndreyP I would love to have a copy of the optimization Doc u mentioned ..thanks |