Height field looks _4'7\" in profile

Hello everybody!

I am new here. First of all thank you for wonderful product you made. Dolphin is SUPER!!!!

I have a quesiton. I would like to use this scrips for dating community and now I try to sort out in this script. For dating community I will need such fields like "Height" Body Type" and others. I tried to add "Height" field and used predefined list. It works well, but it looks like key. For example: _4'7\"

I know that all keys have strings in language. But how should I do it with special signs like (" and ' ).

Please, help me to sort out in this.  I feel that I will not be able to do it alone.

Quote · 24 Oct 2009

Some trouble when " and ' is used inside LKey function (it will add a \)
but you can easily resolve this by rename the Lkey.

Edit predefined list on Height from

__4'7" (140cm) or below
__4'8" - 4'11" (141-150cm)
__5'0" - 5'3" (151-160cm)
__5'4" - 5'7" (161-170cm)
__5'8" - 5'11" (171-180cm)
__6'0" - 6'3" (181-190cm)
__6'4" (191cm) or above

to this:

__140cm or below
__191cm or above

We need now to add language string to the Predefined Values -> Height,
by default Dol.6.1.6 don't have this strings.

If you are unsure about you have added it or not,
go to Admin/Settings/Languages Settings and Search for strings bellow:

__4'7" (140cm) or below
_4'7" (140cm) or below
4'7" (140cm) or below

if your search result was: No strings found matching your criteria.

You need to do 2a)
else you need to do 2b)

If you have not added language string to the Predefined Values -> Height, you need to add 7 new language strings:

Click on Add a new language key and fill in as bellow

New language key name: __140cm or below
Category: Person's height
String texts for available languages: 4'7" (140cm) or below
Save it

Click on Add a new language key and fill in as bellow

New language key name: __141-150cm
Category: Person's height
String texts for available languages: 4'8" - 4'11" (141-150cm)
Save it

Click on Add a new language key and fill in as bellow

New language key name: __151-160cm
Category: Person's height
String texts for available languages: 5'0" - 5'3" (151-160cm)
Save it

Click on Add a new language key and fill in as bellow

New language key name: __161-170cm
Category: Person's height
String texts for available languages: 5'4" - 5'7" (161-170cm)
Save it

Click on Add a new language key and fill in as bellow

New language key name: __171-180cm
Category: Person's height
String texts for available languages: 5'8" - 5'11" (171-180cm)
Save it

Click on Add a new language key and fill in as bellow

New language key name: __181-190cm
Category: Person's height
String texts for available languages: 6'0" - 6'3" (181-190cm)
Save it

Click on Add a new language key and fill in as bellow

New language key name: __191cm or above
Category: Person's height
String texts for available languages: 6'4" (191cm) or above
Save it


If you have allready added language string to the Predefined Values -> Height, you need to edit 7 Keys:

Open table `LocalizationKeys` in your cPanel and find and edit Key from (DON'T change ID or IDCategory)

__4'7" (140cm) or below      to __140cm or below
__4'8" - 4'11" (141-150cm)   to __141-150cm
__5'0" - 5'3" (151-160cm)    to __151-160cm
__5'4" - 5'7" (161-170cm)    to __161-170cm
__5'8" - 5'11" (171-180cm)   to __171-180cm
__6'0" - 6'3" (181-190cm)    to __181-190cm
__6'4" (191cm) or above      to __191cm or above

Go to Admin/Settings/Languages Settings and inside the box Language Files: Click on Compile


Good luck...Smile

Quote · 25 Oct 2009

Thank you so much, okweb, for you detailed answer. I understand your explanation very well.I will try to do all this. :)

Quote · 26 Oct 2009

I've done it!!!!!:):):):) Thank you, thank you.

Quote · 26 Oct 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.