Hey guys! I got an email from Arvixe today and I have no idea what's going on. I haven't done much on my website lately. The only thing I can think of is that last night I invited over 70 people into my chat room. It was the first "deaf" night and I'm little concerned because I'm sure it will continue to grow larger in the coming weeks. They don't have any usage limits so I don't get it. The email says...
The PHP file /home/XXXX/public_html/XXX/modules/index.php was taking more than 500% CPU and we have renamed it as /home/XXXXX/public_html/XXXX/modules/index.php..BLOCKED. Please check and optimize the codes to avoid such instances in future. If we notice high resource again, the account will be suspended.
I have no idea where to look to fix this. I would appreacite if you could help me out.
Edit: I'm running Dolphin 7.0 Final
Hey Patrick,
Im sorry to hear that. But I have heard that Arvixe's "unlimited" accounts are not exactly "unlimited" at all. If you consume too much CPU usage they will suspend your account.
I have never really understood how you can take up 500% of something that only consists of 100%. I mean, like if you ate the whole cake, you ate 100% of it right? How can you eat 500% of it? 100% does mean all right? haha.. Sorry, flew off a little there.
All seriousness, I would definitely get some more details on you "unlimited" package there.
Nothing to see here |
Yeah, i get what you're saying zarcon. I'm starting feel "ugh" with Arvixe now. I have had so many issues with them and I'm fed up. I have to wait and see what they say. It doesn't make sense.. I haven't modified anything in the modules folder. Just my templates and some in inc. That's it.
If I continue having issues and not getting any answers, I'll have to switch to your hosting, Joombyte. :D
I'd like to know how you can use 500% of CPU resources. You'd think that once you used 100% of something, there wouldn't be anything left.
Nevertheless, this is how hosting companies and their 'unlimited bandwidth' claims stick it to their customers. Buried in the TOS fine print somewhere, is the server resources restriction, that they KNOW, will stop their customers dead in their tracks, and make it impossible to get remotely close to using that 'unlimited bandwidth'
Aoparently, Arvixe is one of those hosts, that deceives their customers like this. Arvixe and Boonex can blow their horn all they like about how great a service Arvixe provides, but crap like this is total bullshit. A lot of hosts do this, and in my opinion, it should be a violation of the deceptive trade practices act.
Like they say, Caveat Emptor, if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is. This sort of thing pisses me off.... even though it's not happening to me. Why can't people do business on straightforward terms, and be honorable business people. It seems as though most people in business these days feel they can't make money without screwing people over.
If I were you, I'd immediately download a full backup of your site, and tell these guys to take their hosting service and stick it. Watch out thouigh... downloading that backup may take up too much server resources. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
I was waiting for something like this...
The unlimited resource plans some hosts offer are just a marketing scheme to lure unknowledgable people into purchasing their services. There is no such thing as an unlimited hard disk drive and there is also no such thing as unlimited bandwidth. Why? Because these require physical resources which cannot be duplicated at anyone's whim. So not to go-back on their words, these hosts will not monitor you by your disk space and bandwidth usage, but by an even worse meter: your CPU usage on the server.
This is where things become really annoying, and where Arvixe starts to really anger me. They market themselves as a certified Dolphin hosting partner, yet there is no way you can use all your site has to offer without the fear of a page or flash application consuming too much of a percentage of the processor. Yes, on other web hosts, you are limited as well, but by a easily trackable amount where, and on some, you can even see which section of your site is causing the most bandwidth for you to adjust accordingly.
As for your 500% CPU usage, this would most likely occur when the server in question has multi-threading/multiple processors equipped. Your flash application was most likely tapping into either of these possible reasons.
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Probably, you will soon get a suggestion from someone at Arvixe, to upgrade your account to a dedicated server, or much more costly package. If that happens, PLEASE don't do it. I don't believe in rewarding businesses for screwing their customers, and I hope you don't either.
Watch the Arvixe folks jump in here and try to defend themselves. I hope they don't think we are stupid enough to believe that there is a defense for a deceptive trade practice. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Probably, you will soon get a suggestion from someone at Arvixe, to upgrade your account to a dedicated server, or much more costly package. If that happens, PLEASE don't do it. I don't believe in rewarding businesses for screwing their customers, and I hope you don't either.
Watch the Arvixe folks jump in here and try to defend themselves. I hope they don't think we are stupid enough to believe that there is a defense for a deceptive trade practices.
I can't agree more. As for Arvixe, I see they are online, but have yet to comment. Perhaps they are hiring a creative writer?
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
They set a limit (unknown to public) for each users CPU usage which is XX% of the TOTAL CPU usage of the server so if you used 500% it is 5 x your limit (100%) which is probably only a small percentage of the TOTAL for the server.
They set a limit (unknown to public) for each users CPU usage which is XX% of the TOTAL CPU usage of the server so if you used 500% it is 5 x your limit (100%) which is probably only a small percentage of the TOTAL for the server.
Yes, I was realizing that my claims above for the possible usage seemed too much. Thanks for providing that.
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Where's the fine print and how much = 100% CPU usage. What's where i get confused. |
guys, as a hosting service provider, i have always said this was a BS claim, there is nothing unlimited no where at any time. somewhere something is going to cost money. This is proof that coming into this realm of social networking platforms, specifically dolphin, this person had no idea what this was about.
I have never ever promised anything other than what could be provided from a realistic standpoint. and to shut off an account, rather than look into what caused the issue, and providing a fix for this, which is what would have been done and has been done for the clients that we tend to. There is no way of knowing exactly how the dolphin application is going to behave at any one given time. there are too many variables that come into play that will not allow you to derive at a computational solution that has any relative forbearance.
Unlimited is a farce, and i have said this from the very day these adverts were posted. Yes you will be contacted asking if you wish to upgrade to a dedicated machine. as HL has said, do not reward them. Patrick, i know you didnt have any idea about this either, but the whole $4.95 bit is what brought this on. That is a lure, and once its sunk in most cases the client will not make a move for fear of breaking their site.
Want a new host, that will not shut your account down? Just saying!!
Regards, DosDawg
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
guys, as a hosting service provider, i have always said this was a BS claim, there is nothing unlimited no where at any time. somewhere something is going to cost money. This is proof that coming into this realm of social networking platforms, specifically dolphin, this person had no idea what this was about.
I have never ever promised anything other than what could be provided from a realistic standpoint. and to shut off an account, rather than look into what caused the issue, and providing a fix for this, which is what would have been done and has been done for the clients that we tend to. There is no way of knowing exactly how the dolphin application is going to behave at any one given time. there are too many variables that come into play that will not allow you to derive at a computational solution that has any relative forbearance.
Unlimited is a farce, and i have said this from the very day these adverts were posted. Yes you will be contacted asking if you wish to upgrade to a dedicated machine. as HL has said, do not reward them. Patrick, i know you didnt have any idea about this either, but the whole $4.95 bit is what brought this on. That is a lure, and once its sunk in most cases the client will not make a move for fear of breaking their site.
Want a new host, that will not shut your account down? Just saying!!
Regards, DosDawg
Couldn't agree more (though I know your motive with the last line).
@patrick81, this is outlined in their terms of service, which can be found at: http://www.arvixe.com/tos.php
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
I'am a small hoster to, and we say bandtwidth is fair used. And thats real. Unlimited is a farce.
regards Kids first |
lyubov should be notified that there is no such thing as unlimited hosting of anything either. that would be like wal-mart offering unlimited groceries. once its consumed its gone. and as for the 500% of anything, it didnt say they used 500% of their allocation, said they used 500% of the cpu
"The PHP file /home/XXXX/public_html/XXX/modules/index.php was taking more than 500% CPU" so this could very well just be bad grammaticals, but it states 500% cpu, when a cpu of any sort only hold 100% finite.
I'am a small hoster to, and we say bandtwidth is fair used. And thats real. Unlimited is a farce.
motive, did you sir say i had motive! how dare you.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
fair usage is correct. and there are times that an app will spike, that doesnt necessarily set a precedence for suspension.
and if they are the 'support laden' providers as touted on the blog post last week, i would think there would be another avenue that could have been taken on this.
I'am a small hoster to, and we say bandtwidth is fair used. And thats real. Unlimited is a farce.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
fair usage is correct. and there are times that an app will spike, that doesnt necessarily set a precedence for suspension.
and if they are the 'support laden' providers as touted on the blog post last week, i would think there would be another avenue that could have been taken on this.
I'am a small hoster to, and we say bandtwidth is fair used. And thats real. Unlimited is a farce.
Kids first |
Wal-Mart has unlimited groceries? Dang, I'm gonna have to get over there right away. Be right back to comment on Arvixe. |
I'm noticing how Arvixe is now no longer on... Hm, I wonder why they didn't comment? BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Well now we know what will happen with $4 a month servers when things get busy. I'm curious though - you had 70 members in your chat room? Were many of them using video chat? That could be a pretty big spike. |
Wal-Mart has unlimited groceries? Dang, I'm gonna have to get over there right away. Be right back to comment on Arvixe.
MD, get me some BlueBell cookies and cream please.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
Well now we know what will happen with $4 a month servers when things get busy. I'm curious though - you had 70 members in your chat room? Were many of them using video chat? That could be a pretty big spike.
caltrade, i will have to concur on the first half of your statement here sir. as well as the latter part, however, the stream should have been hitting his RMS and not his allocated bandwidth or cpu on the local environement.
as mentioned before, $1.99 - $4.00/hosting accounts, yeah ok, if you had a 5-15page --> static, yeah you could roll with that, but with something as dynamic and resource intensive as dolphin is, that is just really not going to work out for you.
Good post caltrade
Regards, DosDawg
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
its the weekend, and needs to get his agent to post up on the blogs first for damage control.
I'm noticing how Arvixe is now no longer on... Hm, I wonder why they didn't comment?
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
its the weekend, and needs to get his agent to post up on the blogs first for damage control.
I'm noticing how Arvixe is now no longer on... Hm, I wonder why they didn't comment?
That makes sense, especially when there is little to defend from this topic beyond "this is our service."
I personally want nothing to do with these "nickel bar" (and if anyone knows that that means, congratulations) web hosts, who over-entice people with their mediocre offerings. I must state, though, that this is what you get when you go with these kind of companies. You paid a cheap amount of money to an equally cheap company, and by most means, you got what you paid for.
The OP should look into buying a serious web hosting plan with a serious, and reputable web hosting company that does not try to place sprinkles on something I can get for free from my dog every morning (which is also very unlimited). Dolphin is a beast, and Dolphin 7.0 is no exception, and not every web host can handle it. Arvixe may be able to handle Dolphin sites of a small amount, but they cannot handle a large site, especially with the limits they place on your account.
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Hey everyone! Sorry i was out for a bit. I try to keep this short.
Yes, i already downloaded my whole folder and database. I'm not going to upgrade with the same hosting company because they have caused multiple problems with my site thus far.
Thanks for the info. I should have read it BUT I still don't know how much is 100% CPU usage tho. I'm still confused so I'm going to move on to a different hosting company. :D
I couldn't agree more. What you said is right. I've been screwed.
Okay here's the story. I invited a bunch of deaf people from facebook and most of them happened to join in the chat room last night (around 70 or more I believe). Nope, we didn't use webcams at all. Well maybe just 2 but that was it. It doesn't make sense that I was using 500% of "something". Obviously I can't have 70 people chatting in a chat room. Give me a break.
Sooooo…. I think I need to move on to a different hosting company. Extremely disappointed in Arvixe. I think I should move to Joombyte soon. Is Joombyte stable? Thanks!
Right on. :)
its the weekend, and needs to get his agent to post up on the blogs first for damage control.
I'm noticing how Arvixe is now no longer on... Hm, I wonder why they didn't comment?
That makes sense, especially when there is little to defend from this topic beyond "this is our service."
I personally want nothing to do with these "nickel bar" (and if anyone knows that that means, congratulations) web hosts, who over-entice people with their mediocre offerings. I must state, though, that this is what you get when you go with these kind of companies. You paid a cheap amount of money to an equally cheap company, and by most means, you got what you paid for.
The OP should look into buying a serious web hosting plan with a serious, and reputable web hosting company that does not try to place sprinkles on something I can get for free from my dog every morning (which is also very unlimited). Dolphin is a beast, and Dolphin 7.0 is no exception, and not every web host can handle it. Arvixe may be able to handle Dolphin sites of a small amount, but they cannot handle a large site, especially with the limits they place on your account.
I think this will speak for itself in relations to Arvixe and their terms of service. Straight from the Sales Reps mouth. Yeah, I even used my real name and hid nothing. Outside of intentions until the end.

Note how long this is taking to get answers on a Sales call. Imagine the Support time.

And Now it starts to get good.

And here is the finale of this conversation.

I'll leave it to the Host to comment on this.
"Sooooo…. I think I need to move on to a different hosting company.
Extremely disappointed in the Arvixe. Is joombyte any good. Thanks!"
Well, I guess I can chime on for this one. My own experience with them have been absolutely wonderful. Any questions I had, they answered really quick. My site is pretty fast and haven't experienced any downtime at all. RMS is working fine with everything and is included in the Dolphin packages.
The only time I have ever received an email from them, was asking me to test the D7 RMS for them to make sure everything was working ok before they started offering it.
One of the things that people may have a problem with is the paying annually. I don't mind as long as I get what I pay for, and so far I have no gripes at all. They are a shared hosting company but give you access to do what you need and permission/configuration levels are already setup for you. You can get 25% off your first year if you type the word 'dolphin' in the coupon code at checkout. They do offer dedicated servers, but a bit pricey for my taste :)
Again, this is my personal experience and should not be used as a guarantee for your own.
Nothing to see here |
https://www.deanbassett.com |
They obviously have an over worked tech support guy on that chat system - probably had a few going, but I thought they were explaining their services adequately. Everyone should stop using the phrase "unlimited bandwidth" but they are a super low cost service - you can't expect the world, and this may be a great place for people here to start. |
Thanks Zarcon. I might give a try. :D |
According to supposed word from Arvixe themselves (can't confirm completely), they only have four people working there, so I expect you see this Ryan person quite a bit. I can only imagine their staff must be very stretched.
Their LinkedIn page says 10, but that's still stretching it. My hat-off to them.
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Wal-Mart has unlimited groceries? Dang, I'm gonna have to get over there right away. Be right back to comment on Arvixe.
MD, get me some BlueBell cookies and cream please.
Don't forget to put the Blue Bonnet on it!
Seriously though you get what you pay for. The $4 hosting plan is just that, a sales lead for them. They are going to test you right out of the gate and find a reason to 'push' you to the next level. That is their job. I would agree that Arvixe is farily aggressive about this tactic but it is not an unheard of business plan.
If you are paying $4 a month and are expecting to have more than 20 reasonably active members on your site, you are only fooling yourselves. It isn't going to work. Any successful Dolphin setup that is expecting to have anywhere from a 100 active members or more per month needs to get their plan together and do either a VPS or Dedicated setup. That's the only way it's going to work for you.
Most hosts don't even have their own servers. They have bought a dedicated server from someone else and are using their skills at managing a server to resell service to other people. Arvixe is obviously one of these people and because of it, they have to be very careful they themselves don't run over the quota their provider has set.
That being said, I also notice all the issues people have with Dolphin here. It is a very complicated community to properly setup and will take individuals with a certain amount of skill to get it done properly. It's the same with the server. If the guy(s) managing the backend aren't experienced, the whole process will be a disaster.
I had a lot of trouble and was about to give up until I finally found someone that had the resources I needed for growth and who also completely understood his server. My site is up and running and so far, I haven't found anything major that's not working as it should.
If I had to make a recommendation, mine would be HostForWeb. They have an email supprt system that I never had to wait more than 45 minutes for a reply, even in the middle of the night. I discussed with them at length what I expected my site to be able to do and how much growth I would be expecting and we settled on a very price conscious VPS setup.
If you want to see it working, check out my site at towjobs.com. As a standard member, you will not have a lot of permissions but you will be able to see how fast it is. If you want to test the uploads and so forth, drop me a note and I'll enable you so you can see how fast she goes before she breaks.
http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
Wait, you're telling me a host Boonex recommended sucks? But Lyubov and all those new accounts that just signed up 15 minutes before they posted gave them glowing reviews? I mean they used to push Hostforweb and those guys are top notch right? Right? Ok, cue the trumbone music "waa waa waaaaaaaa" (that was all sarcasm for those that have trouble telling)...
I think they should just let the hosts post in an advertising section and stop recommending any of them.. and for anyone reading this shared hosting is going to be a thorn in your side if your site has any real amount of members and they try and use the site at the same time. You can get a cheap VPS for around $30 a month.. do it!
They obviously have an over worked tech support guy on that chat system - probably had a few going, but I thought they were explaining their services adequately. Everyone should stop using the phrase "unlimited bandwidth" but they are a super low cost service - you can't expect the world, and this may be a great place for people here to start.
That was allegedly sales Rob, not Tech Support.
Seems to me he was not prepared to answer a question CPU Usage and that in and of itself makes me think this is a "bait & switch" operation going on. Bring them in at $4 a month, get it all set up and running" then as soon as it opens tell them they have to upgrade to a more expensive plan. This will of course cause most newbies to think they are stuck as they have no clue how to move a site safely and effectively.
Now keep in mind also, the mortgage industry has a very large number of guys currently serving prison time for "Bait & Switch" tactics with mortgages. I know this isn't people houses or even large amounts of money, but the principle is the same.
Edit: He states: "...web hosting providers do not sell web hosting based on limits..."
What? I thought Web Hosting was sold specifically based upon "Limits" as that is exactly what causes us to need to buy bigger servers/hosting packages as our sites grow.
He states: "we do not limit customers to say, 2045seconds of CPU per month..."
Okay, but he stated there is a limit of some type, so what is that limit? This is the question that the newbies need an answer to and the very question that is being avoided across the board by Arvixe.
And Buck, I know to run Deds for my own servers. This is more for the newbies coming in who have no clue what they are talking about and will make decisions based upon a pretty ad or sales chat.
I spoke with support and told me the existence of a temporary problem on the server and work is underway to repair the problem
And personally I think arvixe is an excellent company, and technical support available 24/24 To help me |
I spoke with support and told me the existence of a temporary problem on the server and work is underway to repair the problem
And personally I think arvixe is an excellent company, and technical support available 24/24 To help me
So, support is only available for one whole day (you need to fix that)? As for reviews, I'd like to see more positive reviews for Arvixe to compare (and I do not mean for Arvixe to fake reviews, like they and others have tried in the past).
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Wait, you're telling me a host Boonex recommended sucks? But Lyubov and all those new accounts that just signed up 15 minutes before they posted gave them glowing reviews? I mean they used to push Hostforweb and those guys are top notch right? Right? Ok, cue the trumbone music "waa waa waaaaaaaa" (that was all sarcasm for those that have trouble telling)...
I think they should just let the hosts post in an advertising section and stop recommending any of them.. and for anyone reading this shared hosting is going to be a thorn in your side if your site has any real amount of members and they try and use the site at the same time. You can get a cheap VPS for around $30 a month.. do it!
LOL, All I'm saying is a $4 host is as a $4 host does. Are people so crippled financially that that's the best they can do?
http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
Wait, you're telling me a host Boonex recommended sucks? But Lyubov and all those new accounts that just signed up 15 minutes before they posted gave them glowing reviews? I mean they used to push Hostforweb and those guys are top notch right? Right? Ok, cue the trumbone music "waa waa waaaaaaaa" (that was all sarcasm for those that have trouble telling)...
I think they should just let the hosts post in an advertising section and stop recommending any of them.. and for anyone reading this shared hosting is going to be a thorn in your side if your site has any real amount of members and they try and use the site at the same time. You can get a cheap VPS for around $30 a month.. do it!
LOL, All I'm saying is a $4 host is as a $4 host does. Are people so crippled financially that that's the best they can do?
Hey, for $2.59.00, you can host with my dedicated line of servers. Their specs are as follow:
- Powerful IBM NetVista, certified for Windows ME by Microsoft Corporation - The only in the industry!
- Powerful Pentium III processor at 600Mhz - Raw power!
- 256 MB of dedicated RAM (Random Access Memory) - Wow! - Updated from 64 MB!
- 32 GB of disk space with tested IDE hard disk drive. - So much space!
With this service, you also get number-one-rated* and award-winning** support***!
*Support is rated by the friends and family of business.
**Awards given by daughters of the fathers working at business.
***Support not guaranteed.
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Wait, you're telling me a host Boonex recommended sucks? But Lyubov and all those new accounts that just signed up 15 minutes before they posted gave them glowing reviews? I mean they used to push Hostforweb and those guys are top notch right? Right? Ok, cue the trumbone music "waa waa waaaaaaaa" (that was all sarcasm for those that have trouble telling)...
I think they should just let the hosts post in an advertising section and stop recommending any of them.. and for anyone reading this shared hosting is going to be a thorn in your side if your site has any real amount of members and they try and use the site at the same time. You can get a cheap VPS for around $30 a month.. do it!
LOL, All I'm saying is a $4 host is as a $4 host does. Are people so crippled financially that that's the best they can do?
Hey, for $2.59.00, you can host with my dedicated line of servers. Their specs are as follow:
- Powerful IBM NetVista, certified for Windows ME by Microsoft Corporation - The only in the industry!
- Powerful Pentium III processor at 600Mhz - Raw power!
- 256 MB of dedicated RAM (Random Access Memory) - Wow! - Updated from 64 MB!
- 32 GB of disk space with tested IDE hard disk drive. - So much space!
With this service, you also get number-one-rated* and award-winning** support***!
*Support is rated by the friends and family of business.
**Awards given by daughters of the fathers working at business.
***Support not guaranteed.
I'll do you one better. I'll let them come onto my new server for $2.58 a month. The one listed in my blog and I actually do OWN the machine.
Now, we will provide 24/7 support**
Fully Limited Bandwidth, Disk Space & CPU Usage.
Automatically Daily Recurring Billing
Award Losing Reviews***
**Support Provided by Acme Athletic Supporter issued by your High School Gym Coach
***In our defense Magnussoft did bribe the judges with candy and then threatened them with groundings.
That's really funny. Why can't they monitor the cpu usage. Cpanel lets me monitor my cpu usage and see who and what processes are using the cpu. Heck, I can even generate these funnylooking logs showing me all kinds of stuff about my server resources.
If I want more info, I simply log into the whm and then I can really see some technical stuff that is way over my head.
That's really funny. Why can't they monitor the cpu usage. Cpanel lets me monitor my cpu usage and see who and what processes are using the cpu. Heck, I can even generate these funnylooking logs showing me all kinds of stuff about my server resources.
If I want more info, I simply log into the whm and then I can really see some technical stuff that is way over my head.
I just did that on an Arvixe CPanel account, which leads me to say that their comment on monitoring processor usage is a load of bull (fill-in-word-here).
You can easily monitor your processor's usage, right down to the file causing the most issues, as I've done this countless of times on my home Linux and UNIX systems, even. I'd like to hear from Arvixe on this matter, because maybe I can provide to them some training for their staff.
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Wait, you're telling me a host Boonex recommended sucks? But Lyubov and all those new accounts that just signed up 15 minutes before they posted gave them glowing reviews? I mean they used to push Hostforweb and those guys are top notch right? Right? Ok, cue the trumbone music "waa waa waaaaaaaa" (that was all sarcasm for those that have trouble telling)... I think they should just let the hosts post in an advertising section and stop recommending any of them..
I thought that was pretty lame also Buckmcgoo. I have a fairly big public bulletin board that I seldom moderate but the one thing that does make me jump in are fake testimonials - i.e. people pretending to be a disinterested third party who suddenly give a glowing review to a product or service. I think if you give a testimonial you should reveal your financial interest - including whether you have any affiliate agreements with then. There is nothing wrong with "blowing your own horn" but pretending to be a customer is fraud. I like Buckmcgoo's idea about letting them post in the advertising section, and would also rather not have Boonex recommending any specific hosts. Maybe they can "certify" but recommending like the are doing now might cause some problems.
I think Arvixe has server issues. I received a similar message from them saying:
/* Font Definitions */
{font-family:"Cambria Math";
panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4;
mso-font-signature:0 0 0 0 0 0;}
/* Style Definitions */
p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal
font-family:"Times New Roman","serif";
mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";}
a:link, span.MsoHyperlink
a:visited, span.MsoHyperlinkFollowed
@page Section1
{size:8.5in 11.0in;
margin:1.0in 1.0in 1.0in 1.0in;
"We have been monitoring your account's
resource usage on the server for the past several days and would like to notify
you of the following metrics. Your site is currently placed on a . With this in
mind, your site is using the following percentage of resources:
CPU % (all
processors combined):
15.93 (extreme)
Memory %:
MySQL Usage (0.0-0.5
is Moderate, 1.0 is High, >1.0 is Unacceptable):
Unfortunately, we believe that this type of usage is against our Acceptable Use Policy. Therefore, we need
your cooperation in finding a remedy. Depending on your specific case, we
generally recommend one or more of the following solutions:"
/* Font Definitions */
panose-1:5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;
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- If you have many
sites hosted on one account: Split the sites throughout more accounts
- Upgrade your
account to our BusinessClass
- Upgrade your
account to our DedicatedClass
- Turn off extra
plugins/modules/additions to your sites that may be out-dated or are being
used excessively by your visitors
I don't even have my D7 site on that hosting account anymore. I have 3 other domains on that $7 hosting account that are not being used at all. They can't seem to tell me what the CPU usage is from, nor how I could use CPU without using memory or database.
I definitely recommend hosting D7 on a different hosting service. Chris (Zarcon) has good advice about that.
Arvixe shared hosting is good for basic websites where you don't need much support or any special server requirements.
Let me understand this correctly. You are saying you have violated their resource requirements on sites you are not even using? Do those sites have any members? |
Sorry for the garbage, didn't realize it captured code from the email. it did not show when composing. |
One site is a D6 site that I worked on for a while and never activated because I went to D7 and changed domain names. I kept it there for some reference, but it only has demo members and shows no logins for over a month.
One of the others is just a domain that I purchased and is hosted on the account, but only has a default page saying "coming soon"
And the third site is an old site from a band that I was associated with and has not existed for many years. it does not get traffic. I keep it for reference because I had the domain paid until 2012.
Makes no sense to me..
as expressed by ronklein:
this is the whole deal i would tend to believe. there is nothing wrong with the CPU usage, its a ploy, look at their suggestion for a remedy;
* If you have many sites hosted on one account: Split the sites throughout more accounts
* Upgrade your account to our BusinessClass
* Upgrade your account to our DedicatedClass
* Turn off extra plugins/modules/additions to your sites that may be out-dated or are being used excessively by your visitors
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
Arvixe, Cirtex Hosting, all these nickel-hosts are the same. And if I sound prejudice to the cheap hosts, I have allot of good reasons for it, as they've screwed me over many times in the past. BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Yep, you get what you pay for. Cheap is good if you really don't need much and are not intending on having much site traffic at the same time, but we are all trying to do much more than that with Dolphin. |
Oh BTW, MD's posting is typical of some of the long chat sessions I have had with Arvixe when I was trying to get clarification from them. I think that really says it.. |
I think Arvixe has server issues. I received a similar message from them saying:
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"We have been monitoring your account's
resource usage on the server for the past several days and would like to notify
you of the following metrics. Your site is currently placed on a . With this in
mind, your site is using the following percentage of resources:
CPU % (all
processors combined):
15.93 (extreme)
Memory %:
MySQL Usage (0.0-0.5
is Moderate, 1.0 is High, >1.0 is Unacceptable):
Unfortunately, we believe that this type of usage is against our Acceptable Use Policy. Therefore, we need
your cooperation in finding a remedy. Depending on your specific case, we
generally recommend one or more of the following solutions:"
/* Font Definitions */
panose-1:5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;
mso-font-signature:0 268435456 0 0 -2147483648 0;}
{font-family:"Cambria Math";
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margin:1.0in 1.0in 1.0in 1.0in;
/* List Definitions */
@list l0
@list l0:level1
- If you have many
sites hosted on one account: Split the sites throughout more accounts
- Upgrade your
account to our BusinessClass
- Upgrade your
account to our DedicatedClass
- Turn off extra
plugins/modules/additions to your sites that may be out-dated or are being
used excessively by your visitors
I don't even have my D7 site on that hosting account anymore. I have 3 other domains on that $7 hosting account that are not being used at all. They can't seem to tell me what the CPU usage is from, nor how I could use CPU without using memory or database.
I definitely recommend hosting D7 on a different hosting service. Chris (Zarcon) has good advice about that.
Arvixe shared hosting is good for basic websites where you don't need much support or any special server requirements.
I got this same message from them. The first time it said my CPU usage was extreme, the second time it said my mySQL usage was unacceptable. I've chatted with them twice now and they can't tell me what the issue is. I'm getting frustrated and ticked off. I updated to BusinessClass a few days ago. I think I might download a backup of my files and move elsewhere because this is getting ridiculous. They're self-proclaimed Dolphin hosters and can't manage a network with only 60 people under BusinessClass? And right now I don't even have very much activity on my site. And what's with the extreme usage of mySQL? I haven't even touched that in the last few days.
I got this same message from them. The first time it said my CPU usage was extreme, the second time it said my mySQL usage was unacceptable. I've chatted with them twice now and they can't tell me what the issue is. I'm getting frustrated and ticked off. I updated to BusinessClass a few days ago. I think I might download a backup of my files and move elsewhere because this is getting ridiculous. They're self-proclaimed Dolphin hosters and can't manage a network with only 60 people under BusinessClass? And right now I don't even have very much activity on my site. And what's with the extreme usage of mySQL? I haven't even touched that in the last few days.
It's quite simple, they claim you have overages but don't provide you with logs. now they can force you to upgrade and you have no proof to refute their claim that you are using excessive server resources. Now you have to upgrade to their business package. I find it hard to believe that one dolphin site would use that many server resources.
I just pulled my access log for my site for the last 7 days:
Successful requests: 64,124,664 (2,797,207)
Average successful requests per day: 462,759 (399,600)
Successful requests for pages: 16,720,235 (730,682)
Average successful requests for pages per day: 120,662 (104,383)
Failed requests: 126,013 (1,945)
Redirected requests: 206,414 (1,182)
Distinct files requested: 2,254,868 (360,803)
Distinct hosts served: 3,321 (629)
Data transferred: 327.27 gigabytes (10.89 gigabytes)
Average data transferred per day: 2.36 gigabytes (1.56 gigabytes)
Average cpu usage during the same corresponding 7 days 1.4097. This is so high due to the fact I ran a server load test on the system to simulate 100 simultaneous users. If I take the server load test data off I get a 7 day average of .6954.
I wonder if Arvixe sending out such high CPU loads is the entire cpu processes across all the sites of their leased account. That would def put the numbers in perspective. Oh in case you're wondering, my memory and sql usage during this same time is negliable and not worth calculating, and eyeballing the number is .4% for both (and I have over 100mb sql table for zip codes).
My server stats, its an entry level server: Xeon 3370, 4GB ram, 500GB sata,50Mbps unmetered nic. A simple machine for our dolphin experiment and it seems to be handling everything fine. I wonder what type of machine Arxive is leasing and the specs on that machine to have such issues.
Edit: the claim they cannot tell you the problem is complete BS. Using Cpanel and whm you can see whatever processes are running, what is using the most cpu/ram/sql etc, all the way to the file name. They simply don't want to tell you so you cannot monitor it and call them for the liars they are. (If you are in Atlanta and want to force the issue I can help, my primary profession is an attorney so an unfair business practices suit will get all the nity gritty from them and what they are doing).
Edit: the claim they cannot tell you the problem is complete BS. Using Cpanel and whm you can see whatever processes are running, what is using the most cpu/ram/sql etc, all the way to the file name. They simply don't want to tell you so you cannot monitor it and call them for the liars they are. (If you are in Atlanta and want to force the issue I can help, my primary profession is an attorney so an unfair business practices suit will get all the nity gritty from them and what they are doing).
Either Arvixe is trying to pull some kind of fraudulent stunt, or they are just idiots. Perhaps both, but I am now really wanting to hear what they have to say about all this. Claiming that the CPU cannot be easily monitored, or at all, for that matter, is an outright lie. My web hosting service at Media Temple has detailed information on every last byte used by a file (and its impact on the system), and my home desktop Linux system also can provide the output of the information I need from the CPU with a few commands in the terminal.
And yes, CPanel provides much of this information, too. It even has information on the state of the server it is running on, which shows how extensive it can be. I am also starting to believe that they are reading the total amount of CPU usage for all sites combined, not just one.
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
I just got the dreaded email from email from Arvixe. I'm told I have excessive server resourse usage in the /modules/index.php file. They suspended my account.
WTF? I just created the account last week, transfered over my site that now has 30 members and that wasn't the problem. The site in question I just installed Dolphin on 2 days ago and have one member on it.... ME
Of course they recommend updating to Seperate accounts, business class, etc.
I just got done with a move and now it looks like i'm going to have to do it again. I'm trying to attract members, not scare them away with down time.
I'm not happy.
Hmmm, i see a opportunity to get back into the hosting business.
At this rate Arvixe won't have a customers left.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
Hmmm, i see a opportunity to get back into the hosting business.
At this rate Arvixe won't have a customers left.
Wanna' partner-up to resell Windows ME-certified machines in my mother's basement?
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
https://www.deanbassett.com |
Suit yourself, I already got Angel funding from Steve Ballmer's aunt.
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Hmmm, i see a opportunity to get back into the hosting business.
At this rate Arvixe won't have a customers left.
Wanna' partner-up to resell Windows ME-certified machines in my mother's basement?
i need a machine that's win3.1 certified
Anyone want to buy a copy of windows CEMENT?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6FnE6y9JIM https://www.deanbassett.com |
Almost an hour later and no response from support. If I try to access the site it no longer say suspended. In fact, it no longer says anything except that internet explorer cannot display this page.
Since it's shared hosting, I did a reverse DNS search to see how many and who else is there. 102 Domains on the server. I can only see the first 4 on the list, and they are not working either.
Sounds like they have some problems!
They're a host resell, go directly to the source for quality hosting and support. |
Hmmm, i see a opportunity to get back into the hosting business.
At this rate Arvixe won't have a customers left.
Wanna' partner-up to resell Windows ME-certified machines in my mother's basement?
i need a machine that's win3.1 certified
Well, I just have one thing to ask:
How much do you think this advanced operating environment is worth? Wait just one minute before you answer! Watch, as Windows integrated Lotus 123 with Miami Vice. Now we can take this Ferrari, and paste it right into Windows Write. Now, how much do you think Microsoft Windows is worth? Don't answer! Wait until you see Windows Write and Windows Paint and to listen at what else you get at no extra charge! The MS-DOS Executive, An appointment calendar, a card filer, a notepad, a clock, a control panel, a terminal, print support, and, can you believe it? Reversii! That's right! All these features and Reversii for just, how much did you guess? $500? $1,000? Even more? No, it's just $99! That's right! It's just $99, what an incredible value! But, it's true! It's Windows from Microsoft! Order today!
P.O. Box 286-DOS Redmond, Wash. (206) 882-8448 - except in Nebraska!
I'll cut you a deal for $5 and a used Ferrari tire.
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
2.5 hours later still no response from Arvixe. Website is still down, control panel down, and other sites on the server are still down.
Really great support.
2.5 hours later still no response from Arvixe. Website is still down, control panel down, and other sites on the server are still down.
Really great support.
You have to talk to them on live chat. it's the only way. They suspended my account two times and I was pissed off course. I don't like how they got into my folder and blocked something without warning or telling me that I needed to update my account. I personally think it's unprofessional. Anyway, I'm on Joombyte now. I like it. It's 3 times faster. :)
2.5 hours later still no response from Arvixe. Website is still down, control panel down, and other sites on the server are still down.
Really great support.
You paid a nickel for a web host. What does that equal? Eh, I'll let you all say it now.
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Their response finally...
The script that is noted on your account as high CPU is part of the flash module so it may have been a test that you did on chat/video/image uploads? I've unsuspended your account and will be monitoring the server to see if there are any issues.
Please note that we offer 24/7/365 chat and phone support as well. We want your site to be operating 100% of the time. But we also need the customer to understand that they have purchased a shared hosting account and are sharing resources with other users on the server. So, please contact us as soon as you are having issues so we can talk about it and rectify it.
Tell the retards of their customer service that modules/index.php has nothing to do with flash. If they're going to lie to you they should at least know where the flash modules and flash functions are stored. |
I guess i'm going to be switching... Again. Having a problem with 1 member on a site is not a good start.
JoomByte is pricey right now for the full year payment since I am out of work right now. Who else with a monthly or quarterly payment is good where I won't have this problem?
I guess i'm going to be switching... Again. Having a problem with 1 member on a site is not a good start.
JoomByte is pricey right now for the full year payment since I am out of work right now. Who else with a monthly or quarterly payment is good where I won't have this problem?
http://terabyte-hosting.com (check with DD to see if they offer monthly rates and what they are)
http://hostforweb.com They do have a shared plan that can handle Dolphin & also offer monthly rates. We run Dedicateds at HFW and get awesome support, we have no experience with their shared accounts.
I got to say, that was a smart move Mydatery, letting them hang themselves, Sounds like something I would have done..lol Credit where credit is due..Thumbs Up! You possess an intuitive intelligence so powerful it can help you heal, and relieve stress. |
I had a simular problem when we first installed our D6 website. We were on a shared hosting plan at the time and the site was gobbling up CPU resources and our hosting company freaked out and disabled our site. I talked to Igor at Boonex and he made some setting changes on the RMS and it totally fixed the problem. So you might want to check your RMS and see if you can tweek it so that it doesn't use up as much CPU Resources.
With that said, I have talked to several hosting companies and every one of them that have inexpensive shared hosting plans that promise the world say the same vague thing, there is a 'limit' on CPU usage (and database size) and when you dig to find out what the number is it's some vague number that they can't tell you. It's really frustrating. We finally moved to a Dedicated server so we don't have the issue anymore.
It's very frustrating when the promise all this stuff and you later find out that your screwed with CPU limits and you have your site up and running. Not sure what the solution is, Dedicated servers are not cheap.
I was considering HostForWeb next. What about GigaPros? I haven't heard anyone complain about them, and they sound pretty good, on paper anyways. Free RMS too.
2.5 hours later still no response from Arvixe. Website is still down, control panel down, and other sites on the server are still down.
Really great support.
You have to talk to them on live chat. it's the only way. They suspended my account two times and I was pissed off course. I don't like how they got into my folder and blocked something without warning or telling me that I needed to update my account. I personally think it's unprofessional. Anyway, I'm on Joombyte now. I like it. It's 3 times faster. :)
I'm thinking of moving to Joombyte too because I had the same issue with Arvixe. Can I ask what plan you're using? I want to sign up for the Dolphin 100 to start up with. My network will stay small so I don't need that much room, but I still want to give my members music/video/photo/chat capabilities without having to worry about over-using the CPU.
2.5 hours later still no response from Arvixe. Website is still down, control panel down, and other sites on the server are still down.
Really great support.
You have to talk to them on live chat. it's the only way. They suspended my account two times and I was pissed off course. I don't like how they got into my folder and blocked something without warning or telling me that I needed to update my account. I personally think it's unprofessional. Anyway, I'm on Joombyte now. I like it. It's 3 times faster. :)
I'm thinking of moving to Joombyte too because I had the same issue with Arvixe. Can I ask what plan you're using? I want to sign up for the Dolphin 100 to start up with. My network will stay small so I don't need that much room, but I still want to give my members music/video/photo/chat capabilities without having to worry about over-using the CPU.
I'm using dolphin 100 for now. I have over 600 members and it still runs fast. I tested to see how fast they load with 600 photos on one page.
Arvixe- 52 seconds
Joombyte- 21 second.
Big difference. When I get more members, of course I will move up or go for a dedicated server.
I'm using dolphin 100 for now. I have over 600 members and it still funs fast. I tested to see how fast they load with 600 photos on one page.
Arvixe- 52 seconds
Joombyte- 21 second.
Big difference. When I get more members, of course I will move up or go for a dedicated server.
What's the bandwidth usage per month on 600 members?
I have the Dolphin 200 from then and it runs like a champ :)
Nothing to see here |
I lost the info in Arvixe cpanel because I told them to close my domain. I remember clearly that I had about 200-300 unique visitors a day. I don't remember what my monthly bandwidth was. Sorry :-/ My site is only less than 3 months old. |
I have the Dolphin 200 from then and it runs like a champ :)
I'm sure it is. ha
I only have 30 members on one site and the other which will be more popular is just coming together. I just fear that with pics and videos going in and out, it won't be long before an upgrade for more bandwidth is needed.
I only have 30 members on one site and the other which will be more popular is just coming together. I just fear that with pics and videos going in and out, it won't be long before an upgrade for more bandwidth is needed.
If you don't like it or not happy with it before 30 days, they will give your money back. I still have over 3 weeks left to test. So far i like it. I'm sure Joombyte will let you move up to the next level without waiting til the end of the year. Just have to pay the difference. You can ask Joombyte about that. When your site is becoming wicked busy, it's best to go for a dedicated server (I'm sure you know that) so that way you don't have to worry about CPU usage limit and such.
i am very disapointed in Arvixe at this point got this email this morning
[Arvixe][user: DougMN] resource usage warning
Can't see this message properly? Click on http://www.arvixe.com/mailing.php?id=2edc59f423f8072253634aefb544777a to view it on the web.
Sent: 2010-01-13 01:18:52
Dear Lester Cunningham, We have been monitoring your account's resource usage on the server for the past several days and would like to notify you of the following metrics. Your site is currently placed on a . With this in mind, your site is using the following percentage of resources:
CPU % (all processors combined):
Memory %:
MySQL Usage (0.0-0.5 is Moderate, 1.0 is High, >1.0 is Unacceptable):
Unfortunately, we believe that this type of usage is against our Acceptable Use Policy. Therefore, we need your cooperation in finding a remedy. Depending on your specific case, we generally recommend one or more of the following solutions:
- If you have many sites hosted on one account: Split the sites throughout more accounts
- Upgrade your account to our BusinessClass
- Upgrade your account to our DedicatedClass
- Turn off extra plugins/modules/additions to your sites that may be out-dated or are being used excessively by your visitors
Do note that we employ some of the best servers in the shared web hosting industry and we have identified your site(s) as using too many resources to reside on a regular shared web hosting server. For your convenience, we strongly suggest that when looking away from Arvixe for web hosting that you look for solutions that are a clear upgrade to a regular shared web hosting environment. Important: Please respond to this email with a course of action or a remedy within the next 24 hours or we may be forced to suspend your account. Thank you for your attention and understanding, Arvixe Support support@arvixe.com
and the funny part is i only have 3 memebers on my site . . . . .
if anyone can give me the specs on what a vps server will need ta run Dolphin
will great help
Arvixe can Bite me
That's similar to my message, only I didn't get any specific numbers.
I'm moving. The also blacklisted my home IP so I can't even get into the site. Been waiting 5 hours now for them to remove me from that list. Once it happens i'm doing a backup and moving. Just gotta decide where.
Follow MyDatery's post on some shared host accounts. It doesn't take a powerhouse to run these sites.
Another Arvixe bait and switch, enough people on here to get a class action going now....where is Arvixe located?
i think its located in California
i think its located in California
Follow MyDatery's post on some shared host accounts. It doesn't take a powerhouse to run these sites.
Another Arvixe bait and switch, enough people on here to get a class action going now....where is Arvixe located?
ive searched for his posts on shared host accounts, but can't find anything ?
I have never received a notice about over usage.
Servers setup specifically to run dolphin.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
Follow MyDatery's post on some shared host accounts. It doesn't take a powerhouse to run these sites.
Another Arvixe bait and switch, enough people on here to get a class action going now....where is Arvixe located?
ive searched for his posts on shared host accounts, but can't find anything ?
Its in this thread a few post up but here's the copy and paste.
http://terabyte-hosting.com (check with DD to see if they offer monthly rates and what they are)
http://hostforweb.com They do
have a shared plan that can handle Dolphin & also offer monthly
rates. We run Dedicateds at HFW and get awesome support, we have no
experience with their shared accounts.
I've collected allot of information on Arvixe over the month. Their adress is the following (all I've found on it, so far): P.O. Box 14738; San Luis Obispo, CA 93406; Tel: (805) 235-6414; Fax: (805) 293-8885 - and the owner of Arvixe, LLC (the company) is Arvand Sabetian. Arvand Sabetian's only known job is being the owner of Arvixe. Before the company, he graduated at the California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, CA.
Arvixe resells from two datacenters, both located in Houston Texas. One is The Planet Internet Services and the other is SoftLayer Technologies, Inc. Arvixe is only reported to have ten or less staff members in total, with the last report I've received being only four.
Hey, you wanted to know about them. And there's more where that's from.
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
2.5 hours later still no response from Arvixe. Website is still down, control panel down, and other sites on the server are still down.
Really great support.
You have to talk to them on live chat. it's the only way. They suspended my account two times and I was pissed off course. I don't like how they got into my folder and blocked something without warning or telling me that I needed to update my account. I personally think it's unprofessional. Anyway, I'm on Joombyte now. I like it. It's 3 times faster. :)
I'm thinking of moving to Joombyte too because I had the same issue with Arvixe. Can I ask what plan you're using? I want to sign up for the Dolphin 100 to start up with. My network will stay small so I don't need that much room, but I still want to give my members music/video/photo/chat capabilities without having to worry about over-using the CPU.
I'm using dolphin 100 for now. I have over 600 members and it still runs fast. I tested to see how fast they load with 600 photos on one page.
Arvixe- 52 seconds
Joombyte- 21 second.
Big difference. When I get more members, of course I will move up or go for a dedicated server.
Sounds great. I don't think my site will ever top 200-300 members, with only 50% being fully active, so it looks like I'll be ok.
I think Arvixe is having issues on their end...I mean, what's with getting CPU usage warnings when you only have 3 members??? Maybe they should run a virus scan on their servers....
Does anyone know where i can find documents on how ta install D7
on a vps server ?
Does anyone know where i can find documents on how ta install D7
on a vps server ?
Wrong place to ask. Also, the only documentation is what you can find on the BoonEx site. For example: http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/wiki/DetailedInstall70 - the only installation instructions for Dolphin 7.0.
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Since I see couple people in this thread asking/talking about Shared Servers and my position on them, here it is. Please keep in mind I'm NOT a hosting company and while I will recommend, for the most part I do not get compensation from them, with the exception of I am an affilliate of Host For Web, so you can take that as you like. Note, I do recommend you check around and find the deal that is the BEST for you.
1. I do not for the most part recommend using a shared server due to security issues, however I recognize not all can afford the machines that we run for our stuff and thus your forced for budgetary reasons to use a Shared Server. I understand so I'll hop off that soap box for now.
2. I can only at this time recommend 2 hosts. Please keep in mind I will NOT recommend a host I personally have no experience with. This experience is garnered personally and I do NOT utilize the opinions of others in this list, thus it's very short:
- Host For Web: Yes, I am an affilliate and they also host my Dedicateds which I pay them myself to host my stuff. I have found for me the support is second to none, heck I think I could tell these guys to pull the pin on a grenade, shove it an orifice will the sun should never shine, ever, and then jump off a cliff and not only would they do it, but they'd come back all beat up and exploded asking what I need next. I've never actually asked that of them, but I have asked for alot of other things and gotten excellent support. However I am a Dedicateds Customer and not sure what the support on a Shared Server would be. Personally, I think the Shared Servers are more profitable overall so I'd expect it to be better, but can't promise. I have personally experienced them running all Dolphin Environments with and without additonal modules and it always goes seemlessly, this includes VBulletin, phpBB3, PHP IONCube and so on. Whatever I need they hand it over and I've only once paid a support invoice for something I needed them to do.
- Terabyte-Hosting Solutions. I have added Terabyte to my list of approved Shared Server Hosts for a couple reasons. First being their support has greatly improved over the early days and I do have experience working on sites they host. You might not of known it DD, but I do come in every once and awhile to tweak a site for one of your owners. Don't take offense, your servers run very well I have to admit begrudgingly and I've noticed a huge improvement in your Customer Service over the early days of Terabyte. Good job on that. While THS is a smaller hosting company, they still do the best they can to provide support and from my understanding do provide RMS with every Shared Account.
Well, that's the list of shared server companies I can recommend and I can't add anymore because:
I have not worked with them and I will not recommend a host I have not performed work on a site they host.
- They do NOT provide a fully Dolphin Friendly Environment or I have to fight to connect to them via FTP Client. Look at it this way hosts, if I can't come in via an SFTP Connection on my FTP Client then I'm not going to recommend you. An SCP would even be acceptable, but a basis FTP with no encryption whatsoever is completely unacceptable, it's just a huge risk to take. I'll allow DD or another host to expand more on the differences between SFTP and FTP and the benefits of encryption vs. unencrypted connections.
- I have worked with them and found the servers overall to be Dolphin Friendly but the customer support has been severely lacking and I've seen no evidence that it has improved to an acceptable level.
In the end, when you purchase a hosting account, the hosting company is agreeing to service your needs and provide a suitable environment for your business to exist in. I'm huge in customer service and have a strong belief that without customers a business does not exist. It's when a business remembers this small fact that it excels in taking care of it's customers and that will enable the business to excel in all areas.
Back when Boonex pushed Hostforweb as their only recommeded hosting the forum/blog was full of just as many complaints on them as it is now with Arvixe. Now all those complaints were with their shared hosting accounts. I was personally hacked and they couldn't tell me what/when/how it happened. I later found out that someone hit every account on the server I was on. Needless to say I wasn't happy having to remove malicious files from the directories on EVERY site I had with them. For all I know their VPS might be the best in the world but I would NOT use their shared hosting. |
Well, just signed up with a shared HostForWeb account. Was a little disturbed to see the setup didn't include a landing page. I point my browser to my site and it drops me right into the directory. No index, no nothing. Never saw that before. Hope it's not a bad sign.
10 hours later and 2 support complaints at Arvixe and i'm still IP blocked from accessing my account.
Well, just signed up with a shared HostForWeb account. Was a little disturbed to see the setup didn't include a landing page. I point my browser to my site and it drops me right into the directory. No index, no nothing. Never saw that before. Hope it's not a bad sign.
10 hours later and 2 support complaints at Arvixe and i'm still IP blocked from accessing my account.
Just give HFW support your login information and explain the situation, they should be more than happy to hop over to your Arvixe server, zip it up and move it for you. And their IP isn't blocked by Arvixe.
Well, just signed up with a shared HostForWeb account. Was a little disturbed to see the setup didn't include a landing page. I point my browser to my site and it drops me right into the directory. No index, no nothing. Never saw that before. Hope it's not a bad sign.
10 hours later and 2 support complaints at Arvixe and i'm still IP blocked from accessing my account.
What kind of connection do you have to the internet? If it's DSL or similar with a router, you might be able to power off your router, turn it back on and it will give you a different IP address. I get a new IP address every time i restart my router.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
I'm on cable. I've tried rebooting the modem and router it in the past and I don't get a new IP. The only way that works is if the lease on the IP is going to expire and I unplug the modem for a few hours during the expire time. That usually happens overnight which is what I will do tonight. |
Just a quick reminder to Arvixe users that we can't provide proper support services through the Unity forums. Our phone line's average response time is 10 seconds and our chat's average response time is 18 seconds. I strongly encourage any one with an urgent issue to contact the Chat or our toll free number at 1-888-927-8493 . Denlem, the IP has been unblocked and your ticket responded to. It was blocked due to too many incorrect login attempts to the mail server (most likely during the time your account was suspended).
Please, I urge, you to use our chat and phone support in case of urgent issues so we can assign the proper priority and attention to the event.
And we have been honored with a gracious appearance by none other than Arvixe!!!
Just a quick reminder to Arvixe users that we can't provide proper support services through the Unity forums. Our phone line's average response time is 10 seconds and our chat's average response time is 18 seconds. I strongly encourage any one with an urgent issue to contact the Chat or our toll free number at 1-888-927-8493 . Denlem, the IP has been unblocked and your ticket responded to. It was blocked due to too many incorrect login attempts to the mail server (most likely during the time your account was suspended).
Please, I urge, you to use our chat and phone support in case of urgent issues so we can assign the proper priority and attention to the event.
Shouldn't the e-mail also be properly monitored and responded to Arvixe? Sorry, but your getting a rash of complaints and it seems to me that people are not overall happy with the services they receive when they attempt to contact your company via phone and/or chat. It would seem to me that the e-mail system would be your greatest ally (or enemy) as it can be used to create a ticket system that your personnel can follow to ensure problems are properly resolved, note a high rate of occurrence for similiar problems and isolate out certain issues for review and perhaps streamlining of the system/policies.
You know, Boonex always ask us to keep the dirty laundry out of the forums, but I'm finding this to be immensely informative myself as to how to NOT run a company. Thanks for the training here Arvixe
Just a quick reminder to Arvixe users that we can't provide proper support services through the Unity forums. Our phone line's average response time is 10 seconds and our chat's average response time is 18 seconds. I strongly encourage any one with an urgent issue to contact the Chat or our toll free number at 1-888-927-8493 . Denlem, the IP has been unblocked and your ticket responded to. It was blocked due to too many incorrect login attempts to the mail server (most likely during the time your account was suspended).
Please, I urge, you to use our chat and phone support in case of urgent issues so we can assign the proper priority and attention to the event.
You're right, you can't provide proper support through the Unity forums. You have also shown me that you can't provide proper support through your ticket system either. I haven't had time to sit in chat and wait for someone to respond or type, especially when i'm connted through my phone. A 30 second email is easier, and as mydatery stated above, and has tracking of the problem.
I have to say I'm on the other side of the fence on this one,
I've used a couple different hosts for hosting Dolphin sites and just tried Arvixe to switch to D7 platform on one of my sites and haven't had any issues really. I was able to chat with one of their reps in the web chat and they helped resolve one of my issues within 5 mins. The way I was looking at the unlimited thing was that I could pay for more should I go over my set usage of the cpu. You get what you pay for and 9.00 per month is fine with me for now anyway. I'm sure I'll end up having to upgrade in the future. I also like the idea that they are here in th US as am I. I'm not saying they are your best option but I haven't had any emails or major issues with my primitive skills site.
where did you get the D8 you're one step ahead boonex provided us with d7 only and you are running a D8 beta so not fair  |
Ok, sumthin's fishy in Denmark.... I just went to the site. It does say D8 but appears to be just like D7. Wouldn't the next one be D7.1? BTW, I really HATE that skin ... http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
Two things. Sometimes I can be a bit of a D__kh__d and I have no artistic abilities whatsoever.
I know how difficult it can be to design a good skin and I eagerly await the finished product. 
http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
Ugh, I wish I had seen this thread first.. when doing a search I didn't get this one..
I just signed up for their Dedicated Class! So now suddenly I'm going to be begging members for donations or charging for extra features.. :(
This is so upsetting.. I got lured in with their Unlimited Deals and even paid for the higher level of service, the pro, because it seemed like a good deal.. I had a previous network hosted by Ning and SocialGo, so I wanted to move it over to my own service. So during testing I only had like 40 people on the network.. After testing and other building I announced the site to the other members and had 350 members sign up in one day, Arvixe responded by suspending my account. D: I asked why and their "notes weren't clear" according to one of their support associates. So they unsuspended my account and 12hrs later it was suspended again! This time I found out that it was php errors and flash media resources overloading the server.
So after talking with them again, I found that the 100s of Dolphin Networks that they have that seem to run just fine only have about 15 active members on it at any given time! I'm going to have, at the least, 25 active members at any given time.. So suddenly I'm looking at upgrading to their Business Class. The rep then asked how many I expect will be moving over to my site, and I told him 4000 users! Cause I'll be shutting the old network down soon, so I'll have all the members coming over to this. Thats when I found out that if you want a good Unlimited Plan with Arvixe, then your network better not go over 100 users. D:
You know, I told myself a while back that this thread was getting way out of control and I had decided to not participate in it any longer.
But now I have been forced by my own conscience to change my mind (and NO, I'm not a female!)
I have seen several notations in here about Arvixe entering someones file structure and renaming folders or files to disable them and it hit me. Who the hell do these guys think they are?! Those files are YOUR intellectual property and even though they are running the server, they DO NOT have the right to make any changes to your files or folders without your permission to make them inaccessible!
If there's an issue with your site and it's causing a failure at the server level, I would say they do have the right to temporarily sever your connection to the net to stop the bloodletting (if it actually exists, something that none of us are actually convinced of here anyway) but they DO NOT have the right to damage your property by editing your stuff! Those files belong to you..
I know everyone here has heard the old saying "Where there's smoke, theres fire" and this forest is most certainly ablaze! I think it's time we started pushing Boonex to separate itself from Arvixe and remove them from the preferred providers list. It is painfully obvious to me that any association with Arvixe from this point forward can only be detrimental to the project at hand and if left alone, will certainly cause irreparable harm to the Boonex/Dolphin project.
There, I said it. Got a bad habit of speaking my mind. Just ask CalTrade (lol) Now lets see how much trouble I'm in.
http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
For me, I ended up staying with Arvixe.
I attempted a move to HostForWeb and had problems. Dolphin WOULD NOT run out of the box. They had to make changes to server settings when I had errors. I kept asking why I was having these problems when I purchased a Dolphin Hosting Package. I never got an answer any time I asked.
Aside from getting suspended from the too much CPU usage problem when I just installed the software and had no members, they have been running flawlessly for me so I decided to stay with Arvixe.
Aside getting suspended from the too much CPU usage problem when I just installed the software and had no members, they have been running flawlessly for me so I decided to stay with Arvixe.
I'm sorry, but how can that be considered a justifiable trade-off?
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
You're dumb, you're dumb, Same thing, still dumb
Hey Merve, you're dumb No, you're dumb No, no you're dumb Well you're dumb 'cause you got glasses on Well you're...dumb Your nose is funny, and dumb Oh yeah? Well your eyes are dumb I'm gonna sing why you're dumb
Your books are over-due, because you're dumb Oh yeah? Well your hampster ran away, because you're dumb Your shirt shrunk in the wash, because it's cotton and you're dumb Well your toilet over-flowed
You know Merve, you're not the only one that's dumb Who else is dumb? Everybody You're right, they're all dumb
Hey you, You go to pluh.com, because you're dumb And you're downloading this song, because you're dumb Your hemroids are enflamed, because your dumb Your brain's all stupid.
Oh say can you see, everyone is dumb but me I am never ever wrong, and that's all you'll ever be...
(people who hold out notes are dumb... ...the longer you do that the dumber you sound)
It's daylight savings time, because you're dumb That guy right there is dumb, because you're dumb One time you went to McDonalds and got some frenchfries and ketchup packets, and you sat down to eat them but you couldn't get 'em open so you went to the store to buy some scissors but didn't have enough money so you started running to your friends house to borrow some money so you could buy some scissors to open up your ketchup packets and enjoy your frenchfries more fully but then just before you got to his front door a piano fell on your head...because you're dumb
(Didn't see that one coming) Oh say can you see, everyone is dumb but me I am never ever wrong, and that's all you'll ever be
(That was beautiful) (Thankyou) (You're still dumb) You're dumb, the song, now die You're dead, because, you're dumb Oh wait, you're still, alive You're still, no dumb, the less
(You roared 'cause you're dumb)
(You're dumb because you thought the heavy part was over)
You died while in the pit, because you're dumb Your funeral is boring, 'cause your dumb You're six feet underground, because you're dumb Now you're all dead and stuff
You're dumb 'cause this sounds like Deftone song You're dumb 'cause pandas are endangered You're dumb 'cause everything is composed of matter You're dumb because, smiley face You're dumb because this recording studio is just my closet in my appartment (dumb dumb dumb) And you're dumb because, (dumb dumb dumb) I'm out of dumb things to say...you dumbie (dumb dumb dumb dumb)
Wait! You dumbie! I have one more reason....
Your dumb because your Arvixe hosted site will explode with 2 members!!!
(dumb dumb dumb dumb)
Please remember me forever Believe in me as someone Who's never gonna wish
you well
I'm gonna tell you what I think about you in that unforgivable
way I do You're an idiot And I hate your guts I guess I'm about as
happy for you as I would be a cockroach in my food I know it's terrible I
really hate you though
Do you have your fairytale life Or are you
dancing to the white trash [trance] Oh please remember me Believe in me as
someone Who's never gonna wish you well
I heard the thing that you
hate about me almost everyday, but you still wouldn't leave I had to
[bullsh*t] love Ooh, I hated your guts And I heard the opposite of love
isn't hate It's indifference But I can't relate It's not good
enough Cuz I hate your guts
Did you sell your mediocre mind You had
to find out why you're better off with broader [lines]
please remember me Believe in me as someone Who's never gonna wish you
well Oh please remember me Believe in me as someone Who wants you to go
to hell
You're in me, you're boring Oh, did you hear me snoring? I
don't mutilate myself when I talk to you So tell me how did I hope you could
tell that I'm no one's pearl You can have em, go to hell You're gonna die
on us They're gonna hate your guts
CHORUS (x2) There are none so blind as those that will not see. |
Aside getting suspended from the too much CPU usage problem when I just installed the software and had no members, they have been running flawlessly for me so I decided to stay with Arvixe.
I'm sorry, but how can that be considered a justifiable trade-off?
It's not, but i've been through 3 different hosts i'm tired of moving. I've also been unemployed for the past 9 months, so i need cheap hosting that at least works. It works now, i'm up and running, i'm happy. My hosting fuse is short though, so if something happens, i'm out.
Now this makes sense:
Aside getting suspended from the too much CPU usage problem when I just installed the software and had no members, they have been running flawlessly for me so I decided to stay with Arvixe.
I'm sorry, but how can that be considered a justifiable trade-off?
It's not, but i've been through 3 different hosts i'm tired of moving. I've also been unemployed for the past 9 months, so i need cheap hosting that at least works. It works now, i'm up and running, i'm happy. My hosting fuse is short though, so if something happens, i'm out.
He is unemployed and host hopping on the 30 Day guaranteed refund. This way his site stays up as he bounces from host to host, sittin' for 29 days, takin' the refund and off to the next one.
That is until the DNS gets cached into so many Name Servers at the wrong IP's that he can never be found again. LOL
Aside getting suspended from the too much CPU usage problem when I just installed the software and had no members, they have been running flawlessly for me so I decided to stay with Arvixe.
I'm sorry, but how can that be considered a justifiable trade-off?
It's not, but i've been through 3 different hosts i'm tired of moving. I've also been unemployed for the past 9 months, so i need cheap hosting that at least works. It works now, i'm up and running, i'm happy. My hosting fuse is short though, so if something happens, i'm out.
I too am in the same boat. I have been laid off for a year now. The industry that I work in is dead due to the economy. I have just gone through 3 different hosts myself trying to get this site running. Plus paying someone 50.00 to set up a site on a host that I just canceled with no refund on it. I just signed up for Arvixe today. I thought that the reason why I was getting a good deal was due to the fact that I was paying 2 years in advance and they were networking with dolphin. I mean I saw all the good reviews so I jumped on it. I would also like to point out that yes I am a newbie. I have only been working on computers for 1 year now.
After reading this series of posts I am just about to the point of giving up on the script because of hosting problems. When I googled and found this site and saw what it had to offer I was amazed. This is something that I have been looking for for a long time. I realy like the script and how it is set up. I don't mind upgrading if I have to because I have to many members using it and I am making money off of it. But from what I have been reading I am in seriouse doubt if I can have enought members to make money off of it before I have to upgrade.
Would also like to point out that this kind of buisness tactics that many hosts use from what I have read and reasearched, not only hurt the individuals but the companies that do business with them. From a standpoint of someone that has just joined and reading all this information about a hosting company that they endorse makes me think twice about the company as well as the host. Maybe there should be a disclaimer or warning about the hosting that will need to be provided on the download page.
Well not sure what to do at this point. I am a person who hates to admit defeat and I guess I will check out the other hosting sites mentioned hear in these posts. Maybe I'll just stay with them since I have already spent to much money and time looking for other hosting. All I know is I won't give up but hate being burned due to lack of knowledge by a company that preys on newbies. It just seems like the whole industry is like this at times though.
WOW, you guys really don't get it!
Can't we have a constructive and infomative converstion here with out all that BS?
You guys waste my and others time by filling these post up with your idiomatic ramblings that have nothing to do with the thread.
Our song lyrics have everything to do with the thread. They truly reflect our inner feelings in regrds to Arvixe, displaying the emotional turmoil that such a host brings out in us.
Perhaps you should go someplace else if you don't like to read these.
The basic Arvixe package for 4 bucks a month will only support 20 users. More than that then you end up using too much resources and get dumped for TOS violation. They dangle the 4 dollar carrot in your face to get you set up and then have to upgrade to a business package. I have a business package with them and it runs better than my VPS did. That and it is cheaper in the end. I think what the problem here is that Arvixe does not make this obvious from the get go. Did you really think you could have a huge community for 4 bucks a month? If so, I have a few bridges for sale here if you want one.
I had no issues with Arvixe...but last night, after trying to copy some files onto my computer before manipulating things...it stopped working!!! Find out that copying the files had my IP address banned!!!!! Interesting enough, I didn't get the email warning message! I did some overload with just regular maintance...go figure.
But once contacting them, however, i will say they do have great customer service...as soon as i get back to work, i'll upgrade...but right now, it's just not feasible.
I had no issues with Arvixe...but last night, after trying to copy some files onto my computer before manipulating things...it stopped working!!! Find out that copying the files had my IP address banned!!!!! Interesting enough, I didn't get the email warning message! I did some overload with just regular maintance...go figure.
But once contacting them, however, i will say they do have great customer service...as soon as i get back to work, i'll upgrade...but right now, it's just not feasible.
They do seem to be ban happy. I've been banned twice so far. Once trying to log in while I was suspended, and just recently setting up email addresses in outlook. I guess they didn't like it's attempts to auto configure.
Wow, I just checked my server. They are really piling them on there. I think there was 93 domains on the server when I signed up. Now there are 223. |
I had no issues with Arvixe...but last night, after trying to copy some files onto my computer before manipulating things...it stopped working!!! Find out that copying the files had my IP address banned!!!!! Interesting enough, I didn't get the email warning message! I did some overload with just regular maintance...go figure.
But once contacting them, however, i will say they do have great customer service...as soon as i get back to work, i'll upgrade...but right now, it's just not feasible.
So your happy with getting your IP Banned for doing regular maintenance to your site? Hmmm... Maybe I should give you some space on one of mine Carol. I promise to ban your IP for 60 minutes every time you pull up more than 1 page a week on your site. And if you log in and upload more than 50 bytes a month via FTP that will be a 6 month IP Ban.
Actually, someone could actually use the TOS against Arvixe and win. There's an old thing in the US and the UK called Common Law. This applies when there really isn't a law on the books to specifically deal with an issue, then it falls back on precedence (meaning what the courts have done in the past). There are no laws specifically on the books dealing with vague contracts or vague terms of a contract. The TOS is part of the contract that the Arvixe Hosting Customers have with Arvixe.
It does clearly state in the TOS & in their Advertising that they will provide "Unlimited Bandwidth" and "Unlimited Disc Space" for any site you want to host on their server for $4.00 per month. However, they do not mention CPU Usage in the advertising at all. In fact, they only mention it in the TOS as a vague, non-specific item, that you could violate. Okay, we played the game of trying to figure out what that number is and the response was that their is no easy way to monitor it. There is "no specific number" that they refer to.
Now, how does Common Law apply here? That's simple. When a contract is written by one party and the other party has no ability to alter any part of the contract then any questionable/vague part of the contract will be interpretted in a manner that benefits the party that had no ability to write or alter any part of it. This means that since they don't give a reference or provide any type of information that says when/how you can violate the CPU Usage anywhere in the contract, emphatically state that CPU Usage can not be effectively monitored and do not provide you with a means to monitor it yourself, that they have no write to state that your violating it. This means they can not shut your site down for a CPU Usage problem.
The problem I have with Arvixe is they play a huge bait and switch game on their customers, luring them in with one thing and then force them to upgrade to something more almost immediately. If you claim you have no problems with them then it's becoming increasingly obvious you either have noone visiting your site or they are giving you a very favorable deal in comparison to the others.
It'd be great to see someone drag their asses into court on this, I'm positive the customer would win.
As far as believing you could host a site and grow it at $4.00 a month, they do lead you to believe you can. Hell, they told me in our little chat that by the time I needed to upgrade to a larger server that the site would be making money. How can a site make money when it gets suspended all the time for TOS violations for getting 20 unique visitors a month. That is friggin' nuts and a blatant case of "fraud" in my mind.
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
So your happy with getting your IP Banned for doing regular maintenance to your site? Hmmm... Maybe I should give you some space on one of mine Carol. I promise to ban your IP for 60 minutes every time you pull up more than 1 page a week on your site. And if you log in and upload more than 50 bytes a month via FTP that will be a 6 month IP Ban.
Actually, someone could actually use the TOS against Arvixe and win. There's an old thing in the US and the UK called Common Law. This applies when there really isn't a law on the books to specifically deal with an issue, then it falls back on precedence (meaning what the courts have done in the past). There are no laws specifically on the books dealing with vague contracts or vague terms of a contract. The TOS is part of the contract that the Arvixe Hosting Customers have with Arvixe.
It does clearly state in the TOS & in their Advertising that they will provide "Unlimited Bandwidth" and "Unlimited Disc Space" for any site you want to host on their server for $4.00 per month. However, they do not mention CPU Usage in the advertising at all. In fact, they only mention it in the TOS as a vague, non-specific item, that you could violate. Okay, we played the game of trying to figure out what that number is and the response was that their is no easy way to monitor it. There is "no specific number" that they refer to.
Now, how does Common Law apply here? That's simple. When a contract is written by one party and the other party has no ability to alter any part of the contract then any questionable/vague part of the contract will be interpretted in a manner that benefits the party that had no ability to write or alter any part of it. This means that since they don't give a reference or provide any type of information that says when/how you can violate the CPU Usage anywhere in the contract, emphatically state that CPU Usage can not be effectively monitored and do not provide you with a means to monitor it yourself, that they have no write to state that your violating it. This means they can not shut your site down for a CPU Usage problem.
The problem I have with Arvixe is they play a huge bait and switch game on their customers, luring them in with one thing and then force them to upgrade to something more almost immediately. If you claim you have no problems with them then it's becoming increasingly obvious you either have noone visiting your site or they are giving you a very favorable deal in comparison to the others.
It'd be great to see someone drag their asses into court on this, I'm positive the customer would win.
It's called an adhesion contract and when a very material term such as cpu limit or TOS violations are used to ban users, and those violations and limits are intentionally left vague where the customer cannot ascertain the limits, then courts in the US will supply those limits to the detriment of the contract drafter.
I'm still surprised on the simple cpu issues Arxive is having. We just surpassed the 200 member mark today and our CPU limit has yet to peak over 1.2%.
So your happy with getting your IP Banned for doing regular maintenance to your site? Hmmm... Maybe I should give you some space on one of mine Carol. I promise to ban your IP for 60 minutes every time you pull up more than 1 page a week on your site. And if you log in and upload more than 50 bytes a month via FTP that will be a 6 month IP Ban.
HAHAHAHA....No, I'm not happy...again, as soon as I can, I'll get something somewhere else...just can't do it right now...so leave some room on your server for me :)
So your happy with getting your IP Banned for doing regular maintenance to your site? Hmmm... Maybe I should give you some space on one of mine Carol. I promise to ban your IP for 60 minutes every time you pull up more than 1 page a week on your site. And if you log in and upload more than 50 bytes a month via FTP that will be a 6 month IP Ban.
HAHAHAHA....No, I'm not happy...again, as soon as I can, I'll get something somewhere else...just can't do it right now...so leave some room on your server for me :)
Or you could go ahead and ride with them until they do ban you. At that point drag their asses into the courtroom for violating the contract and disrupting your business and allow the court to order them to pay you for the disruption, attorney fees, court costs and provide what they contracted for forever. Think about it, your site grows to 200 Million members, your using the RMS they agreed to provide for free, the members hog the crap out of it with video/audio feeds and it's all yours, for the high price of $4.00 per month.
That is the exact scenario Arvixe wants to prevent, but they lure all you newbies in with the idea of something that is financially impossible for them to do. (By the way, that would run about 45K a month in US Dollars if you had 20 million members, at least)
Wow.... I just did a reverse IP lookup on an arvixe hosted site..... 529 sites hosted on one server. That means that on the average, each site is allowed to use .2% of cpu resources (Note decimal point). That sounds impossible. What am I missing? My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Wow.... I just did a reverse IP lookup on an arvixe hosted site..... 529 sites hosted on one server. That means that on the average, each site is allowed to use .2% of cpu resources (Note decimal point). That sounds impossible. What am I missing?
They claim to have only a few web sites on every server, but I challenged them on it awhile back. They are just a reseller, so they couldn't possibly have that many servers under their belt to keep the cap down like that. I looked further into it last week and discovered they only hold around four to five servers in all for web hosting, and that is still just leased hardware.
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
I think the hosting industry should require disclaimers for whether a host you'll be on is a reseller or direct host. Even a direct host, a lot of time they are renting space in a larger facility so their hardware specs may be real but their bandwidth usage is not fully up to them.
The absolute best hosting option is to go to a TIER 1 provider who runs their own facility and either rents you an actual dedicated server or gives you space for your own server. That's the most expensive.
Next down the line is a shared hosting provider which may sometimes offer dedicated options.
Next down the line is VPS where you might be one out of 4-5 customers, max, on a single server and each account's VPS is "virtualized" so that CPU/hardware specs can be rationed but at least guaranteed.
Below that is getting a shared shared hosting account on a shared hosting provider, these are the $4-10/mo plans.
And the lowest is to get shared hosting from a reseller. I have no idea why anyone would get this kind of hosting. Not only is it shared which is bad enough (unless you know you'll be well within reasonable usage of CPU, disk & bandwidth), but you won't get assurance that reseller won't oversell on a server that's probably already oversold with other resellers. A lot of times people aren't aware they're getting hosting from a reseller because it's never spelled out for them. They buy on the promises.
I think the hosting industry should require disclaimers for whether a host you'll be on is a reseller or direct host. Even a direct host, a lot of time they are renting space in a larger facility so their hardware specs may be real but their bandwidth usage is not fully up to them.
The absolute best hosting option is to go to a TIER 1 provider who runs their own facility and either rents you an actual dedicated server or gives you space for your own server. That's the most expensive.
Next down the line is a shared hosting provider which may sometimes offer dedicated options.
Next down the line is VPS where you might be one out of 4-5 customers, max, on a single server and each account's VPS is "virtualized" so that CPU/hardware specs can be rationed but at least guaranteed.
Below that is getting a shared shared hosting account on a shared hosting provider, these are the $4-10/mo plans.
And the lowest is to get shared hosting from a reseller. I have no idea why anyone would get this kind of hosting. Not only is it shared which is bad enough (unless you know you'll be well within reasonable usage of CPU, disk & bandwidth), but you won't get assurance that reseller won't oversell on a server that's probably already oversold with other resellers. A lot of times people aren't aware they're getting hosting from a reseller because it's never spelled out for them. They buy on the promises.
I don't think people know/realize that they are going with a shared reseller. They don't exactly advertise that they are shared and unless someone knows what to look for in a server, they simply believe the people that run the server own the server.
Wow.... I just did a reverse IP lookup on an arvixe hosted site..... 529 sites hosted on one server. That means that on the average, each site is allowed to use .2% of cpu resources (Note decimal point). That sounds impossible. What am I missing?
Geez! They did mention that their shared business class had like 100 or 150.. (I forget).. dang!
Wow.... I just did a reverse IP lookup on an arvixe hosted site..... 529 sites hosted on one server. That means that on the average, each site is allowed to use .2% of cpu resources (Note decimal point). That sounds impossible. What am I missing?
I just did a search and found 37 server names. I assume they are all shared. One of them showed 1137 domains hosted on it.
Wow.... I just did a reverse IP lookup on an arvixe hosted site..... 529 sites hosted on one server. That means that on the average, each site is allowed to use .2% of cpu resources (Note decimal point). That sounds impossible. What am I missing?
I just did a search and found 37 server names. I assume they are all shared. One of them showed 1137 domains hosted on it.
Hm, that's more web servers than I found. Still, they are really pushing it with the amount of web hosting accounts they are cramming on each.
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Wow.... I just did a reverse IP lookup on an arvixe hosted site..... 529 sites hosted on one server. That means that on the average, each site is allowed to use .2% of cpu resources (Note decimal point). That sounds impossible. What am I missing?
I just did a search and found 37 server names. I assume they are all shared. One of them showed 1137 domains hosted on it.
Hm, that's more web servers than I found. Still, they are really pushing it with the amount of web hosting accounts they are cramming on each.
I've looked up a few and find 300 to 550 domains on them. Some only have a few sites so they may be dedicated.
They seem to have a lot of animal server names... hare, ape, snake, lizard, shark, ant, rhino, moose, crow, python, croc, bee, deer, panda, etc...
I got this email too. I got it 2 times. Yesterday suspended my site but finally they unsuspended it.
too much % CPU comsuption. They gived me 2 reasons:
1- My site is getting more popularity
2- An error in some script
They have recommended me to unistall some scripts that generate too much comsuption such as chat. Wanted to see if we can solved a lil the problem.
Can some one tell me which scripts generate more consuption, some scripts with some issues, ¿and any help for solving this?
P.D: I know that with 1 dedicated I would have no problems, but by the moment my web only cost me moneny and don´t give me no benefit. Thanks to all.
I would recommend you hostgator shared account - if will use external rms for example from joombyte you are all set - altrought if u will have many users u need to go at least with VPS otherwise site will be veeery slow... Hostgator comes really handy if u are not an IT professional because their online support simply rocks... |
Unbelievable.. I took the Shoutbox off of my site, and also limited my front page to only show a few things from pictures, vids, and blogs, now my server no longer overloads and my site is running fairly smoothly...
Now I have to wonder if I did that when I was on the shared hosting account, if I'd even need a dedicated server so early on.. Tho in the long run, it probably is for the best for my network to have the dedicated server.
I don't know why people keep going to Arvixe. Of course the chat demands more bandwidth but it's not so much that it should cause a problem anywhere! Disabling features to meet the need of your provider is ass-backwards! Your host needs to provide more services to meet your needs!
I have a thread like this on my site. It's called "The Never Ending Thread" and it's sole purpose is to see just how big a thread we can make over time. The last one I made had several thousand replies. Maybe Arvixe is doing the same thing here. Seeing just how many people they can piss off to make this the longest thread IN HISTORY!!!
http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
I don't know why people keep going to Arvixe. Of course the chat demands more bandwidth but it's not so much that it should cause a problem anywhere! Disabling features to meet the need of your provider is ass-backwards! Your host needs to provide more services to meet your needs!
I have a thread like this on my site. It's called "The Never Ending Thread" and it's sole purpose is to see just how big a thread we can make over time. The last one I made had several thousand replies. Maybe Arvixe is doing the same thing here. Seeing just how many people they can piss off to make this the longest thread IN HISTORY!!!
I was created a forum, where I was the only account registered. I made a topic filled with hundreds of replies, all by myself.
If Arvixe wants competition, they have it.
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
I don't know why people keep going to Arvixe. Of course the chat demands more bandwidth but it's not so much that it should cause a problem anywhere! Disabling features to meet the need of your provider is ass-backwards! Your host needs to provide more services to meet your needs!
I have a thread like this on my site. It's called "The Never Ending Thread" and it's sole purpose is to see just how big a thread we can make over time. The last one I made had several thousand replies. Maybe Arvixe is doing the same thing here. Seeing just how many people they can piss off to make this the longest thread IN HISTORY!!!
I was created a forum, where I was the only account registered. I made a topic filled with hundreds of replies, all by myself.
If Arvixe wants competition, they have it.
For the same reasons they keep buying from KMD. If it's to low priced to be of good quality then it must be top quality.