In the install manual there is a moment -
4) Navigate to this URL in your browser: Dolphin_URL/upgrade.php, where "Dolphin_URL" is your site's full URL.
My upgrade.php file is installed in a directory /public_html/sql/upgrade.php
How to browse there and execute the upgrade?
When you uploaded the contents of the upgrade there is another upgrade.php that should have gotten uploaded to the root of your dolphin install. So for example:
If your dolphin is installed at
You would need to type in to began the upgrade. I know there is one in the sql also, but thats not the one they are referring to.
Hope this helps,
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Should the [path_to] be written like -
require_once( '[/x/y/public_html/]inc/' );
require_once( '["/x/y/public_html/"]inc/' );
What you pasted in here is part of the code of the actual file. All you have to do if you uploaded the complete contents of the upgrade to your server, then all you need to is type in the address to the upgrade.php file in your browser.
like and hit enter.. just follow the on-screen instructions.
EDITED: You should not be editing the code of the file.
require_once( '/inc/' ); is just indication that the file located in the inc/ folder is needed for the upgrade.php file to run properly.
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Just go to your site URL and add upgrad.php to the end whatever the url is.
For example my site is:
So I would put as the URL since I'd have dropped the upgrade file into the root of my dolphin install, meaning the same directory that my index.php page is in.
**Nice thought guys, but that url is no good since I don't have an upgrade.php file in place. LOL!
****Zarcon beat me to it... Oh well... LOL
I went some steps ahead.
I missed the files in the top folder and it worked fine with
But there is a step after that where you replace the [path_to] and I don't know exactly how to replace that code
Should the [path_to] be written like -
require_once( '[/x/y/public_html/]inc/' );
require_once( '["/x/y/public_html/"]inc/' );
Yes, when you go to edit the periodic/cmd.php and periodic/notifies.php you will need to change the path to the
such as :
require_once( '/home/mysite/public_html/inc/' );
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The easiest way to know the correct way is to open:
inc/ and locate:
$dir['root'] = "/home/directory/public_html/";
Then copy paste all the is in between the red apostrophes and places it infront of the /inc/ path.
Good job on this Zarcon, you've definitely got her headed in the right direction with it.
Ok, the upgrade to Dolphin 6.1.5 went fine or?
The site is runing fine but in the admin/dashboard area the sign is after the upgrade is -
Installed - 6.1.4 Latest - 6.1.6
Its doesn't tell you this in the installation document but you have to open the inc/ file and replace the following:
$site['build'] = '4';
$site['build'] = '4';
You can see that information HERE
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