i screwed something up, under Admin, page builder, homepage the html block dont work properly. its not showing the add html text and all the other items like what you see here when composing message. i was working before but now all i get when i click on the html block is... and no other options like before.. can some please tell me what folder this is in so that i could re-upload it. thank
Type: |
HTML Block |
Description: |
Simple HTML Block |
Caption Lang Key: |
Visible for: |
Member |
HTML-content: |
maby you can provide us a screenshot from what you see on screen? and use Firefox browser for this sort of tasks where html block is needed. Kids first |

oh and if i enter a text on the box it wont even update. the save, delete cancel tabs at the bottom dont do anything..
thanks for the help
Have you tried this in Firefox? That screen though will never do what you want it to do. Note these screen shots and it will probably start to work for you:

And you will get a box that looks like this:

Now you know how to enter an html block. Next time won't you take screen shots with me!!
It looks to me, he has no Tiny editor in the Block, if I see hit screenshot right? So he can not use the html option... Kids first |
It looks to me, he has no Tiny editor in the Block, if I see hit screenshot right? So he can not use the html option...
Your right killerhaii, he doesn't have the TinyMCE editor so he can't use the html option. Good eye, I didn't see that part.
so can any1 point me in the direction of my screw up? what files to reupload?
I just finished an upload and I'm doing an install right now Tony, let me look around after I get done with this and if noone else has found it then I'll take a look.
If you want, you can try uploading the Admin folder again, but you will need to reset the password if you do that for your admin panel. The instructions for it can be found by typeing admin password in forum search and clicking the Messages radio button instead of the topic one. It's pretty simple to reset it if you have to.
i tryed to reupload a fresh Admin folder but that did not do anything. it did did not request a password change. i was able to log in with the old one... |
Maby a stupid question, have you in your browser javascript allowed and the newest java installed. Kids first |
killerhaai yes that is up to date but still nothing :( |
can you check please that the Tiny MSE is loading in your site, like blogs, orca, events if you write something? If this is not the case then there is something else not working and we have to look further Kids first |
tryed the forums, blogs and no tinyMCE :( |
I have only one possible solution:
If you have root access on your server by cpanel or with programm you use in php.ini the magic_quotes_runtime to OFF If you are on a shared hosting, ask your hosting if they willed to do that for you...
This can be working, on some servers this is the problem.
success Kids first |
hummm, I would have to contact my hosting. But could this be the cause because it was working fine before... i noticed that it stop working at the same time while I was MODing the site. so i was sure that it was something that i screwed up... |
Check with host first.
Second, look at the mods you installed, I see in the screenshots that you have gifts twice, which means you ran the sql.php or modCompilemenu.php file twice for it and thus double created it. Appears that you have had a few bumps in the road of installing/modding your site.
You may want to have your host check for a back up from before these tinymce's disappeared and install that instead.
yes i had the gift mod fixed by dolphinmods. But yes im new to programing so im learning as i go and have messed up as you could see. i was hoping that it was just i file that i was able to reupload but i guess i was wrong.. |
re installed the tinymce folder and nothing... still waiting on the host what did i do..... |
I have only one possible solution:
If you have root access on your server by cpanel or with programm you use in php.ini the magic_quotes_runtime to OFF If you are on a shared hosting, ask your hosting if they willed to do that for you...
This can be working, on some servers this is the problem.
if my hosting is able to switch the magic_quotes_runtime to OFF.... would that affect anything else? how would this fix the disapearance of the tinymce?
This was a solution from IgorL because I had the same problem after upgrading to 6.1.6 But what I have already writed, some servers will respond to this.
You can try it, if its not working for you set it back to ON. So far I know nothing else is affected.
success Kids first |
This was a solution from IgorL because I had the same problem after upgrading to 6.1.6 But what I have already writed, some servers will respond to this.
You can try it, if its not working for you set it back to ON. So far I know nothing else is affected.
no luck had it off and still no tinymce :(
Hmmmm.... at the moment I'am out off solutions for this. I'am sorry, if I find something that can help i will be back to this. Kids first |
I was just doing some mod install and noticed something. Can you humor me and shot me a screen shot of your Admin panel at:
Admin => Users => Members.
I would like to see if the Tiny MCE editor appears below the list of members. Methinks that when you installed some of your mods, you accidentally coded/commented out the tinymce and it needs to be put back in. The weird thing is, this is happening site wide if I read you correctly. Which makes me wonder, as it gets called for several different locations, but should all be from the same spot.
Where is it called from originally again?
******This post does not answer the question that is raised, it is a post seeking more information from the member and is not meant to insult, humiliate, belittle, bash or cause any type of emotional distress to the user. This post has been made by the New, Improved, Kinder, Gentler Mydatery and is intened to be helpful, though it seeks more information than it releases currently. May the Internet Gods bless your servers with truly unlimited bandwidth
I was just doing some mod install and noticed something. Can you humor me and shot me a screen shot of your Admin panel at:
Admin => Users => Members.
I would like to see if the Tiny MCE editor appears below the list of members. Methinks that when you installed some of your mods, you accidentally coded/commented out the tinymce and it needs to be put back in. The weird thing is, this is happening site wide if I read you correctly. Which makes me wonder, as it gets called for several different locations, but should all be from the same spot.
Where is it called from originally again?
******This post does not answer the question that is raised, it is a post seeking more information from the member and is not meant to insult, humiliate, belittle, bash or cause any type of emotional distress to the user. This post has been made by the New, Improved, Kinder, Gentler Mydatery and is intened to be helpful, though it seeks more information than it releases currently. May the Internet Gods bless your servers with truly unlimited bandwidth

Little more humoring of me:
Please check your file: admin/profile.php
Note: Run a search near the top to find this, tell us if it's there or not:
$logged['admin'] = member_auth( 1, true, true ); $ADMIN = $logged[admin];
$_page['css_name'] = 'profiles.css'; $_page['extraCodeInHead'] = ' <!-- tinyMCE --> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="' . $site['plugins'] . 'tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js"></script> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> // Notice: The simple theme does not use all options some of them are limited to the advanced theme tinyMCE.init({ mode : "textareas", theme : "advanced", content_css : "' . $site['base'] . 'css/tiny_mce.css", editor_selector : "articl", plugins : "table,save,advhr,advimage,advlink,emotions,iespell,insertdatetime,preview,zoom,media,searchreplace,print,contextmenu,paste,directionality,fullscreen", theme_advanced_buttons1_add : "fontselect,fontsizeselect", theme_advanced_buttons2_add_before: "cut,copy,paste,pastetext,pasteword,separator,search,replace,separator", theme_advanced_buttons2_add : "separator,insertdate,inserttime,separator,forecolor,backcolor", theme_advanced_buttons3_add_before : "tablecontrols,separator", theme_advanced_buttons3_add : "emotions", theme_advanced_toolbar_location : "top", theme_advanced_toolbar_align : "left", theme_advanced_statusbar_location : "bottom", theme_advanced_disable : "link,unlink,insertanchor,image,subscript,superscript,help,anchor,code,styleselect", plugi2n_insertdate_dateFormat : "%Y-%m-%d", plugi2n_insertdate_timeFormat : "%H:%M:%S", paste_use_dialog : false, theme_advanced_resizing : false, theme_advanced_resize_horizontal : false, theme_advanced_link_targets : "_something=My somthing;_something2=My somthing2;_something3=My somthing3;", paste_auto_cleanup_on_paste : true, paste_convert_headers_to_strong : false, paste_strip_class_attributes : "all", paste_remove_spans : false, paste_remove_styles : false
}); </script> <!-- /tinyMCE -->
The section in Bold is the code for the tineMCE editor. Is it in the file? Just checking the easiest place for it first.
If it's there, we'll have to move on to another item to check, if it's not there, then we will need to adjust your site for it. Note, that is the Advanced version of it and is what a base install should have.
****Note: This post has been written in a manner that does not answer the question, rather it poses another question for the purpose of helping to find the final problem with the Original Posters site. Should you have any information that will explain where the tinyMCE editors have gone that has not been tried, then please feel free to post it here. This post was written by the New, Improved, Polite Mydatery in a manner that is not meant to be offensive, manipulative, degrading, intrusive, bashing, belittling, insulting or intimidating. If you have found any item in this post to be offensive please do not ask me to apologize, as I have no emotions under direct order of the moderators of this site. May the Gods feel it just to rain down upon you sunshine and happiness for your many years.
mydatery / killerhaai
that did the trick, i did not have the code in (admin/profile.php) so pasted it in there and bamm tinyMCE is now working..
thanks for the super fast response/help..
humm i did re-upload the entire admin folder but that didnt do anything... i gues the admin folder did not have it eather..
im really thanksfull...
i'll be around the forums so we will keep in touch
mydatery / killerhaai
that did the trick, i did not have the code in (admin/profile.php) so pasted it in there and bamm tinyMCE is now working..
thanks for the super fast response/help..
humm i did re-upload the entire admin folder but that didnt do anything... i gues the admin folder did not have it eather..
im really thanksfull...
i'll be around the forums so we will keep in touch
Your welcome. Part of it's my fault for not reading your entire post the first time through. Somehow it got deleted on you when you were modding your files/upgrading your site. It happens to all of us (I once copied 5 mod instructions into a file and didn't realize it until the site errored.
Good luck with your site!