Dang it. You beat me here on this one, I was about to ask them why they're editing the DB via FTP & Notepad.
I run 4 languages on my sites, you need to create a table for each in the DB and all the keys that go with it. Strongly suggest Notepad++ at least while your writing it. This will get you started:
INSERT INTO `LocalizationLanguages` VALUES(2, 'de', 'de', 'German');
INSERT INTO `LocalizationLanguages` VALUES(3, 'es', 'es', 'Espana');
INSERT INTO `LocalizationLanguages` VALUES(4, 'fr', 'fr', 'French');
Note, that english is already ...VALUES(1, 'en', 'en', 'English'); so we don't need to create that as it exists with the base dolphin install.
Next, after you've inserted the base of each language in, you'll need to have this in addition:
INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES ('1', '2', '');
INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES ('2', '2', 'Copyright © {0} domain.de');
INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES ('3', '2', 'Möchtest du Nachrichten zu <br> News und Tipps erhalten?');
INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES ('4', '2', '<p><b>Hallo <YourRealName></b>,</p><p>Du hast eine Nachricht von <a href="<Domain?>profile.php?ID=<ID>"><NickName>(<Domain>profile.php?ID=<ID>)</a>!</p><p>Um diese Nachricht lesen zu können, musst du deine E-Mail prüfen!!!</p><p>---</p>Respekt an, <SiteName>');
INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES ('5', '2', 'Gästebuch');
INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES ('32', '2', 'Heute noch Anmelden!');
INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES ('33', '2', 'Plaudere mit anderen Mitgliedern oder chatte mit ihnen.');
INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES ('34', '2', 'Hier bekommst du einfach alles Audio, Video, Mp3, LiveCam, IM Messenger, Radio');
INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES ('35', '2', 'Finde Singles die auf Dich warten!!!!');
INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES ('57', '2', 'AOL');
INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES ('58', '2', 'IM nicht erlaubt');
INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES ('59', '2', 'IM ist nicht verfügbar');
INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES ('60', '2', 'AOL');
INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES ('61', '2', 'ein Mann');
INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES ('62', '2', 'eine Frau');
INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES ('63', '2', 'ein Mann oder eine Frau');
INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES ('64', '2', 'F');
INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES ('65', '2', 'M');
INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES ('66', '2', 'P');
INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES ('67', '2', 'über mich');
INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES ('70', '2', 'Impressum');
INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES ('71', '2', 'über Dich');
INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES ('72', '2', 'Account aktivieren');
INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES ('73', '2', 'Aktive Geschichte');
INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES ('74', '2', 'Kommentar hinzufügen');
Notice, by the '2' that this is all German, for those who don't speak it, this would go on for the three languages being added for about 8300 lines or so and that is just a base install of this language, if you have new/unique keys since the base install it will take even more.
This is an example of the next section:
INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` (`IDKey`, `IDLanguage`, `String`) VALUES (1, 4, '2002-{0}. Product of <a class="bottom_text" href="http://www.boonex.com/">BoonEx Group</a>.'),
(2, 4, 'Copyright'),
(3, 4, 'Tenez moi informe des News'),
(4, 4, '<p><b>Bonjour <YourRealName></b>,</p><p>Vous avez recu un message de <a href="<Domain>profile.php?ID=<ID>"><NickName>(<Domain>profile.php?ID=<ID>)</a>!</p><p>Pour recevoir ce message, consulter votre boite Email</p><p>---</p>Cordialement, <SiteName>'),
(5, 4, 'Livre d''or'),
(32, 4, 'S''inscrire!'),
(33, 4, 'Tchattez immediatement avec d''autres membres !'),
(34, 4, 'Voix, video, Messagerie instantanee, et jusqu''a 5 photos !'),
(35, 4, 'Annonce personnelle et flirt libre'),
(57, 4, 'AOL'),
(58, 4, 'IM maintenant (non permis)'),
(59, 4, 'IM n''est pas valide'),
(60, 4, 'AOL'),
(61, 4, 'un homme'),
(62, 4, 'une femme'),
(63, 4, 'une femme ou un homme'),
(64, 4, 'F'),
(65, 4, 'H'),
(66, 4, 'C'),
(67, 4, 'A propos de moi'),
(70, 4, 'A propos de nous'),
(71, 4, 'A propos de vous'),
(72, 4, 'Compte active'),
(73, 4, 'Recit Activee'),
(74, 4, 'Ajouter un commentaire'),
(75, 4, 'Ajouter a votre panier'),
(76, 4, 'Ajouter un nouveau profil'),
(77, 4, 'Ajouter un recit'),
(78, 4, 'Ajouter un nouvel objet'),
(79, 4, 'ajouter un recit'),
(80, 4, 'Ajouter a votre Top liste'),
(81, 4, 'Accepter l''invitation'),
(82, 4, 'Ajouter un membre...'),
(83, 4, 'Plus d''info sur ce contact...'),
(84, 4, 'Admin'),
(85, 4, 'Recherche avancee'),
(86, 4, 'Affiliation'),
(87, 4, 'Age de'),
(88, 4, 'age de'),
(89, 4, 'tout'),
(90, 4, 'Tout'),
(91, 4, 'Montant'),
(92, 4, 'Invite'),
(94, 4, 'Avril'),
(95, 4, 'Articles'),
(96, 4, 'ascendant'),
(97, 4, 'Attention'),
I hope your getting the point on this now. Best to go see kitevox, his is going to be a much quicker and far more economical solution than this one is.