.....HostForWeb team continue dirty game...after more servers errors: cPanel Url,login access false,
server configuration...??? max_upload_file_2Mb?? for dedicaded server!!?,have place to blacklist
IP of my Dating Company for installation dating profiles to my site...result= upload more than
2 million photos to my site..failed! Last errors: impossible upload simple user avatar to my site!!?
I paid other server and want transfer my site to new server! HostForWeb team blocked my site..
not want generate backup file...want my money!!??? I not want pay two server! I paid new server
and want transfer my site!!!
Am I right to assume English is not your native Language??? MY SITES http://viptopia.net general social networking | http://www.rangerschat.com/ niche site |
Please, calm down. We will be glad to try to help you. First of all, I would not install fake profiles, sure, it may drive traffic to your site but it will be short lived when new members realise that no profile responds because the are not real.
The "Recommend Hosting" are worthless. They probably do have the file upload limits at low rates. Again though, I recommend against fake profiles and if anyone in the market is selling fake profile packages Boonex should remove them from the Market.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
HostForWeb team continue blocked my site? Why? I want transfer my site to new server! I paid
new servers and cPanel! Hostforweb not have right for blocked my site and other sites!!!!!
My site have more than 450.000 users!!? My users not have access to my site!??
Is possible!!??
HostForWeb team continue blocked my site? Why? I want transfer my site to new server! I paid
new servers and cPanel! Hostforweb not have right for blocked my site and other sites!!!!!
My site have more than 450.000 users!!? My users not have access to my site!??
Is possible!!??
Yes, it is possible to move your site. Boonex should never have recommended hosts for Dolphin that can not support the platform. What we need to do is to back up the site files to a compressed archive. We also backup the database to a compressed archive. With cPanel I think there is also a way to use cPanel to move a site. I don't use cPanel so I am unsure.
There are a few different methods. There are some hosts here that can help you to move your site.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
PM if you are looking for reliable hosting! We can also provide free transfer and help get you site set back up for you in no time at all ;) DedicatedServer4You.com -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
Account backups can be performed using the cPanel -> Backups functionality for your hosting account. If your account is not too big in size you can perform a full account backup just with one click.. DedicatedServer4You.com -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
The Backup Wizard is a user-friendly interface for creating a backup of the entire site, a partial backup, or allowing a site restoration from the last backup saved. DedicatedServer4You.com -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
HostForWeb team blocked my access to my cPanel!
I paid new Dedicaded server and cPanel!
Hostforweb not have right for blocked my site and transfer!
Your server service for my site is expired....i have right use cPanel and Hostforweb server
for transfer my site to new server! Is big problem!!? Is crimine work of Hostforweb Company!!!!
This is what they are telling you?
Your server service for my site is expired....
DedicatedServer4You.com -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
Hostforweb not want transfer my site to my new server!!! Big problem continue?
Why Hostforweb blocked my site!??? I paid for last month 125$ Hostforweb dedicaded servers
for nothing: my site is transferred to Hfw dedicaded server 15 days after my payment!!??
Hostforweb team played dirty games:false cPanel Url,access; impossible server configuration:
max_upload_file_2Mb!!???; my Dating Company not have upload more than 2 milions photos failed??
...last errors?? ..impossible upload photo simple user avatar!!?? I decided to change server!!?
Is big problem!
Hostforweb not want transfer my site to my new server!!! Big problem continue?
Why Hostforweb blocked my site!??? I paid for last month 125$ Hostforweb dedicaded servers
for nothing: my site is transferred to Hfw dedicaded server 15 days after my payment!!??
Hostforweb team played dirty games:false cPanel Url,access; impossible server configuration:
max_upload_file_2Mb!!???; my Dating Company not have upload more than 2 milions photos failed??
...last errors?? ..impossible upload photo simple user avatar!!?? I decided to change server!!?
Is big problem!
I would suggest you hire Dective08 to help you. Let him be the person to deal with HostforWebs and let him assist you with the transfer of the site; you might even want to consider letting Dective08's company host your website because of the knowledge of Dolphin.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
Sure, we can deal with HostForWeb on your behalf! Usually hosts will refuse access to your files if you have billing issue?
If they have simply taken down your server due to resources etc then they have no right to keep your files and DB's and should give you adequate time to investigate and resolve the issues!
This is one of my company's terms about this : Limitations on Use of Server Resources: If your account exceeds our published resource limits, Boonex Hosting will notify you about the situation and will give you a fair chance to rectify the overage issue. During that time, you may investigate your website contents / scripts / databases etc to find out the cause of overage and take suitable corrective actions.
If you are on a dedicated server then you should have full root access and be able to gain access to your stuff.
If you would like to PM me your current package with HostForWeb and your price range I'm sure I could also set you up with better package and at better rate. Totally up to you.
DedicatedServer4You.com -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
HostForWeb is Crimine Company!!!!!!!
...impossible transfer my site to new server! Hostforweb team not want access to my cPanel
...for back up file!!? Boonex Dolphin team is resposable for ...Recommanded hostingCompany!!??
Just because Boonex Recommend the company it does not mean they are responsible!
Like I said if you are looking for new reliable host that knows Dolphin and work with Dolphin sites everyday then I can help! If you need me to contact and mediate with HostForWeb on your behalf I can also do this also at no cost.
Boonex Dolphin team is resposable for ...Recommanded hostingCompany!!??
DedicatedServer4You.com -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
Just because Boonex Recommend the company it does not mean they are responsible!
Like I said if you are looking for new reliable host that knows Dolphin and work with Dolphin sites everyday then I can help! If you need me to contact and mediate with HostForWeb on your behalf I can also do this also at no cost.
Boonex Dolphin team is resposable for ...Recommanded hostingCompany!!??
Customer's dedicated server service expired in January, and was automatically suspended, customer seems refuse to hear anything from our end.
OK thank you! I will read and maybe better understand, however should you be posting private tickets in forum like this? DedicatedServer4You.com -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
@Host for Webs, how can we assist this person in retrieving his site files and database(s). I am sure you are not wishing to hold his files hostage.
Note: To others reading this post, always keep off-site backups of your site files and database, even if you have a dedicated server this is a good idea.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
OK it's clear to see this is a billing issue as I pointed out it could be the reason in my post above! If you do not make payment for service then this is why you have been suspended.
If you had a issue making payment it would have been better if you informed HostForWeb and it's very likely they would have still kept your site online with server access for fair period.
I assume Hostforweb require payment before returning your access. Maybe they will confirm here if they will let us get your files and DB's
DedicatedServer4You.com -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
HFW can you confirm if your client's files and DB are now lost ?
Edit: I see the post with tickets is now removed ... I do see what the issue was though.
Awaiting HFW response ....
DedicatedServer4You.com -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
OK thank you! I will read and maybe better understand, however should you be posting private tickets in forum like this?
The dialog contained general discussion where we were trying to explain simple billing issue. No private information or contacts were discussed.
@geek_girl yes, we notified customer, that we are ready to provide access to server without active cpanel license (its expired) for 1 day, however have not received a positive response from customer. Probably someone want to get in touch with customer, and contact us via ticket with customer's authorization. We'll assist you directly. Or just PM.
HFW can you confirm if your client's files and DB are now lost ?
Edit: I see the post with tickets is now removed ... I do see what the issue was though.
Awaiting HFW response ....
@Detective, according to latest update from billing department the server is not yet cancelled, still in suspended state and will remain on network for several more days. The data is there.
@ HFW, Will you allow access if the client requires so that they can retrieve files and DB's ?
Once you terminate the account it will be too late as you know so are if you able to give access to the client it will be in both parties (HFW and Client's ) interest ...
HFW can you confirm if your client's files and DB are now lost ?
Edit: I see the post with tickets is now removed ... I do see what the issue was though.
Awaiting HFW response ....
@Detective, according to latest update from billing department the server is not yet cancelled, still in suspended state and will remain on network for several more days. The data is there.
DedicatedServer4You.com -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
we are ready to provide access to server without active cpanel license (its expired) for 1 day, however have not received a positive response from customer.
https://dolphin-techs.com - Skype: Dolphin Techs |
@Detective08, we are willing to provide access to this host, even server is in past due for some time. Like we noted, due to communication issues, we are unable to get confirmation from customer that we are on the same page and customer understand the situation. We are not even sure that customer understand the reason why he is suspended. This thread is just another confirmation.
If you will get in touch with customer, please contact us via email manager at hostforweb.com with some notes about this thread and we'll do everything else.
@ radefantasy
if you are interested in my offer above then let me know asap! Also give HFW Authorization that I can deal with this on your behalf and I will mediate, start getting your files and DB ... I will then get your server set-up and get your site back online asap.
FYI you will have this issue with any hosting company and services when it comes to unpaid bills however it seems HFW are willing to play ball and put end to dispute.
DedicatedServer4You.com -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
The other question in this that needs to be ask is who is the registrar for the domain name? DNS entries will have to be changed. Geeks, making the world a better place |
The other question in this that needs to be ask is who is the registrar for the domain name? DNS entries will have to be changed.
@geek_girl, @Detective08 please contact us via email manager at hostforweb.com once you arrange the deal with customer, we'll provide access to machine.
@ radefantasy ... Awaiting your decision ?!
@ radefantasy
if you are interested in my offer above then let me know asap! Also give HFW Authorization that I can deal with this on your behalf and I will mediate, start getting your files and DB ... I will then get your server set-up and get your site back online asap.
FYI you will have this issue with any hosting company and services when it comes to unpaid bills however it seems HFW are willing to play ball and put end to dispute.
DedicatedServer4You.com -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
Thank you.
The other question in this that needs to be ask is who is the registrar for the domain name? DNS entries will have to be changed.
@geek_girl, @Detective08 please contact us via email manager at hostforweb.com once you arrange the deal with customer, we'll provide access to machine.
DedicatedServer4You.com -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
yes, my dedicaded servers is expired.....i paid and pointed my servers names to new IP addresses
in 30/01/2014....i have messagges from yesterday to today from Hostforweb support:
for your site back up is ready....Etc...Hostforweb have information from 31/01/2014:
..i want transfer site to other server! i have messagge from one of Hostforweb manager:
your server names is not pointed on our server!
Hostforweb Company play dirty games!!!!! I want access to cPanel for transfer my site!!!!!!!!!
Ah OK ... it sounds like you already have another server ready ?!
HFW have confirmed your data is still there and available. They are happy for you to retrieve all your files and DB's.
If you are looking for new server and support do let me know.
DedicatedServer4You.com -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
I paid other server and want transfer my site to new server! HostForWeb team blocked my site..
not want generate backup file...want my money!!??? I not want pay two server! I paid new server
and want transfer my site!!!
Hostforweb Company play dirty games!!!!! I want access to cPanel for transfer my site!!!!!!!!!
We are ready to help you here, but please explain what exactly do you need help with?
http://boonexpert.com |
....Thanks for HELP!
IS TRUE! HostForWeb is Criminal Company!
...i paid Hfw dedicaded server 30/12/2013....my site is transferred to Hfw dedicaded server
15 days after my payment?????? Bad support: cPanel Url,login access false,...is possible?
Bad server configuration:max_upload_file_2Mb!!?? Hfw team placed to black list IP of Dating profiles
....Thanks for HELP!
IS TRUE! HostForWeb is Criminal Company!
...i paid Hfw dedicaded server 30/12/2013....my site is transferred to Hfw dedicaded server
15 days after my payment?????? Bad support: cPanel Url,login access false,...is possible?
Bad server configuration:max_upload_file_2Mb!!?? Hfw team placed to black list IP of Dating profiles
We understand your disappointment. What can we do to help you?
http://boonexpert.com |
I can see that the HFW blocked his access to the cpanel..Also specified that it is suspended due payment issues,
And i think he knows already how to transfer and or already have some one to do it but he cannot access files that's why he is here in the forum asking for help.
Only if HFW lift his suspension for a couple of days or 3 so he can transfer files and db..That will solve the issues.
"Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow." @ www.dexpertz.net |
....Thanks for HELP!
IS TRUE! HostForWeb is Criminal Company!
...i paid Hfw dedicaded server 30/12/2013....my site is transferred to Hfw dedicaded server
15 days after my payment?????? Bad support: cPanel Url,login access false,...is possible?
Bad server configuration:max_upload_file_2Mb!!?? Hfw team placed to black list IP of Dating profiles
I'm not sure I understand. You paid for the server on December 30th, 2013, and it's now February 4th, 2014. If you only paid for one month, it'd now certainly be past due. Did you pay for the month of February (likely around January 30th the invoice became due)?
(Assuming this isn't caused by the suspension.) For cPanel, you were likely affected by cPHulk, the built-in brute force protection system for cPanel. It detects failed and repeat login attempts and will block the IP address for a set period of time (usually 15 minutes) or lock the account. You should whitelist your IP address from WHM -> Security Center -> cPHulk Brute Force Protection -> White/Black List Management.
That's the default configuration value, which can be easily changed from WHM -> Service Configuration -> PHP Configuration Editor. The recommended minimal value for upload_max_filesize and post_max_size are 128M (128 MB).
Might not be useful information now, but keep it in mind for your next server. Your host should have been able to explain this to you, though I can understand the language barrier.
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
HostForWeb have information from me..31/01/2014 i sended information: i paid other server and i want transfer my site to new server! ok? HFWeb support me risponded: your serversnames is not
pointed on our server! Is true! HostForWeb have important information: i not want renew Hfweb
dedicadedServer service! ok? My new host team not have generated back up file 01/02/2014?
Why? HostForweb team blocked access to external server!! ok? understand? now!
HostForWeb blocked any access to cPanel..and today(?)...my account suspended!!???
HFW has said radefantasy can collect files etc.
Only if HFW lift his suspension for a couple of days or 3 so he can transfer files and db..That will solve the issues.
DedicatedServer4You.com -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
HFW has said radefantasy can collect files etc.
Only if HFW lift his suspension for a couple of days or 3 so he can transfer files and db..That will solve the issues.
So if that the case, problem is solved :). @ radefantasy can you connect to your cpanel now? Please try..
"Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow." @ www.dexpertz.net |
It is my understanding that you don't have any sort of hosting with HostForWeb. However, you can retrieve your site files and database from HostForWebs; you can then store these files on your local drive or port them to a new server.
If you don't allow one of us to help retrieve these files you are going to LOSE everything.
Perhaps HostForWeb will be kind enough to back these files/database off the server onto a FTP backup storage so HFW can then reuse the server in question but not delete the user's data giving more time to resolve this issue.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
As we explained here on forums and within multiple tickets we received today, we are ready to help new host with data access and all we need is a gaining host to contact us directly. If you will keep describing within your responses only the fact that we are criminals and illegally blocking your site - we wont really move any further and will end up with server cancellation/termination when past due limit will be reached.
The only reason why your dedicated server is suspended is only because its in past due. Your service has expired on Jan 30, and access to server locked automatically today. Even we continued to provide support and still do, that does not mean your service is paid and active.
@radefantasy, we still advise you to contact billing department for resolution and service reactivation, or as offered, have a gaining company to contact us for data access. We have to admit, that migration will not be easy though due to extreme amount of files and data.
For HostForWeb Crimine Company:
Your team have information 31/01/2014: i sended messagge information: i paid other server,..
and i want transfer my site to new server!!!! your team risponded: your servers name is not piinted on our server!! ok! Hostforweb Company have important information!!! Why invoice??
I not want your bad server service!!!!
My new host not have generated back up file ? Why?
Is blocked acdess to
HFW is saying that your new host can make contact with them and HFW will give access to your files and DB.
For HostForWeb Crimine Company:
Your team have information 31/01/2014: i sended messagge information: i paid other server,..
and i want transfer my site to new server!!!! your team risponded: your servers name is not piinted on our server!! ok! Hostforweb Company have important information!!! Why invoice??
I not want your bad server service!!!!
My new host not have generated back up file ? Why?
Is blocked acdess to
DedicatedServer4You.com -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
For HostForWeb Crimine Company:
Your team have information 31/01/2014: i sended messagge information: i paid other server,..
and i want transfer my site to new server!!!! your team risponded: your servers name is not piinted on our server!! ok! Hostforweb Company have important information!!! Why invoice??
I not want your bad server service!!!!
My new host not have generated back up file ? Why?
Is blocked acdess to
@radefantasy, as we still unable to understand each other, unfortunately, we just advised billing department to lift suspension from your server for 24 hours despite service is unpaid. cPanel license renewed. Please advise gaining host to start migration asap.
@ HFW, very fair of you ...
@ radefantasy you better get your host's ass moving or you will lose it all!!
For HostForWeb Crimine Company:
Your team have information 31/01/2014: i sended messagge information: i paid other server,..
and i want transfer my site to new server!!!! your team risponded: your servers name is not piinted on our server!! ok! Hostforweb Company have important information!!! Why invoice??
I not want your bad server service!!!!
My new host not have generated back up file ? Why?
Is blocked acdess to
@radefantasy, as we still unable to understand each other, unfortunately, we just advised billing department to lift suspension from your server for 24 hours despite service is unpaid. cPanel license renewed. Please advise gaining host to start migration asap.
DedicatedServer4You.com -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
look i just woke up and seemed to have missed all this awesomeness,,, i just have this funny feeling that after reading all of that,, we are about 10 minutes away from him beginning to chant "DEATH TO AMERICA!"
im not sure if i should stay and watch.. or run and hide 
MY SITES http://viptopia.net general social networking | http://www.rangerschat.com/ niche site |
LOL ...
look i just woke up and seemed to have missed all this awesomeness,,, i just have this funny feeling that after reading all of that,, we are about 10 minutes away from him beginning to chant "DEATH TO AMERICA!"
im not sure if i should stay and watch.. or run and hide 
DedicatedServer4You.com -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
HostForWeb team continue blocked my site? Why? I want transfer my site to new server! I paid
new servers and cPanel! Hostforweb not have right for blocked my site and other sites!!!!!
My site have more than 450.000 users!!? My users not have access to my site!??
Is possible!!??
nope,,, 4500 MAYBE,,, 450.000 UHHH NO
MY SITES http://viptopia.net general social networking | http://www.rangerschat.com/ niche site |
radefantasy, you need to tell HostForWebs that Dective08 has the right to access your files. If you don't do so, then they will be deleted, gone forever. Just say here in the forum, Yes, Dective08 has my permission to access my files.
Why are you being so stubborn with this; forget hosting on HostForWeb, get your files safe first; then you and HostForWeb can deal with any payment issues.
HostforWeb is being very fair in this dispute; they are going to allow you get your site files; let Dective08 do this as he has the knowledge to do this so you don't lose everything.
Just agree for him to access your files. Just say yes.
Geeks, making the world a better place |