
hello Could you tell me because they receive no emails all users of hotmail, live, msn and Outlok

hola pueden decirme porque no reciben los correos todos los usuarios de hotmail, live,msn y outlok

Quote · 8 Sep 2014

I think the MS email accounts have been banned from registering the system or filtered by your mailbox.

I really want to ban those from registering with my site because 99% of these are spam. fucking people with = spammers.

Quote · 8 Sep 2014


hello Could you tell me because they receive no emails all users of hotmail, live, msn and Outlok

hola pueden decirme porque no reciben los correos todos los usuarios de hotmail, live,msn y outlok

Sounds like they have you blocked. The email address you used as the sites email address or the address you host setup as the default email for your domain in cpanel should contain the bounce backs which would tell you the reason why.
Quote · 8 Sep 2014


I think the MS email accounts have been banned from registering the system or filtered by your mailbox.

I really want to ban those from registering with my site because 99% of these are spam. fucking people with = spammers.

You can block them. Either by modifying code in dolphin to block email domains. There is a post on it somewhere. Or with a antispam module like mine that has that feature built in.
Quote · 8 Sep 2014

One of my servers was blocked as well by them.

If your using an auto mailer, birthday mail, or any of the like,

it will only be a matter of time before Microsoft blacklists your server.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 8 Sep 2014


There is a post on it somewhere.

 Start here...

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 8 Sep 2014

thank you very much

Quote · 9 Sep 2014

Unfortunately if your register form is not well protected, you may encounter many spam registrations. Many spambots use exactly hotmail email addresses to register on unprotected websites. When a message is sent to such email address the server MTA (mail transfer agent) IP address might get blocked. In such cases you can take the following actions:


- Secure your registration page, so you can avoid spam registrations in first place. Sometimes ReCaptcha might not be enough so you can use custom module. Deano's module might help you, you can also ask the community for nice ways to protect your site. 


- Once you are sure that the site is well protected from spam registrations, change the mailing method for phpmail to SMTP. The SMTP authentication is more reliable as the message is sent from a real user and is less likely that such mail to be blocked if the mail itself meets the industry standards. More info here.


- If your server's IP address has been blacklisted, check in which blacklists the IP address is present. You can try this tool for example. Once you know in which lists your IP is present request a delist from each one of them. Use the site specific form for IP blacklisting removal. Some of the providers may require additional info about the steps you have taken to prevent the issue from reappearing. (You can use the first two steps to explain what you have done).


I hope the above information has been helpful and your website visitors receive their mails without any issues. Good luck. 

Quote · 11 Sep 2014

Hotmail is screwy. You could try using the Dolphin smtp to connect to a 3rd party authority mailer to send your messages. I use Mandrill. If I send via a blocked domain/ip mail it doesn't arrive. Connecting to Mandrill, boom right in the in box every time. Needs some up keep and management though.


Messages that land in the junk/spam folder same thing. With Mandrill they always land in the inbox even with the picky gmail stuff.


I keep my account up though. It's not a free for all. - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources
Quote · 14 Sep 2014


Hotmail is screwy. You could try using the Dolphin smtp to connect to a 3rd party authority mailer to send your messages. I use Mandrill. If I send via a blocked domain/ip mail it doesn't arrive. Connecting to Mandrill, boom right in the in box every time. Needs some up keep and management though.


Messages that land in the junk/spam folder same thing. With Mandrill they always land in the inbox even with the picky gmail stuff.


I keep my account up though. It's not a free for all.


Just setup an account.

I've never used an SMTP service, site is working with hotmail now. Cool

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 14 Sep 2014

I have my system set to reject signups using hotmail.  It never works even when your email is squeaky clean.... ... Hosted by!
Quote · 14 Sep 2014


Hotmail is screwy. You could try using the Dolphin smtp to connect to a 3rd party authority mailer to send your messages. I use Mandrill.

 That lasted all of one day before they blocked the SMTP mail delivery as well.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 15 Sep 2014

Hi all, looks like my problem is the opposite.

Being a site wich is "special", most of the members use an .hotmail / .msn / .yahoo and so on, address.

I've been blocked by Microsoft and tried to solve the matter with them but, MS being MS, I just didn't get rid of that problem.

Is there something I can do by the time I solve that with MS ? Been turning around with them for 3 weeks now.



Quote · 19 Sep 2014


Hi all, looks like my problem is the opposite.

Being a site wich is "special", most of the members use an .hotmail / .msn / .yahoo and so on, address.

I've been blocked by Microsoft and tried to solve the matter with them but, MS being MS, I just didn't get rid of that problem.

Is there something I can do by the time I solve that with MS ? Been turning around with them for 3 weeks now.



Does not sound opposite to me. Sounds like the same problem. Your getting blocked by microsoft.

Gameutiopia in this thread pointed out his solution to the problem.
Quote · 19 Sep 2014

Ths Deano, missed that one, will check  :)

Quote · 19 Sep 2014

I guarantee if you set up Dolphin to send through a 3rd party smtp mail service along with the Dolphin smtp mailer module your messages will not only arrive, but land in the recipients inbox. Providing you manage your account well, and you set it up correctly.


I have been using Mandrill for more than a year without any issues. It is a service of Mailchimp, which is what Boonex uses to send us our email notifications, updates, or what have you. They go directly through Mailchimp/Mandrill.


The reason people use services like Mailchimp, Aweber, etc. is because they maintain a bulk mail email delivery that most email providers recognize. But, get enough bouncers, or spam reports and they will disable your account or move you to a less authoritative server. So, you do need to login, check your stats, and stop sending to users that bounce or using fake emails and such.


These types of services are much more authorative than sending via your own smtp, or with the generic php mail function. You get a little plus if your hostname resolves to your ip (vps/dedicated (reverse ptr/dns) if setup correctly, but almost none with shared hosting.


There are quite a few others out there too, which vary in free amounts to per 1000 additional. Mandrill is good because you can send 12,000 per month for free, which is a 400 per day average. After that it's like $0.20 per 1000 last time I looked.


Now I am not into the adult site thing or heavy marketing. You many want to review their tos for that kind of thing, if they don't allow it there are other alternatives.


The key is making sure you properly set it up and monitoring your account because like I said it's not a free for all, nor does it give you a free pass to send all kinds of crap. You can and will get banned if you don't keep your account up. - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources
Quote · 21 Sep 2014

I should mention that you need to make sure that you verify you domain, enable DKIM and SPF records by adding a .txt record to your hosting account.

These will definitely make a difference. - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources
Quote · 21 Sep 2014

Is there a plug for Mandrill? I use that for a forum,  and it works great..  the IPB have a plug in for the forum.

Quote · 14 Jul 2015


Is there a plug for Mandrill? I use that for a forum,  and it works great..  the IPB have a plug in for the forum.

Dolphin can send mail with the SMTP mailer module, so it can use a remote SMTP server instead of the local mail server. Not sure if Mandrill will play ball with that.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 14 Jul 2015
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.