How Leaders to display??


i am tryed to display leaders. for month or day ..

but still not finding any option to display it.

There are 5 members (are in my localhost installation ).

is it by admin side??

i also rated some profiles but ...not finding correct solution??

Quote · 27 May 2009

try to rate also in music,video and photos

Live Support
Quote · 27 May 2009


rated in music,video and photos..

but still it not display anything....

Quote · 27 May 2009

this is the responsible function  inc/classes/BxDolVotingQuery.php

function getTopVotedItem ($iDays, $sJoinTable = '', $sJoinField = '', $sWhere = '')
$sPre = $this->_aSystem['row_prefix'];
$sTable = $this->_aSystem['table_track'];

$sJoin = $sJoinTable && $sJoinField ? " INNER JOIN $sJoinTable ON ({$sJoinTable}.{$sJoinField} = $sTable.`{$sPre}id`) " : '';

return $this->getOne ("SELECT $sTable.`{$sPre}id`, COUNT($sTable.`{$sPre}id`) AS `voting_count` FROM {$sTable} $sJoin WHERE TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS($sTable.`{$sPre}date`) <= $iDays $sWhere GROUP BY $sTable.`{$sPre}id` HAVING `voting_count` > 2 ORDER BY `voting_count` DESC LIMIT 1");

as you can see it here  voting_count > 2 maybe it needs to have vote of 3 or more in order to display something

Live Support
Quote · 27 May 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.