I searched in this forum, but I don't have found never.
I would like know how I can translate the language from english to italian without to use the admin panel.
I wish translate directly offline: for this reason I would like know where is located the english language so I can translate very simple.
I hope someone help me.
Thank you very much.
Language file info is stored in 2 tables: `LocalizationKeys` (keys like '_article)' and `LocalizationStrings`(values of lang key for every language). All changes are transfered to langs/lang-**.php file which contains array 'key'=>'value'.
I'm sorry, but I don't know how to do.
I have found a file in my root, in /langs/lang_ita.php. Can I translate this file or it's useless?
I have created a new language from admin panel, a copy from english language. And now? What I must translate? In database or simply in file lang_it.php?
Thenk you for your help.
well - you can translate and use this file - but only if you will recompile language - this file will be removed (make backup)
Artur A
Well! I make a resume to know if I understand. I translate the file php located in /langs/my_lang_file.php and after I must recompile the italian language from admin panel??
Thank you.
no - you don't need to recompile language - because it won't be in your DB.
Artur A
Ok, I also need to clarify
My English is the most up to date language file right, I have spanish and french language files as well, now, if I wanted to update (manual translations) to the french and spanish to come in line with english, where would be the best place to do edit translation changes please?
the best place - to translate from admin area - but it will take some more time - that just translate i file in langs folder. One thing - if you will recompile your language - (after adding any new keywords) everything will be gone.
So I suggest you to work from admin area
Artur A