When I click on modules then add and manage, I go down to upload-package to upload, this is where i'm lost. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
When I click on modules then add and manage, I go down to upload-package to upload, this is where i'm lost. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. |
Have you looked in Not Installed Modules? Select the ones you need. If you buy a module, make sure to read the Read Me notes. Usually it means uploading files to the server and then running the install script. This module may appear in the Not Installed Modules list. There are some modules that can be uploaded from Admin but, in my experience, not many. Likewise with module updates. Subscribe to the module support forum for news on module fixes and updates. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel |
Yes thank you, ive done all that with no success (except for prescribing to the module support forum, as i don't know where that is), i even tried doing it the other way with ftp filezilla it connects to my host then does what it needs to but when it tries to connect to the directory it keeps saying error. Ive sent an email to find out why. |
If you took a little more time to explain the problem, like telling us what module is causing trouble, we could probably point you in the direction of the support forum or even help fix the problem. |
Indeed, John. The more we know about a problem the easier it is to be more specific about a reply. I'm always amazed at how little people are willing to share yet expect others to know what they have, or have not, done or considered. As for module support, find the module page in the market - https://www.boonex.com/market ie: Lodgings by Modzz https://www.boonex.com/m/hotels At the top, there's some very useful information. Demo: http://www.dolphinmods.com/demo1/m/lodging/home username - tester,password - test123 Support Forum: http://www.boonex.com/forums/#topic/Lodgings-Places-to-Stay-Mod-Support-Modzzz-.htm At the top (of the forum thread page) is a Subscribe link. Active threads can also be found here: https://www.boonex.com/forums/forum/Products-Support-0.htm If it's not a module you paid for, then it's a default module. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel |
I will simplify it. I cannot upload ANY modules. But I'll tell you what I've tried. ALL of the above except for module support in the market. I've tried using filezilla, explained above. ive tried using the direct upload in admin on my site, explained above. It seems I'm looking to add deanos boonex tools so i can upload modules, but its not connecting to directory in host, with the directory error that's also explained above. If it's meant to be a default module it wouldn't say to get it from the host directory as it says in documentation, and it's not in either installed or not installed and yes I have the current version of site. oh and by the way Michel there's free modules in the market place you can download that are not default modules; for someone who's done 682 posts I'm pretty amazed that you said this "If it's not a module you paid for, then it's a default module." |
Only trying to help. Perhaps check compatibility with free modules. Some of them may not even work with the latest version of Dolphin. TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel |
Maybe, perhaps... https://www.boonex.com/forums/topic/Deanos-Tools-Support.3.htm Deano was absent for a while but I have seen some recent activity somewhere. Good luck sorting out what works for you. TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel |
Most of the modules in the market can not be added by the site backend/admin section. Some modules will contain more than one version. Download the module and extract it. If you find more zip files inside, usually they will indicate the version. Extract the one for your Dolphin version, if it it is 7.X.X then that will work for any Dolphin 7 version. Read the instructions to see what needs to be done. Sometimes you have to modify files for the module to work; others don't require any files to be modified. Usually you will be told to upload the extracted files to the site's module directory. How you proceed is dictated by how the module is packaged. For me, you would need to create a directory, geek_girl in the /modules directory and then upload the files and directory inside of the module to the geek_girl directory. You would upload the files and directory inside of the module, classes, templates, etc. Then it should show up in the Not Installed section for modules in the Admin. I will install this module for you for $15 USD; just send me a PM. Geeks, making the world a better place |
To my knowledge, Deano's Tools don't work with 7.3.4 or 7.3.5. He did mention that he was hoping to upgrade the tools in a recent post, but I haven't seen any additional posts to say that's been done. Other free modules on the market may or may not have been upgraded to 7.3.5. Some are what I call code hacks. They're not modules as such, but changes you physically have to make to Dolphin's code. Some of AntonLV's excellent freebies fit this category. Dolphin is packaged with several modules. They're uploaded when you upload Dolphin, but none are installed. This is logical because you shouldn't install modules you don't need.
If you can upload photos then the Photos module has been installed by you or someone else. Dolphin does NOT install it automatically. Note: Modules are located in a directory of your dolphin root called - Modules. Dolphin modules are located in a sub directory called Boonex. You do NOT need Filezilla or access to your server to install Dolphin modules. Some modules must be installed in the correct order. For example, the payment module must be installed before the store module. Third party developers supply a README file to tell you how to install a module. Modzzz and others supply modules in a zip file and you need to unzip it on your PC before installing. You don't install everything, just the components you are instructed to. Fore example, Modzzz places his module in a folder which may be: Banner Ads/Modules/Modzzz/Banner. You only upload the banner folder to Dolphin root/modules/modzzz/. In other words, you create a folder in your dolphin root/modules for modzzz: dolphin root/modules/boonex /modzzz
As TravelNotes said, you may be asked to change some files and even the .htaccess file, but this isn't always the case. Always read the module creator's readme and always practice on a test site.Most module creators also offer installation packages. By using them, you should be guaranteed ongoing support.
Thank you, but all that is irrelevant. I already know what modules are installed and not. I'm asking how to add modules. There's no way I can add any modules paid or free, not directly to my site. So the only other way is with filezilla to the host, as I've explained above. |
Sounds like too much caffeine I'm afraid. You asked how to INSTALL a module and I just told you. If you want to know how to upload a module, then please ask that question. Alternatively, try reading ALL my last post, not the first couple of lines. Sadly, your responses are as subtle as fluffy cotton wool wrapped around a house brick. Irrelevant indeed! Bye. |
I will install this module for you for $15 USD; just send me a PM. Suggest you take up this offer from geek_girl - even though she probably doesn't know which module(s) you wish to install. All free help is not properly appreciated and has been exhausted. TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel |
I wrote this tutorial for Boonex several years ago that might help: DialMe.com - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources |