I am sure that is going to be a question that the vendors; sorry, but I still going to call them vendors Boonex, will hear over and over. I went to look at the Market and noticed the changes. I was looking around and saw this small button with three lines on it. I thought to myself, "Mmm, I wonder what this button is for (and I am not making that up)?" So I clicked on it and found out it was how you download the modules now. There is space Boonex, put the button under the buy button and make it wider and put text on it for its purpose. Then when a customer goes to buy the module, they will see the button labelled download and know that after they complete the purchase they know what to click on to get the module. Geeks, making the world a better place |
I don't remember purchasing any modules on the market so far, but from my own modules page I suppose that after purchase, "Buy" button turns to "Download" button. But I could be wrong.
There a lot of thoughts are boiling in my brain about the site recent updates, I can't wait when they will announce the "finish" line so I can tell my opinions...
Edit: just clicked "Buy" button on somebody's module just for test and got a message "Product was successfully added to your Shopping cart." and...... what's next? My eyes are jumping across the whole screen for the message something "1 product in your cart. Checkout" but can't find it anywhere. ......... .......... ......... Oh, there's some small tiny button with the Cart icon sitting quiet in the corner next to the search field....
I hope this interface will be updated as well...

http://boonexpert.com |
Just tested by purchasing something for a test, now I see how it works... There's no "Download" buttons appears after your purchase. It will be a headache to answer questions and possible paypal cases for refunds if your customer will not find where to download it. And he will not. They was asking such questions even when Download button was visible, but now it will be just a nightmare if Boonex will not change it to normal please.
Got this notification on my mail about purchase:
You should be able to download the purchased product by clicking [DOWNLOAD] button at the top of the product page athttp://www.boonex.com/m/rms-installation-service-2014-02-16.
If you experience any issues please contact the product vendor - Nathan Paton (http://www.boonex.com/Nathan Paton).
Link to the vendor profile is split and there's no "Download" button at the top of the product page. Will be confusing for the customer...
http://boonexpert.com |
Reread my post and look at a module page again. See that small button beside the buy button? With the three lines on it? Click on that and it has a dropdown.
Sometimes it is OK to be cute Boonex, and sometimes it is not OK to be cute. This is one of the times that it is not. That is going to cause unnecessary messages to vendors asking how to get the module.
See, this is why MicroCrap will spend money hiring GUI testers. OK now, we are your free GUI testers, please listen to us on this one.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
I can see this being a problem.
Those little buttons, the one with the 3 lines and the shopping cart buttons have got to go. People are not going to notice them and there will be problems with people figuring out how to download from the market.
The buy button stays a buy button even after purchase. It should become the download button after the purchase is done. https://www.deanbassett.com |
Actually, the buy button needs to stay the buy button, in case you need to buy it multiples times for multiple sites. There should be some sort of prominent notice that tells you "You own this module". My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Actually, the buy button needs to stay the buy button, in case you need to buy it multiples times for multiple sites. There should be some sort of prominent notice that tells you "You own this module".
Oh yea. True.
The download still needs to be more obvious.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
It's not too bad. I just bought maintenance mode and was only confused a couple seconds lol |
Reread my post and look at a module page again. See that small button beside the buy button? With the three lines on it? Click on that and it has a dropdown.
I know, this is what I was talking about - it's not visible for users.
I think it would be good idea to make some pop-up bubble next to "Cart" button after "Buy" button has been pressed.

http://boonexpert.com |
It's not too bad. I just bought maintenance mode and was only confused a couple seconds lol
Yes, and I figured it out too but if you have worked much with users; you know how things that seem simple can be a major hurdle. I still feel this one is going to add to the vendor's having to answer questions on how to get the module. Remember the KISS principal.
Geeks, making the world a better place |