How do i Edit the link page link.php)

I have several links that i need to add to the link page, but i need to divide them in two column, example one column will contain inks that are educational and will have educational title, another column will contain links that are sports link and will have soprts title. I cannot find the html page for the link.php.  I never seem to get any response whenever i post a question, not sure why! Can someone please help this time !!!

Quote · 15 Jul 2009

1.  Log into your server via an ftp program.


2.  Navigate to the directory the file is located in.


3.  Open it up with an editor program


4.  Begin to edit it by typing on your keyboard.


5.  The html page is:  15


6.  You will also need to utilize the links.css page.


7.  Who's going to yell at me now for not telling him exactly how to do it when I have no clue what his links are?  Bet he does.

Quote · 16 Jul 2009

7.  Who's going to yell at me now for not telling him exactly how to do it when I have no clue what his links are?  Bet he does.

I won't. To do what he asks does not have a simple answer. Which most likely is why no one else has answered yet.
Quote · 16 Jul 2009

You can do as mydatery has mentioned, or you can also just modify links.php and generate the page via php code.

But both those methods would mean creating your links directly in the page by hand. The admin section where you enter links would be useless because it does not allow for catagories.

Without that it's impossable for links to be pulled from the database and placed in the proper column.

Hmmm, there is a idea for a new mod i think i will write. There might already be one that does this on
Quote · 16 Jul 2009

Thanks for your help guys,

I am using V 6.1.6 but i cant find The html page:15. I have check in the templates folder but its not there. This is the page that is reference in the link.php though. Does anybody know where i can find this page?

Quote · 16 Jul 2009

How much of this do we have to do for these newbies  before they unlatch from mommy's nip and start trying for themesleves... Here is a start for you, as Dolphin doesn't come with page_15.html in the base install, as it's not needed unless your modifying the page.  However, for what you want page_6.html has the code and then you can simply save it as page_15.html and that will give you a start:


__include _header.html__


   <div class="memberMainDiv">
    <div class="memberLeftDiv">
    <div class="memberRightDiv">

__include _footer.html__


Take the above code and save it in a code editor as page_15.html and then upload to your server as templates/tmpl_{tmpl}/page_15.html


Notice, it has your two columns to start out, now you can remove where it says __content_column_1__ and __content_column_2__ replace those with your traditional html <div top:10px;left:150px> type coding.  Have fun and please learn to use the search function, it is your friend if you just click the box for messages instead of topics and take the time to read what it brings up instead of just the titles.

Quote · 16 Jul 2009
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