How do you get spaces between member names

How is it possible to put spaces between words in user names? for example if i was creating the user name Koios Orion I would have to do this Koios_Orion can anyone help it really makes my site look petty & ridiculous

Quote · 20 Nov 2008

Quote · 21 Nov 2008

I just tried this, and now new members won't add.

I changed the code for the NickName in Field Builder (both cod and min-max values) and .htaccess and it didn't work. Then I switched it back, and it still doesn't work - can't add any new members now.

Did I miss something?

- D

Quote · 21 Nov 2008

I am not sure but at Expertzz you can purchase a Mod to solve this very issue!

Quote · 21 Nov 2008

I actually purchased that mod, and when I asked the author if it was compatible with Dolphin 1.6 he refunded my money.

I took that as a sign that maybe it didn't work with 1.6.

- D

Quote · 21 Nov 2008
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.