Someone can help me ?
I don't know how intall this template
Someone can help me ?
I don't know how intall this template
Thanks |
You should be able to get the answer from these 2 existing threads: |
1. Copy "tmpl_wtt" folder to Dolphin "templates" directory. |
Thanks, I try immediately !
See you soon ;)) |
I've download this Template here, but there is not "tmpl_wtt" folder
It's a free template !
Someone can help me ? |
post structure: all plates start with tmpl_ and end with 3 or more characters so only look for tmpl_xxx where xxx can be blog has a video tutorial where you can watch me do one. I have video tutorials to help you |
There should be, thats what they call the template. i take it you unzipped it (yes course you did, sorry i asked that) I downloaded this template a few days ago from the source to look a the way it was put together, ive a post somewhere on here giving the exact location.( its on the dolphin 6 forum, free templates for dolphin topic) Perhaps you might be better downloading it from source if this download is different Regards tyke |
It's ok
Thanks a lot !
The folder is here : |
I use this template, after you have unzipped it, there is a structure like: Kids first |