How to Install Dolphin in Root directory

I have my own server with cpanel and am trying to install Dolphin in a sub-accounts root directory, but just can't figure it out.  It always wants to install in a sub directory.  Please advise.

The next thing...if I can't install in root....can someone explain how to add an entry page in root that directs to the sub directory please.

Both would be nice, and leave me options if possible.

Thank you for any assistance you can provide,

~~Mary, todays dingaling

Quote · 12 Aug 2009

Hi Mary, there should be no problem installing Dolphin in the root directory - people do it all the time.  Just upload the files into the root and install from there.  When you say "It always wants to install in a sub directory" what do you mean?  Could you give us more information on what is happening?



Quote · 12 Aug 2009

When in each accounts cpanel, you go to software, and install from there.  In the install process, it auto does the software in a sub directory.  I don't know how to install from an outside source.  Instruction how to add an entry page would solve it.

Quote · 12 Aug 2009

If you need a refresh page, just create a file called index.html for the root directory with a refresh tag in it like so:


<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=">
<title>Please Wait</title>




Quote · 13 Aug 2009

Thanks!  Will go try that!

Quote · 13 Aug 2009

She wants to install in the root directory and your suggesting that she stick in a redirect html page.  Why?  Edit:  Never mind, see that she asked for a redirect page.  My bad


To MMMMary, dump the auto install via the cPanel and do it this way:


1.  Go and find WinSCP (It's a free FTP Client and will make your life very easy)

2.  Log into your server using WinSCP using domain name, username & password for the directory you want this in.  Do not log in as root

3.  Unzip the Dolphin files on your computer (I know she can do an SSH Get command, but let's not confuse her)

4.  Upload the files to your server.  To be in root your upload path will be:


root/directory_name/public_html/dolphin files  (When you log in to your server via WinSCP you will see a list of directories, public_html will be in the middle, just click on it and then click on the left side of the screen (WinSCP) hit CTRL A and it will select all files, hold down the left mouse button, drag to the right side (server side) and it will place all the files for you.)


Note, you need to open the Dolphin folder when you do the install so that admin is the very first folder your looking at and upload those, do not upload the main dolphin folder that has all the files in it. 


Once this is done, open your browser (internet explorer or Firebug) and go to and this will begin the install process.  The 2nd page of the install checks file permissions.  To change a permission, simply right click on the folder/file and then select Properties.  This will open a box.  Basic rule of thumb, if it's a folder set it to 777 if it's a file set it to 666 (exception is the ffmpeg.exe file that gets set to 777) 


Useful tip:  If you have multiple folders or files  that are in the same base directory, you can hold the control button down, click all that apply and then right click, properties and set all permissions in one move.  This comes in very useful for speeding up your time.


Next page, just copy paste your database_name, user_name & password where requested, use localhost as the location of the database and leave the other 2 fields blank.  Follow directions for the cron jobs, reverse the permissions at the end and then delete/rename the install folder and your done.  It's really a pretty simple process and you should be done in about 30 minutes. 


This is how you will deliver the site to the root directory your trying to place it in.

Quote · 13 Aug 2009


mary, you must not have been around back when that auto-installer was released, and there was much discussion about its actual functionality. well here is the deal, you cannot install in root using the auto-installer. however, what you can do is go ahead with the auto-install, from file manager if you have cpanel, you can move the files from subdirectory to root, and edit the /inc/ file with the few path declarations, and all should work soundly. the other alternative to that would be to run an install by uploading or using wget to get the files to the server, then unzipping and running the install, with this method you would need to setup (create) a database, also you would need to setup your crons. other than that, both methods work pretty much the same way.

holla if any of this was unclear.



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Quote · 13 Aug 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.