no ma'am what you are trying to do is different than the entirety of the tutorial there. you can create a new page in dolphin admin, and you can edit the .htaccess mod_rewrite statement and you can create a button on the nav menu and place the url for the mod_rewrite desired url SEF URL, and this is if you are creating a new page for dolphin.
but what you asked was how to embed a 3rd party application, and that is called porting or integrating, which you would need to do a whole lot more work, than what you are going to be able to deal with on a quick fix solution.
so my suggestion was to create a new menu button from admin builders provide the url to your support software.
now you can take that url similar to http://yoursite.com/support/index.php and create a SEF URL for that and post that in the nav button you created.
to migrate that support system or to integrate it whatever you wish to call it at this time, will take possibly weeks, and may not work at all because dolphin users now use md5 hash and and SALT for user/pass verification.
i know this is not the better solution.
Hi DosDawg
I went to Boonexnerd.com to start with and points to http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/wiki/NewPageCreation#CreatingasearchenginefriendlynewDolphinpage
Creating a search engine friendly new Dolphin page ¶
- Navigate to Admin Panel -> Builders -> Pages Builder
- Click the New Page link in the upper right corner
- Enter a new name -> Press Ok
- After page reload you need to create columns by clicking the Add column link
- Then you can create HTML or RSS blocks by dragging them from the Samples area to the columns you created. You need to release the blocks only after you can see a placeholder in the Active Blocks. Sometimes you will need to drag the block to the lower-left corner of the area to see the placeholder.
- After you have completed, click the View page link above the Active Area block
and insert the following line before it:
RewriteRule ^NewPage$ viewPage.php?ID=NewPage [QSA,L]
Note: If the name of your page contains spaces, you need to specify the previous instructions the following way:
RewriteRule ^New\sPage$ viewPage.php?ID=New+Page [QSA,L]
- After that your new page will become available at the URL: http://yoursite_url/NewPage or http://yoursite_url/New Page (with a space)
N.B. You have to replace the NewPage with your desired page name.
- Now you will be able to add this link to the navigation menu using the Navigation Menu Builder
Do I need to put a language key in to be able to add to the navigation menu
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