Blog module
The 'read more' is popping up when going over with the mouse but people are easily overlooking this while the url link of the dots is not very prominent.
Blog module The 'read more' is popping up when going over with the mouse but people are easily overlooking this while the url link of the dots is not very prominent. |
Edit modules/boonex/blogs/classes/BxBlogsSearchUnit.php file (~314 line):
if ($this->iPostViewType==4 || $this->iPostViewType==1 || $this->iPostViewType==5) {
$iBlogLimitChars = (int)getParam('max_blog_preview');
$sPostText = trim(strip_tags($sPostText));
if (mb_strlen($sPostText) > $iBlogLimitChars) {
$sPostText = mb_substr( $sPostText, 0, $iBlogLimitChars);
$sLinkMore = $this->sMobileWrapper ? '' : ' <a title="' . htmlspecialchars_adv(_t('_Read more')) . '" href="' . $sPostLink . '">' . _t('_Read more') . '</a>';
$sPostText = htmlspecialchars_adv($sPostText) . $sLinkMore;
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