The default interval is one minute, so if you want to send another message in less than one minute, you will see the error message:
You have to wait for 1 minute(s) before you can write another message!
To change this interval into, say, 15 seconds, you will need to do the following:
- In the file inc/classes/BxDolMailBox.php:
var $iWaitMinutes = 1;
var $iWaitMinutes = 15;
date_add(`Date`, INTERVAL {$this -> iWaitMinutes} MINUTE) > Now()
date_add(`Date`, INTERVAL {$this -> iWaitMinutes} SECOND) > Now()
- In the language key _You have to wait for PERIOD minutes before you can write another message!
replace the word minute(s) with second(s)
The language key can be edited in Admin Panel -> Settings -> Language Settings.
I hope this will be helpful.