Anyone know how to change the title name of a Dolphin site? I read a post saying to change it in the "" file in "inc" folder. When I tried, I couldn't find the title in that file and I screwed up settings when I put the file back.
Anyone know how to change the title name of a Dolphin site? I read a post saying to change it in the "" file in "inc" folder. When I tried, I couldn't find the title in that file and I screwed up settings when I put the file back. |
The instructions did not work for me. I tried this yesterday and all my settings were screwed up inwhich I had to go to backup. There is no other way to change the name? |
UPDATE: I just found out why my settings got screwed up after changing the file (as stated in the above url link instructions). For security reasons, some web hosts don't allow you to download particular files to change. If you download the "" file, change the title, then upload it back to the server COULD CHANGE SETTINGS AND CAUSE ERRORS. To avoid this, log in to your host's "File Manager" application and update the "" file online. This will definitely save a lot of headaches! |