How to get albums to show more than 12 thumbnails?

I would like to have the video and photo albums show more than 12 thumbnails so it covers the entire screen. Where do I go to do this?

Quote · 10 Jul 2014

If you go to each module in the admin section, each has a settings link at the top of the module; look at the top right of the block and you will see it. 

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 10 Jul 2014

I do not see it. I am trying to change the amount of thumbnails shown within the albums previews for video and photos on this page /m/videos/albums/browse/all. I would like more pictures to be shown from each album so the albums fully cover the entire computer screen, horizontally, at 100% width.

Quote · 10 Jul 2014

When you go to the module in the admin, in the search block above the block with the thumbnails, you will see a link, settings.

Click on that and then it will have settings for how many files to show in the browse page, how many albums to show on the browse page, etc.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 10 Jul 2014
Quote · 10 Jul 2014

judging by the link i think he means the albums themselves, 

@mayzfieldtv if you mean what i think you mean then these will automatically fill up when there are enough files in each album, 

please see screen shot 

Untitled-1.jpg · 188.1K · 337 views
Quote · 10 Jul 2014


judging by the link i think he means the albums themselves, 

@mayzfieldtv if you mean what i think you mean then these will automatically fill up when there are enough files in each album, 

please see screen shot 

 Yes this is what I mean. Except on my site all of these albums are stuck at 12. For example, in one album, there are 57 videos but it only fills up to 12. I think it is just my custom template. I am just going to move on. Thank you.

Quote · 10 Jul 2014



judging by the link i think he means the albums themselves, 

@mayzfieldtv if you mean what i think you mean then these will automatically fill up when there are enough files in each album, 

please see screen shot 

 Yes this is what I mean. Except on my site all of these albums are stuck at 12. For example, in one album, there are 57 videos but it only fills up to 12. I think it is just my custom template. I am just going to move on. Thank you.

No, it is not a custom template, it is in the bleeding settings like I mentioned and Deano even pointed out with an image.  Templates don't override the settings in the backend; template controls the layout.  The number of files is the number of videos.  So when you go to view a video album, the number of files in the settings for browsing an album is the number that will show; if you have more, then pagination will show for the album so you can move to the next page.


Did you try changing the number of files in the settings?

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 10 Jul 2014


it is in the bleeding settings like I mentioned and Deano even pointed out with an image. 

 sorry gg but as i said before, you are miss-understanding what the OP is saying, they are Not talking about how many files to show on the Browse page, they are talking about how many files showing in each album on the Album Browse page

Quote · 10 Jul 2014

No. I don't think it's the albums.

The thumbs by default will fill the entire row if there are enough photos in the album to do it.

Also as for the number of albums shown per page. The default is 8, and there is a drop down to select more if they want. The albums do not default to 12, so i do not believe that is the page the OP is referring to.
Quote · 10 Jul 2014


No. I don't think it's the albums.

 i only say it's the albums because that's the link they provided in their second post

Quote · 10 Jul 2014

I missed the second post. I was paying attention to photos mentioned in the first post.

Ok. In the case of the video album thumbs.

Edit. modules\boonex\videos\classes\BxVideosSearch.php

Look for this.

$this->aConstants['filesInAlbumCover'] = 12;

Change the 12 to the number you want.
Quote · 10 Jul 2014


I missed the second post. I was paying attention to photos mentioned in the first post.

Ok. In the case of the video album thumbs.

Edit. modules\boonex\videos\classes\BxVideosSearch.php

Look for this.

$this->aConstants['filesInAlbumCover'] = 12;

Change the 12 to the number you want.

 Thank you. I changed the photos, videos, and sounds albums.

Quote · 10 Jul 2014
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