How to insert Images above Navigation Bar?

Is there a simple way to add an image above the navigation bar, directly the to the left of where it says "Join Now" in the upper right hand side of the screen? Or, is there a way to replace the text "join now" with an image as a clickable button? Normally I would just go into the index.html file and insert some html tags in there, but its an index.php file (if thats even the homepage) so Im a little confused. I want to add a small image that says "join free" somewhere in that area.
Here is an image of the area Im talking about:

Join Now

Quote · 21 Feb 2009

open your templates/tmpl_uni/scripts/functions.php



see function HelloMemberSection()



now see this code below

//<a href="<_?= $site['url'] ?_>member.php"><_?= _t( '_Member Login' ) ?_></a>
<div class="topMemberBlock">
<div class="no_hello_actions">
<a href="<?= $site['url'] ?>join.php"><?= _t( '_Join Now Top' ) ?></a>
<a href="<?= $site['url'] ?>member.php" onclick="showItemEditForm('login_div'); $( '#login_div' ).show().load( '<?= $site['url'] ?>member.php?action=show_login_form&relocate=' + encodeURIComponent( window.location )  );return false;"><?= _t( '_Member Login' ) ?></a>




yup, you can do it now




reni smansakra

Quote · 21 Feb 2009

Or, they can take the simpler route to deliver the unit into the space by opening templates/tmpl_uni/_header.html, and locate:


<div class="topMenuWrapper">


Above that line you can place:


<div style="position:absolute;top:0px;right:0px;width:1px;height:1px;"> ***insert your item here*** </div>



And by adjusting the individual elements in the line above you can easily control it's placement within the box above the menu.




Quote · 21 Feb 2009

Thanks alot guys, I'll give both a try. Thanks for replying!

Quote · 21 Feb 2009

Or, they can take the simpler route to deliver the unit into the space by opening templates/tmpl_uni/_header.html, and locate:

<div class="topMenuWrapper">

Above that line you can place:

<div style="position:absolute;top:0px;right:0px;width:1px;height:1px;"> ***insert your item here*** </div>

And by adjusting the individual elements in the line above you can easily control it's placement within the box above the menu.




Looking at what you wrote, using that method would enable a user to add an image map there too, right, since that's just straight html/xhtml related coding? (assuming that the image map is small enough to fit into that space nicely).



Greetings from Germany

Quote · 25 Feb 2009

Yes, you can use my method to insert most things into the space above the menu.  If you pay attention to the _header.html file, you can place them where ever you choose and control that placement very easily.  Just experiment with the height/width/margin to move it around.


You can also fit larger images by simply increasing the space up there.

Quote · 25 Feb 2009
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