How to optimise your server?

I've been using the service ( dedicated server )from HFW since I started my website 6 months ago. The speed has been slow, but looking at the feedback from the members here, seems like this is the nature of Dolphin and not the problem from HFW. Here's the spec of my dedicated server:-

  • Intel E1200 DualCore Celeron 1.60GHz 512MB 800Mhz
  • 1GB DDR2 RAM
  • 250GB SATA 3GBPS Hard Drive
  • 2000GB Bandwidth
  • 5 IP's

$129.95 / month


My website was down for few hours yesterday & HFW had helped me to fix it. I complained to them of the slow loading speed & here's the reply from them on the reason of server down & slow loading speed:-


Your server was being hammered from several IP addresses causing these slowdowns.I blocked those IP addresses now.

you will also need more RAM, 1GB isn't enough, only two databases are over 500 MB large altogether, let alone all other system services:

root@server [~]# du -sh /var/lib/mysql/*
275M /var/lib/mysql/A_DATABASE

60K /var/lib/mysql/cphulkd
48K /var/lib/mysql/eximstats
320K /var/lib/mysql/horde
11M /var/lib/mysql/ibdata1
5.1M /var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile0
5.1M /var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile1
235M /var/lib/mysql/B_DATABASE
24K /var/lib/mysql/leechprotect
24K /var/lib/mysql/modsec
808K /var/lib/mysql/mysql
0 /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
80K /var/lib/mysql/roundcube
root@server [~]#

I would STRONGLY suggest 1 or 2GB of RAM more, to make it 2-3 GB total.


I've hosted 2 websites on the same dedicated server, 1 of them haven't launched yet, the other one has been up & running for about 6 months . The usage of these 2 website is not that heavy. Is there anyway to optimise the server without having to pay extra money to add more RAM? Is adding additional 1 or 2 GB RAM would really speed up the page loading?

Quote · 3 Dec 2008
  • Intel E1200 DualCore Celeron 1.60GHz 512MB 800Mhz

the problem is this server is crap, and you only have 512mb cache with 800 Mhz FSB, the other problem i see is that its a celeron. im sure they never clued you in when you first went to contract with them on the inability for this specific server to keep up with Dolphin.

i would look at doing something with the processor, get in the 2.4GHz range 2GB ram. i think adding anything to your current configuration is a waste of time and money. i looked for some reviews to be able to share not only my opinion with you on what you have been sold, but what others have to say about this specific processor and server configuration. this is what i came up with.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Intel Celeron vs Pentium

The Celeron and Pentium Processors are two of Intel's best selling CPUs. They are found in a majority of home computer systems. When comparing the two processors it should be first understood that there are different types of Pentium processors - the original Pentium all the way to the Pentium 4 (the latest Pentium processor). The Celeron processors are more or less the same, although you will find them in a wide variety of speeds.

The Intel Celeron processor was always designed to be a low-cost alternative to the Pentium processor line. It is much like a car company that offers various priced cars from the luxury sedan to the economy compact. The Celeron is simply a downgraded Pentium, that almost anyone can afford (it is essentially the compact).

To begin, Celeron chips have a smaller L2 cache 9128kb compared with 512kb in the Pentium 4 Northwood, which translates into slower processing speeds. In fact, current Celerons have a clock speed limit of about 2.0GHz, where as the Pentium for is capable of speed in excess of 3.0GHz. In addition, the Pentium runs at a lower core voltage because it is more energy effecient (1.75V vs. 1.5V).

In summary, the Pentium 4 is more powerful than the most advanced Celeron processor on the market. However, Intel has planned it to be this way. Many applications will work just great with a Celeron processor, despite a little less power than the Pentium 4. It is a way to save a little cash when buying a new pc - but don't forget the saying "you get what you pay for." Celeron processors are of good Intel quality, but they will never be as good as the Pentium.

This Celeron vs. Pentium review was brought to you by SciNet Science and Technology Search Engine. SciNet is not affiliated with or specifically endorses the Celeron or Pentium processors or the manufacturer, Intel Corp. Please consult the Celeron and Pentium product information and configuration before you purchase either processor. It is also a good idea to seek other up-to-date product reviews and information as necessary.

after searching for about 10 mins looking for reviews on this product, this is what i could come up with. as you can see, this was most specifically never intended to be a server, most specifically a media server as Dolphin demands.

the other problem with this is that if you are on a server that was not built for you, you are dealing with used and hammered equipment. that hard drive could be on the verge of going out. since you are not able to hear the platters beating around, nor can you hear the voltage vary up and down. there are many factors that contribute to a computer being slow. you could be overheating, this will slow the machine down considerably. if you received the server you really dont know the history of what was on there, and dont know if you have dug around in the system to see if there were any strange files hanging around. i would ask HFW to do a bench test and show me the speeds at which this machine is performing at.

again, i state, that i wouldnt spend the money per month to add ram to this box. you are right, you should be able to run one dolphin site on this machine depending on your traffic and what else is running on this machine. if the server is not the problem, you could have a frayed patch cable, or network cable, or you could be plugged into a bad port on the router or switch bank.

well that is my two cents worth. hit me up if you would like to further discuss your issues with your machine.


When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 3 Dec 2008
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.