I have a question: how I can translate dolphin modules from english to romanian?
I have found this link with instructions: https://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/wiki/DolLang#TranslatingnewlyinstalledDolphinsites
My case is: "Translating sites with existing members and content"
I have these instructions : Translate the language file in each module located in modules/boonex/*/install/langs/en.php. The Forum has 2 language files - first in the regular location and another one in the modules\boonex\forum\integrations\base\langs\en.php. Use the same language code for translated files like in the 'Name' field in the system language file
But ... I dont understand this: modules/boonex/*/install/langs/en.php.
I dont have these on my server?
Somebody can give me some instructions how to translate these modules?