I have problems with the columns in Page Builder

I have problems with the columns in Page Builder

In active blocks

it is not possible, the whole column 1

to share.

I use the Buttem Add Columm,

other columns are shared.

So I can not mark and share an entire column

is that the same with you?

Quote · 4 Jun 2019


I have problems with the columns in Page Builder

In active blocks

it is not possible, the whole column 1

to share.

I use the Buttem Add Columm,

other columns are shared.

So I can not mark and share an entire column

is that the same with you?

So that it is better understood:

I am having problems with the columns in Page Builder

In active blocks

is it possible to split column 1?

I use the Buttem Add Columm,

This splits other columns but not column 1

Quote · 5 Jun 2019

Okay, I think I understand and what I'm about to say is based on my observation:

Column 1 is the default column.

If it's the only column on the page, it must be full width because it possibly controls the overall shape of the page.

When you create a new column, it's placed below column 1, because column 1 doesn't split.

When you create a third column, it shares the space equally with column 2.

When you create a fourth column, it shares the space equally with columns 2 and 3.


The widths of columns 2, 3 and 4 can be changed with the sliders. You can finely adjust the widths with the arrow keys. (Thanks Deano for that tip.)

If you want 2 or 3 columns at the top, move the blocks in column 1 to where you want them and then delete column 1. (Red X on top corner). You now have three columns at the top.

Some time ago I found that having two or three columns at the top caused layout problems. As a result, I always leave column 1 there, but change it's settings to "No box, no border" and stop members and guests from seeing it. If that causes problems, put an empty text field in it.

The way columns split is actually easy to handle once you understand how things work. The pages can be quite flexible.

Tip: If your members use mobile phones, please consider their needs. When Dolphin with the responsive EVO template is displayed on a phone, the top column is displayed first, then the left side column, then the middle column, then the right column. You need to keep this in mind and place important material in the top or left columns. That's why it's best to stick with a two column layout.

Quote · 5 Jun 2019

Idea add on: (Did i mention this earlier somewhere?). It would be good if we could assign numbers to the different boxes, so that we could structure the visibility hierarchy for mobile display instead of this fixed from left to right column as it is now.

Quote · 6 Jun 2019


Idea add on: (Did i mention this earlier somewhere?). It would be good if we could assign numbers to the different boxes, so that we could structure the visibility hierarchy for mobile display instead of this fixed from left to right column as it is now.

Basically for mobile, put everything in a single column.  What we need to do is to have Dolphin serve up the layout from the mobile page builder if the screen is limited.  We already have a mobile page builder but we can't really use it.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 6 Jun 2019

Also, we need to be realistic here and understand that Boonex is not going to put any real effort into Dolphin.  Andrew has made it quite clear that UNA is where he is focusing development.  If we want improvement in Dolphin, then we need to do it ourselves; we need to abandon Boonex because Boonex has abandon us.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 6 Jun 2019


Okay, ich denke ich verstehe und was ich sagen werde, basiert auf meiner Beobachtung:

Spalte 1 ist die Standardspalte.

Wenn es die einzige Spalte auf der Seite gibt, muss sie die volle Breite haben, da sie möglicherweise die Gesamtform der Seite steuert.

Wenn Sie eine neue Spalte erstellen, wird diese unter Spalte 1 platziert, da Spalte 1 nicht geteilt wird.

Wenn Sie eine dritte Spalte erstellen, wird der Bereich mit Spalte 2 geteilt.

Wenn Sie einen vierspaltigen erstellen, wird der Speicherplatz mit den Spalten 2 und 3 geteilt.


Die Breite der Spalten 2, 3 und 4 kann mit den Schiebereglern geändert werden. Sie können die Breiten mit den Pfeiltasten fein einstellen. (Danke Deano für diesen Tipp.)

Wenn Sie 2 oder 3 Spalten oben möchten, verschieben Sie die Blöcke in Spalte 1 und löschen Sie dann Spalte 1. (Rotes X in der oberen Ecke). Sie haben jetzt drei Spalten oben.

Vor einiger Zeit stellte ich fest, dass zwei oder drei Spalten oben Layoutprobleme verursachen. Infolgedessen wird die Spalte 1 immer angezeigt, aber die Einstellungen in "Keine Box, kein Rand" und hindere Mitglieder und Gäste daran, sie zu sehen. Wenn dies zu Problemen führt, fügen Sie ein leeres Textfeld ein.

Die Art and Weise, wie Spalten aufgeteilt werden, ist eigentlich einfach zu handhaben, sobald Sie verstehen, wie die Dinge funktionieren. Die Seiten können sehr flexibel sein.

Tipp:  Wenn Ihre Mitglieder Mobiltelefone verwenden, berücksichtigen Sie deren Bedürfnisse. Wenn Dolphin mit der entsprechenden EVO-Vorlage angezeigt wird, wird zuerst die obere Spalte, dann die linke Spalte, dann die mittlere Spalte und dann die rechte Spalte angezeigt. Sie müssen das berücksichtigen und wichtiges Material in die obere oder linke Spalte einfügen. Deshalb ist es am besten, bei einem zweispaltigen Layout zu bleiben.

 Hallo John K42

Vielen Dank für Ihre Leistungen.

Ich habe 5 Blöcke

Block 1

hat Spalte 1

Block 2

hat Spalte 2 / Spalte 3

Block 3

hat Spalte 4

Block 4

hat Spalte 5 / Spalte 6

Block 5

hat Spalte 7

Ich möchte in Block 5 sein

Spalte 7

Auch zu Spalte 7 und 8

es ist mir nicht möglich

Es muss möglich sein, einen Block zu markieren, um eine ganze Spalte zu teilen (ADD Columm)


Wenn ich den Befehl ADD Columm  ausführe, wird eine ganze Spalte beliebig gesetzt.

Und das ist das Problem-


Quote · 7 Jun 2019

I'm not going to be very helpful I fear.

I'm a printer and layout designer by profession and I learned from experience, that you must consider the end-user and not yourself. I started off designing my sites with three columns. They were popular before mobile phones came on the scene, but not any more. As Geek_Girl said, the perfect site for computers and phones would be one column wide, but how boring is that?

After many months work, I reduced my three column site to two columns, then I spent too much time sorting out which blocks were the most important. You may think it doesn't matter, but please look at these diagrams.

Here is a nice three column web site. Most cultures read from left to right, so the first three columns should contain the most important material. (1,2,3)

The next row (4,5,6) can contain material of lessor importance and so on. Computers were designed to read from left to right, but mobile phones read from top to bottom.

This diagram shows how a mobile phone user will see my site. It's nothing like the way I designed it because the information is scattered: (1,4,7,2,5,8,3,6,9).

Most of my members would be confused and when that happens, they go elsewhere.

@MRTN is correct. It would be great if we could number the blocks and sort them as we want. Sadly, that isn't the case, so we must do what is best for everyone even if we don't like it. 

Therefore, my advice is to reduce the number of columns to as few as possible and build your site around that. Other than that, you will have to purchase a full license, get the app and develop a separate mobile phone site with that.

layout 1.png · 7.6K · 398 views
layout2.jpg · 10.4K · 392 views
Quote · 7 Jun 2019
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.