I lost $1,400 last 2 week on advertising

I lost $1,400 last 2 week on advertising $100 perday.

I'm on Dedicated with apthost.com

I run ads with google and so on

now when ever my site get hight traffic 100 to 1,000+ people at the same time it go down, then I ofto pause all ads and reboost the server, I reboost about 5 times a day


can some one please help me,

is it my hosting or is there an error in the ceript that causing my website to go down every time 100 + people is online at the same time. :-(

this is the plan I'm on

PowerLine 6700

Dual Processors, Single Core. Ideal uses for large-scale, mission critical applications including streaming media, database.
Intel Xeon 3.0 GHz (w/HTT)
2 x 250GB HD (RAID 1)
2000GB monthly transfer
100 Mbps Port Speed
Quote · 9 Nov 2008

I don't have the answer to your question, but I would be really interested in knowing how you make that much advertising revenue.  You have lost more on your site in two weeks than I have made in all the time I have had my site.  Is this your link?  http://groupiewire.com Perhaps you could share a few of your secrets in getting you ad revenue so high - then I'm sure people would be happy to help.




p.s.  What's with the hidden profile?  It is always nice to know a little bit about the people participating here.

Quote · 9 Nov 2008

Try to realize claster structure and keep 50k members per same server,

so if you will have 100k of members you should have 2 server in claster.

Quote · 10 Nov 2008
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.