The last 2 days I been reading the forums, trying to find an answer. It could be an easy answer or it won't be. I'm trying to add blocks to the homepage, account, and profile using pagebuilder. For some reason, only 3 blocks won't show. In PageBuilder, they are showing exactly where I want it placed, but when you go to the site.....nothing. I checked permissions, I used firefox, I made sure either "member" or "guest" is checked....still nothing. I am using a new template...could that be the reason? I don't know what to do!!!?
The 3 blocks are Photo Gallery, Video Gallery, and Music Gallery. I been creating several sites with Dolphin and this is the first time I'm having this problem. Pleeeeaaaaase help me. This wall is just too tall for me to climb. Someone just throw me a rope!