Hi to all, i need help because i have some problem.
I use the Dolphin free version and i install it. Work almost all, but when i click on one photo i get a error message.
The page is here
It is only one member...
If somebody can check and help me whit my problem...
Thank you
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hey there,
the problem is your dot file .htaccess, it would appear that it didnt make the trip on the upload of the files. check in root of the server for your htaccess, then check in your set of files that you extracted from the Dolphin Suite, compare the two htaccess files. you will most likely see immediately that the file you have on the server is the wrong one. upload the htaccess to your root on the server, and all should be well. that is if mod_rewrite is on. if not contact your host and ask them to recompile with rewrite_engine mod_rewrite.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
thank you for the help, but i'm looking everywhere (on the server and on the local files), but i didn't found any files with the .htaccess
Please you can tell my where i have to found it?
Thank you so much.
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if you look at your files, on the root (the first page in your www folder on the server) you will see the folders
and so on.
Your .htaccess file will be on this page, you can tell which it is because its the only file that doesnt have a name attached to it. (looks like an unnamed file) this is your .htaccess file
Ok, thank you, Tyke.
I look agains, but noweher i have .htaccess
DosDawq wrote to check the local files, but also there i don't found .thaccess
What i have to do? To install again the Dolphin?
Thank you.
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I think I heard somewhere that some hosts don't grant access to .htaccess - or that file is somehow hidden. Why don't you drop your host a quick note and ask them.
Hi, i resolve the problem unchecking the permalink half hour ago...
Thank to every body to help me.
And untill 10minuts ago everything works, but now when i try to go to my page, show me a white page whitout any error...
I only activeded the plug-in, after that as work 15 minuts, (time i try to upload music, etc), but now doesn't work !!!
Also the admin page appear white page...
here the web adres
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Ok, i delete everything and now i install again... maybe was some problem... i write later if i resolve something.
Another question, the free license of dolphin as some time limited? (really i don't remenber to read something about it, but is better to ask) Or i can alway use until on the page is a link to Boonex ...
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Ok, thank you, Tyke.
I look agains, but noweher i have .htaccess
DosDawq wrote to check the local files, but also there i don't found .thaccess
What i have to do? To install again the Dolphin?
Thank you.
What program did you use to transfer the Dolphin files to your server? It doesn't seem like any of the .htacess files were uploaded to your server. Once the Dolphin installation package is unzipped onto your computer, the .htaccess files are treated as hidden files. It sure sounds to me that whatever program you used to transfer the files to your server, is set to NOT display hidden files, and subsequently, those files may not have been selected for upload to your server. Without knowing what program you used to transfer the files, it would be difficult to speculate any further.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Hi Houstolively, i use Cyberduck to upload the files to the server, i have a Imac running OSX 10.5.6
Now i try to install all agains, and i have this question : the install program don't found this
- Path to mogrify
- Path to convert
- Path to composite
But has found the GD library, i read if is the GD library it's ok, i don't need the ImageMagic (but i have installed it on my Imac). On the server i have Imagetool.
I can continuos the install or i need the ImageMagik?
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my bad... conform my hosting i can not istall a chat... so they block my site.
I sorry to spend your time t try to help me when was my error...
Anyway thank's to all...
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what you want to do to view your .httacess file is to unhide hidden files with what ever ftp software you're using. Then bamm you will see it. |
Thank you Amorosso, it resolve the problem... ... |