I just wanted to know how to stop getting error email
how do I disable it
How do I stop it from sending me error message
I need instrucions
I just wanted to know how to stop getting error email how do I disable it How do I stop it from sending me error message
I need instrucions |
Hi, I had the same problem as you, but 10x as worse because I had all the accounts under in my server reporting bugs to me. Funny thing is, they would get as far as 3 weeks behind coming in. So enough blabbing, you want to know how to turn this off huh?! Simple :) Open inc/db.inc.php and make the 3 define() codes false instead of true. This will turn off the aggravating error reporting that Dolphin scripts send you when your have to many MySQL connections and all the other what not reports :) define( 'DB_FULL_VISUAL_PROCESSING', false ); Thanks! Jimmy :-) |
I just wanted to know how to stop getting error email how do I disable it How do I stop it from sending me error message I need instrucions what are the error emails that you are getting. if you are getting error emails, you really should find the source of the errors, just turning off the error reporting only leads to more complex issues down the road. hit me up and i will see if i can set you straight. if you are getting "too many connections" on the mysql connection, you can ask your host to increase the number of connections that are allowed. honestly, reading some of these posts, there are no errors that i have seen that are caused by the script, the too many sql connections is a hosting issue, not a script issue. would like to look at your errors. Regards, When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |