Does Dolphin 7 have page builders for classifieds or the other pages on Dolphin or are they available when purchasing a package of Dolphin 6? It just seems like I've hit a brick wall without knowing how to code PHP.
Here are the steps I've taken so far:
Went to w3schools and learned all I can about html, XHTML, CSS. I scored high enough on the quizzes there to feel comfortable to start learning PHP, but then saw that before learning PHP you need some sort of background in Javascript, so I went through that course, but mostly managed to confuse myself even further. I went ahead and read pages and pages of the PHP course and there was a lot I learned there, but nothing really that helped me figure out how to do what I want to be able to do with these classifieds pages. I started thinking I need to head to some college course and get a masters in PHP....
I have installed Dolphin on a WAMP server using Technoman's tutorial (which was so incredibly helpful!).
I downloaded Dreamweaver and set it up to work with Dolphin with this tutorial.
I installed Firebug, ultra edit, and Web Developer after finding DeeEm's super helpful blog post. I was able to figure out how to change a lot of things on my dolphin site, but not exactly what I need to do to change the classifieds.
I read through every tutorial and outside forum that I could find about dolphin without much luck.
I found Joomla and decided it looked easier to build pages in, but I'm wary about starting a site there because I'll probably have to download all sorts of extensions in order to get it even partially close to what I already have with Dolphin and I'd much rather be able to start with Dolphin and make it work the way I want it to.
I understand that it's probably going to cost quite a bit of money in order to get what I want going, but after looking through the jobs pages here I'm not sure anyone is even going to want to do what I need done and am afraid to post the job on expertzzz or another site. I feel sort of like a pain in the butt because I don't know what I'm doing and have to rely on all of you for help, but I am really completely lost here.
Am I going about all of this the wrong way? Am I just completely too inept to try to use Dolphin?
(Sorry for the lengthy post, I just thought maybe it would help if you guys could see how much I'm really trying to learn!)