IlBelloDelWEB is glad to inform you about a new awesome wall released for the Boonex Dolphin 7.X
After 2 years of the release of SpyWall, the wall designed for friends, will soon be available EVO Wall.
IBDW EVO Wall, it's not an update of SpyWall (that will be supported still) but a new addictive module that open the orizon to new features and interactions for your members.
What's added by EVO WALL
- In addition to the default post's share on the wall, we have added the share for Facebook, Twitter, Google+
(in this preview you can see only the facebook sharing)

The menu for each post is visible on the event "on mouse over". This allow to get a very nice look for the post.

- the administrator can decide the default privacy for the profile's wall: members, public, friends, faves, me only
- each profile can set as public, members, friends, faves or me only, the privacy for
a) post's view b) comments and like on post c) sharing (default) d) facebook sharing e) twitter sharing f) google+ sharing g) personal messages

- The news can be displayed in order chronologic or as most popular (based on the number of comments and like received)
(We are working on this feature in these days)
- Site's sharing simplified (as in facebook): you can add an url and automatically the wall retrive all the informations for this site (title, description and images). As in facebook, you can browse the images to add to the post of the site.

this will be displayed as preview:

and then this is the result in the wall:

Also this feature is available in the personal message box. To use this feature you have not need of the module Boonex sites. If you want you can uninstall Boonex Sites.

and this the preview:

so you can share only the message or the message with the site's information (title, description and image). This is the post as displayed in the wall (here you can see the message and then the info of the site:

Also this feature allow to save space because the images were embedded, not stored.
- Grouping for Photos: now you can see the photos of the same member grouped (not as separated posts)

- Grouping for similar posts. If there are similar post by the same member, these will be grouped (and you can click to ungroup and see all)
- Added the support for the module Boonex Sounds
- Added the support for the module Boonex Blogs
- Added the support for some 3D party extensions: - UE30 Events - UE30 Locations - Rayz Advanced Video Embed 2.0: so now you can embed other types of videos (as Vimeo, DailyMotion, ecc). This require the installation of the module of Rayz. - Modzzz Premium Real Estate
- A very new look for the post, the sections (comments, like), icons and menu. You can move your mouse on the post and then see the menu of the options/actions for this post (respecting the privacy of the owner of the post)
Large format for Photos or Zoom: the administrator can set the image to display in the post as thumbnail or large (as in Facebook). If the format is "thumbnail" you can see the zoom to enlarge the image without to open it in the photo's module. If you choose the format large, you can see the image with a size more large (you can choose the size in the configuration of the module)
- Membership management: In Evo you can allow/deny these actions for the memberships of your site: EVO WALL - Ads, EVO WALL - Blogs, EVO WALL - Comments and like add, EVO WALL - Comments and like view, EVO WALL - Events, EVO WALL - Groups, EVO WALL - Personal messages, EVO WALL - Photos, EVO WALL - Polls, EVO WALL - Post sharing, EVO WALL - Sites, EVO WALL - Sounds, EVO WALL - Videos
- Administration area: now the administration of the module is in the default module section of the administration. Administration->Modules->EVO Wall EVO WALL will work for Dolphin 7.X. (so for the current D7.0.X and for the incoming D7.1)
We want also inform all the customers that have already bought IBDW SpyWall about this: you can have the new EVO Wall just for $ 99,00 instead of $ 199,00. So a new important addition to your wall at the same price of a little customization.
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looks good...
If a user posts a video and that video is shared facebook - what will be visible on the facebook page? Will it show a thumbnail of the video or will it embed the video into facebooks wall so that it can be viewed directly from FB?
Also, How difficult is it going to be for us to include our own third party or custom modules into the feed?
NAthan : )
Does this mean that there will be no further development of the SpyWall module, other than version upgrades? I'm pretty sure I already know the answer t this. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
congratulations, beautiful the graphics
There is also a mobile version?
Thanks, version 7.1 does very well to the style
and the Italian style is the best
Gianfranco D'agostino |
another beautiful and essential module for dolphin, has many new features, I love the large photos on the evo, for new displayed order as most popular, and Site's sharing simplified as on facebook... I would never have used dolphin without your modules.. Once again my compliments.. for all the new features and for the beautiful graphics of evo.. Templates and Modules for Dolphin 7.3 |
looks good...
If a user posts a video and that video is shared facebook - what will be visible on the facebook page? Will it show a thumbnail of the video or will it embed the video into facebooks wall so that it can be viewed directly from FB?
Also, How difficult is it going to be for us to include our own third party or custom modules into the feed?
NAthan : )
For each type of sharing (images, sites, videos, ecc) will be used the thumb because the gol a the sharing is to redirect the profile's of facebook to your site to see the contents. Not?
If a video, for example, is visible directly in facebook, who will visit your site????
About the integration of 3d party modules, we have already included some importants extensions of other sellers, but in the future and basing to the reports of our customers, we want integrate other mods.
This will reduce the customizations needed by the customers (because already supported the most popular modules).
Anyway if you want add a new module to EVO Wall, now it's very simple and about this will be released a guide for the integration.
See my products at | Hosting: |
Does this mean that there will be no further development of the SpyWall module, other than version upgrades? I'm pretty sure I already know the answer t this.
As you can see in this post, SpyWall will be supported also in the future because is another type of Wall, not an "hold" wall.
EVO WALL is different for many aspect and for the code used.
SpyWall, for example, is for friends and so have not need of the privacy management (all friends can see the post of a profile of the friends list)
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This is the post's preview for the module of MODZZZ Real Estate Premium:

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Will this work with your 1 and 3 column? basicaly can i use it to replace your spy wall module om my site? |
The post's preview for the module of UE30 - Events:

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Will this work with your 1 and 3 column? basicaly can i use it to replace your spy wall module om my site?
EVO will be compatible with 1Col, 3Col and PhotoDeluxe.
No problems also for MegaProfile.
Who install EVO Wall must uninstall SpyWall, yes.
But for the future version of D7.1, you can use EVO Wall and also the default Boonex Timeline
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This the preview for the module UE30 - Locations

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ciao ibdw,
in questo evo wall inserirete anche la possibilità di effettuare il check in in alcune località ?
Gianfranco D'agostino |
Sounds in EVO Wall:

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is a really beautiful module for dolphin...  |
looking forward to testing this and to seeing how easy it is to include my third party and custom modules... |
The event "on mouse over" on the thumbnails (for the photos grouped) open the image in detail:

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Wow! This is beautiful!!! omg! When will this be out? Is this for 7.0.9 or 7.1 or both? The best mod i've ever seen in a long time. Amazing job! I can't wait!! Thumbs up! |
Wow! This is beautiful!!! omg! When will this be out? Is this for 7.0.9 or 7.1 or both? The best mod i've ever seen in a long time. Amazing job! I can't wait!! Thumbs up!
This module is for all the version D7, so for D7.0.X and for D7.1
Also, EVO allows the grouping for the similar posts (photos, videos, ecc..) also for who want not update to D7.1 (many sites can't be upgraded easly because in D7.1 there are many changes and so a large parte of the modules and of the templates of this market must be updated).
Then, EVO allows to get the features that you can see at the begin of this topic also when you want not update to D7.1
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Added the feature: MOST POPULAR

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Looks very good.
Can you explain the main difference with this and the new timeline on 7.1?
Thanks :-)
Will you be including the other mod integrations from Modzzz to go alongside Premium Real Estate module? Such as premium groups, events, classifieds, autos, jobs etc...?
They kinda did a couple posts up:
This module is for all the version D7, so for D7.0.X and for D7.1
Also, EVO allows the grouping for the similar posts (photos, videos, ecc..) also for who want not update to D7.1 (many sites can't be upgraded easly because in D7.1 there are many changes and so a large parte of the modules and of the templates of this market must be updated).
Then, EVO allows to get the features that you can see at the begin of this topic also when you want not update to D7.1
May not be a huge benefit for 7.1 since looks like it has similar functionality. The main idea with EVO looks like to get the 7.1 timeline features into 7.0.9.
Looks very good.
Can you explain the main difference with this and the new timeline on 7.1?
Thanks :-)
just read the post on this forum to understand that Evo Wall has many more features and is much more advanced of the new timeline... example.. have the autoscroll to see the "more news" when you scroll the page down as in facebook. on the timline you have a click on a button for view more news for all users.. Site's and url sharing simplified (as in facebook): you can add an url and automatically the wall retrive all the informations for this site (title, description and images) and the timline not have this function.. Large format for Photos as a on facebook, have the feature MOST POPULAR as a on facebook, native support for some 3D party extensions, share for any singol post on Facebook, Twitter, Google+... each profile can set the privacy as public, members, friends, faves or me only, for ( post's view, comments and like on post, sharing, facebook sharing, twitter sharing, google+ sharing and for personal messages ), have a integration of vimeo, youtube, myspace and other provider video direct on the wall.. and have more news that will better explain the developers of ilbellodelweb...
They kinda did a couple posts up:
This module is for all the version D7, so for D7.0.X and for D7.1
Also, EVO allows the grouping for the similar posts (photos, videos, ecc..) also for who want not update to D7.1 (many sites can't be upgraded easly because in D7.1 there are many changes and so a large parte of the modules and of the templates of this market must be updated).
Then, EVO allows to get the features that you can see at the begin of this topic also when you want not update to D7.1
May not be a huge benefit for 7.1 since looks like it has similar functionality. The main idea with EVO looks like to get the 7.1 timeline features into 7.0.9.
Looks very good.
Can you explain the main difference with this and the new timeline on 7.1?
Thanks :-)
Templates and Modules for Dolphin 7.3 |
Okay, thats positive :-)
One more question, as I dont have IBDW wall to compare already!
Where will this allow me to post walls. Is it profile only, or homepage (whole site), profile
or will it allow me to post this wall into other modules such as on groups page to show just that groups info...
Okay, thats positive :-)
One more question, as I dont have IBDW wall to compare already!
Where will this allow me to post walls. Is it profile only, or homepage (whole site), profile
or will it allow me to post this wall into other modules such as on groups page to show just that groups info...
Not the pages for the EVO Wall are the account page, the profile page, the home page.
Thanks Giovanni_m for the explanation.
EVO Wall is very addictive, you can bet on it.
See my products at | Hosting: |
The friend crack_foo suggested to consider two different membership action for COMMENTS and LIKE.
Maybe it's a good idea, your opion?
I think this can be added and I love when our customer have this type of approach to our module's development.
Thanks crack_foo
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Would you consider making this so it can be added to a group?
It would open its uses up to a whole other level!
This the new style of IBDW 1COL compatible with the look of EVO Wall:

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WHERE'S THE LINK! (hint hint) ... Hosted by! |
IBDW makes higher quality jobs!
is likely that all around the wall looks old:-D
Ages of wall can be seen immediately by a detail of the upper graph, this module is a must even if it is not yet available.
hopefully soon end all tests:-D
more I look at it the more I like.
Gianfranco D'agostino |
you already have a publication date? Gianfranco D'agostino |
I want this for GROUPS!!!!!!! |
hi, would you be able to add a dislike button next to the like button so members have a choice of liking or disliking content on the wall let me know the price bro
email me Stuart Moseley if its easier bro
I want this for GROUPS!!!!!!!
I want this for communities.... when I figure ut how to do communities properly lol : )
Looking forward to trying this out though : )
Sorry.... when will you be able to post details of how to include third party and custom modules into the wall? I am keen to see how difficult it is.
Nathan : )
Sorry.... when will you be able to post details of how to include third party and custom modules into the wall? I am keen to see how difficult it is.
Nathan : )
Hi Nathan,
this module have so many settings, so will attach a pdf for the description, the installation, and the "how to" integrate the other modules.
Anyway, but this depends by the other sellers (because we cannot buy all the modules of this market), we'll add the integration of all the most famous modules of UE30, Rayz, Modzzz and the other most requested.
See my products at | Hosting: |
great news, thanks..... I will also try to add my custom modules : ) |
great news, thanks..... I will also try to add my custom modules : )
Yes, but remember that just the modules that support the spy system can be integrated because EVO Wall as SpyWall uses the default table bx_spy_data to read the informations
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Hi to all,
does any one know when this new IBDW EVO Wall will be up in the market? by the looks of things again 5+ stars for IBDW!!
Hi to all,
does any one know when this new IBDW EVO Wall will be up in the market? by the looks of things again 5+ stars for IBDW!!
Hello everyone,
thank you for your interest.
There is not an official date for the release, the module is already under test but we have added 100000000000 of new features!
So this phase (of test) can require more than a week. I hope we can publish the module for the end of this months.
In these day we have added some new features because considered as good idea.
1) The vademecum (guide) in pdf, there are about 70 possible settings and you must understand the possibilities of this awesome wall (as requested by DRautenbach/Nathan)
2) We have improved the membership actions for comments and like as separated action (as requested by crack_foo)
3) We have added in the administration 2 default privacy level for the profile (as requested by Giovanni_m)
About this last point (the Giovanni request), now it's possible to set the default privacy for the profile's wall to MEMBERS (it's an example), and the default privacy for the account's wall to FRIENDS.
This allow to see in my account page just the new of my friends, and to see the profile wall of another user because the administrator allowed the view (of the profile wall) to all members.
Anyway, each profile can manage own privacy. So even if the administrator have set the view for members, If the profileXYZ decied to allow the post's view, or the comments, ecc....just to the friends, all the other members (not friends) are not enabled to this type of view/action.
We attach also this picture where you can see the new style (EVO oriented) for IBDW 1COL and 3COL.
Here also you can see the sharing of an url in Google+
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looks awsome, take time and get a great product : ) |
omg, all balanced and attractive
if I can give a little hint as a customer and not as a programmer
geolocation would be something ultimate.
However, you may really want to use the evowall, just missing that makes the coffee
hopefully it will be available soon and that there is a huge demand for those who buy the whole set;-)
Gianfranco D'agostino |
omg, all balanced and attractive
if I can give a little hint as a customer and not as a programmer
geolocation would be something ultimate.
However, you may really want to use the evowall, just missing that makes the coffee
hopefully it will be available soon and that there is a huge demand for those who buy the whole set;-)
How the geolocation can be integrated....what do you mean?
Anyway, we have finished with some other fixes, now we must check other issues with the news ordered as "most popular"
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Other 3 screenshots
- in the first you see as EVO Wall displays the big photo (when admin have used the large format)
- in the second as EVO displays the thumbnail with the zoom option that allow to see the
- large format without to open the photo's page
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I answered the question in Italian via pm
otherwise the risk of making everyone laugh with my English;-) googoliano
check-in geolocation and badges (like foursquare and facebook)
omg, tutti equilibrato e attraente
se posso dare un piccolo suggerimento come un cliente e non come un programmatore
geolocation sarebbe qualcosa di definitivo.
Tuttavia, si può davvero desidera utilizzare il evowall, manca solo che fa il caffè
speriamo che sarà presto disponibile e che ci sia una grande richiesta per chi acquista l'intero set ;-)
Come la geolocalizzazione può essere integrato .... cosa vuoi dire?
In ogni caso, abbiamo finito con alcune altre correzioni, ora dobbiamo verificare altri problemi con la notizia ordinato come "più popolare"
Gianfranco D'agostino |
1) Added more relevance to the number of comment (as you can see in the preview)
2) Added another level for the wall privilege: now you can choose for example to display the post of all members in the home page, to display just the friend's post in the account page, and to allow the view of the profile page to the friends or to all the members (and also to the faves and for public view) See my products at | Hosting: |
I don´t know what to say really... I really liked Spywall, and what is has become today... But when Raphael showed me this Evo wall, I almost didn´t believe my eyes. It is such a big bonus for Dolphin users. NOW I see a huge future in Dolphin...
First of all.. Why is it called EVO wall. My guess is, it´s has something with the word evolution to do - Am I right?
Will EVO wall have a larger memmory usage than Spywall? What is reccomended regarded hosting?
I am very excited to the first release/beta.
you're right, this is a really well done extension, all waiting the day. would be good to know the actual weight on the server. Gianfranco D'agostino |
you're right, this is a really well done extension, all waiting the day. would be good to know the actual weight on the server.
After the first check the Php memory usage of EVO Wall is 285 KB.
See my products at | Hosting: |
Added another feature....
Now the administrator can choose the UNI template of a DARK template for the Wall. So if you have a dark template in your site you can tune the dark template of EVO Wall in few minutes (there is a file css for the dark template of the EVO Wall)

See my products at | Hosting: |
That mod looks amazing!!!
And It seems like you are setting a new standard for dolphin modules that will benefit us all and with the new coming Dolphin 7.1 I think we are heading towards a new era in Boonex.
Can't wait to buy it!!!
Sometimes communicating your problem and putting it out there is enough to solve it |
That mod looks amazing!!!
And It seems like you are setting a new standard for dolphin modules that will benefit us all and with the new coming Dolphin 7.1 I think we are heading towards a new era in Boonex.
Can't wait to buy it!!!
All modules are under updating in order to support EVO Wall.
And also all the style will be adjusted to this new philosophy and look.
See my products at | Hosting: |
This Evo Wall is awesome!!!
What do you also think about integrating PINTEREST into it???
Comment on this if you agree so they can start that integration sooner than later...
Will it be possible to transfer wall post from Spywall to Evo Wall, or some convert plugin!
Or are these 2 completely different plugins?
how testing coming along? Itching to buy this so I hope it's ready soon! :)
Dear ilbellodelweb, will evo be compatible with mobile spywall? |
This sure doesn´t look promising. No reply or any announcement in 9 days. What´s happening here? |
This sure doesn´t look promising. No reply or any announcement in 9 days. What´s happening here?
not sure what you mean, 'This sure doesn´t look promising.', mod is already available on test site.
After testing will be launched...
This sure doesn´t look promising. No reply or any announcement in 9 days. What´s happening here?
not sure what you mean, 'This sure doesn´t look promising.', mod is already available on test site.
After testing will be launched...
Ok, I didn´t know that. Sounds good it´s going the right way. Is the testsite accessible for the public, or just for programmers?
This sure doesn´t look promising. No reply or any announcement in 9 days. What´s happening here?
IBDW EVO Wall is already available on test site
You can try it here
Templates and Modules for Dolphin 7.3 |
Hi, please can someone confirm...
Does the wall on home page show all site activity from all members, or is it just your friends list?
Hi, please can someone confirm...
Does the wall on home page show all site activity from all members, or is it just your friends list?
Yes, the administrator can choose 3 different privacy level
1) for the index page you can set "members" or just "friends"
2) for the account page you can set "members" or just "friends"
3) for the profile page you can set members, friends, faves, ecc
So you can display in the home page, for example, all the post of the profiles that allowed to see their post to the members (this depends by the privacy settings of each profile, if a profile allows not the access to their posts view to the members but just for friends, you can't see the posts of this profile even if the privacy is "members" in the home).
Also you can decide to display in the members page just the friends posts. So in my account page I can follow the activities of my friends, but I can see all the rest of the activities in the home.
See my products at | Hosting: |
Great thanks :-)
Any idea on release date?
I guess this will be license locked to each domain, will there be a multiple purchase option as some users will want this on a number of sites. $199 per purchase will take it out of budget range when looking at a number of sites...!
I guess this will be license locked to each domain, will there be a multiple purchase option as some users will want this on a number of sites. $199 per purchase will take it out of budget range when looking at a number of sites...!
As done for SpyWall (in our market post there is the products 4Webmasters that allows to get 4 license of SpyWall with a special discount) , we'll can also insert a special licenses package for who want use EVO Wall in more than one domain.
See my products at | Hosting: |
When will it be available to purchase? Sometimes communicating your problem and putting it out there is enough to solve it |
When will it be available to purchase?
I think tomorrow will be released
See my products at | Hosting: |
Thanks! I will be looking forward to purchase it.
When will it be available to purchase?
I think tomorrow will be released
Sometimes communicating your problem and putting it out there is enough to solve it |
When will it be available to purchase?
I think tomorrow will be released
Dat's a Looooong Tomorrow! ... Hosted by! |
Thanks! I will be looking forward to purchase it.
When will it be available to purchase?
I think tomorrow will be released
I'm sorry for this delay, but EVO Wall is a very big task...
Many customers are trying this module on our demo site and this allow us to find and solve the bugs before to release the module.
Also, we want learn by the past, and even if this mod is very complex, we desire to fix all the reported issues before and not after.
As you know, we are here all days to support and fix the bugs asap (often in one/days).
Just wait a bit, it's better sell instead to wait also for us, but we waiting just to ensure a more stable version.
We hope you understand.
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