IBDW MegaProfile by IlBelloDelWEB.it - part 2

7 Nov 2012

Anyway, modzzz has answered my request by creating an improved reporting mod.

I guess now I'd like to know how to allow the report button in MegaProfile to use this.

Any suggestions?



7 Nov 2012


9 Nov 2012

I am having some issue with the Mega Profile since day one I installed it.  This is what it does.. when a member use the Megaprofile to set up the avatar.. The avatar Picture come out black.. Yes I have the newer version install..

Please help!

10 Nov 2012




14 Nov 2012

Have you thought about adding the ability to view more of the user's profile details? This is seriously lacking since users can input so much about themselves... but no one can see it...

Also...  my other suggestion about modzzz reporting modules... this is also very crucial as the default spam reports from boonex is lame and useless.


16 Nov 2012


I am having some issue with the Mega Profile since day one I installed it.  This is what it does.. when a member use the Megaprofile to set up the avatar.. The avatar Picture come out black.. Yes I have the newer version install..

Please help!

We have found the problem, on your site there was a record without nickname on the table "profiles".

Now it works fine.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
16 Nov 2012


Anyway, modzzz has answered my request by creating an improved reporting mod.

I guess now I'd like to know how to allow the report button in MegaProfile to use this.

Any suggestions?



Maybe this can be an interesting integration...

I want investigate about this feature

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
16 Nov 2012





I've contacted Modzzz in order to understand the module functioning (Reporting-tool)

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
16 Nov 2012

I have an account without a nickname as well.. is this why I'm also seeing black avatars? The problem is... if I delete it... another one get created in the next day or two.... 


I am having some issue with the Mega Profile since day one I installed it.  This is what it does.. when a member use the Megaprofile to set up the avatar.. The avatar Picture come out black.. Yes I have the newer version install..

Please help!

We have found the problem, on your site there was a record without nickname on the table "profiles".

Now it works fine.


16 Nov 2012



Anyway, modzzz has answered my request by creating an improved reporting mod.

I guess now I'd like to know how to allow the report button in MegaProfile to use this.

Any suggestions?



Maybe this can be an interesting integration...

I want investigate about this feature


16 Nov 2012

I found a bug when a member is online and a Guest (non Member) visit any online member profile you will see under the profile picture:

Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in/home/toottii/public_html/modules/ibdw/megaprofile/core.phpon line 445

But If a Guest visit an OFFLine member you do not see this error.

http://www.toottii.com/Lebanon   Online member

http://www.toottii.com/CelineS    OFFLine member

23 Nov 2012

 Have you had any progress with this suggestion?



Anyway, modzzz has answered my request by creating an improved reporting mod.

I guess now I'd like to know how to allow the report button in MegaProfile to use this.

Any suggestions?



Maybe this can be an interesting integration...

I want investigate about this feature



6 Dec 2012

We would like the "Send a message" function only to be visible to friends. Is it possible to make this happen? We have some members messaging/spamming people they are not friends with - this idea would eliminate that.

10 Dec 2012


 Have you had any progress with this suggestion?



Anyway, modzzz has answered my request by creating an improved reporting mod.

I guess now I'd like to know how to allow the report button in MegaProfile to use this.

Any suggestions?



Maybe this can be an interesting integration...

I want investigate about this feature




13 Dec 2012

Anything you can do about that?

I have an account without a nickname as well.. is this why I'm also seeing black avatars? The problem is... if I delete it... another one get created in the next day or two.... 


I am having some issue with the Mega Profile since day one I installed it.  This is what it does.. when a member use the Megaprofile to set up the avatar.. The avatar Picture come out black.. Yes I have the newer version install..

Please help!

We have found the problem, on your site there was a record without nickname on the table "profiles".

Now it works fine.



13 Dec 2012


Have you thought about adding the ability to view more of the user's profile details? This is seriously lacking since users can input so much about themselves... but no one can see it...

Also...  my other suggestion about modzzz reporting modules... this is also very crucial as the default spam reports from boonex is lame and useless.



13 Dec 2012

 Bump... have you any progress to report on the last issues/suggestions?


 Have you had any progress with this suggestion?



Anyway, modzzz has answered my request by creating an improved reporting mod.

I guess now I'd like to know how to allow the report button in MegaProfile to use this.

Any suggestions?



Maybe this can be an interesting integration...

I want investigate about this feature





9 Jan 2013

What have been the changes to MegaProfile from today's update?

14 Jan 2013

I have updated MP, however the Video + Photos albums are no longer displayed. I have to enabled the links instead...


Can you check into this?



16 Jan 2013


I have updated MP, however the Video + Photos albums are no longer displayed. I have to enabled the links instead...


Can you check into this?



Check this if this update will solve this issue otherwise contact us.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
21 Jan 2013

Today we have uploaded a new update for MegaProfile (ver. 6.2).

This version allows you to translate the button "Select Files" for every language you have installed on your site.

If you have already installed the ver. 6.1 you must:

  1. upload the file fromcomputer.php and the language files you can find into ibdw/megaprofile/install/langs (en.php and it.php)
  2. recompile the languages for MegaProfile from the administration area

Note: for every language you must add the lang key: '_ibdw_mp_selectfiles'

Into the file en.php (for the english language) and it.php (for the italian language) this key has been already translated.

If you have other languages, you must add this string to every lang file:

'_ibdw_mp_selectfiles' => 'Select Files',

and edit the right part as you want.


For previous version you must uninistall the module and install the new version.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
21 Jan 2013

 It's the same. Some profiles are not showing their albums. Would this because I also have additional groups such as "Female Only", Male Only" etc....

Have you also looked into the report integration from modzzz?




I have updated MP, however the Video + Photos albums are no longer displayed. I have to enabled the links instead...


Can you check into this?



Check this if this update will solve this issue otherwise contact us.


22 Jan 2013

Today we have released the new update for MegaProfile, ver. 6.3

On this version we have:

  • fixed the language translation issues for some languages as Jagapane on the upload button
  • added a new option (you can manage this feature from the MegaProfile Configurator): now you can choose to report a profile using the default Report Tool of Boonex or the Reporting Tool by Modzzz (this as answer to

To upgrade to this version you must uninstall and reinstall the module because we have added a new field on the configuration table, but if you have already installed the previous version 6.2 and you have customized the language strings, you can backup the langs files and use them bacause we have not added new keys on this version.

So, if you have already installed the ver. 6.2, backup your files (for the languages), then unistall the module, upload all the files, install MegaProfile 6.3 and replace the language files (only if you have applied to the previous version some changes for the keys).

For the question about the custom privacy for the albums () we must check on your site in order to understand better

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
25 Jan 2013

I sent you the details to my site.


When I select Modzzz for the report tool, I then have 2 report spam buttons on user's profiles. The first is the boonex one... and the 2nd is Modzz... but it doesn't work, when I click it... it loads for a few seconds then flips me to the homepage, leaving the user's profile altogether...

25 Jan 2013


I sent you the details to my site.


When I select Modzzz for the report tool, I then have 2 report spam buttons on user's profiles. The first is the boonex one... and the 2nd is Modzz... but it doesn't work, when I click it... it loads for a few seconds then flips me to the homepage, leaving the user's profile altogether...

Contact me via PM tomorrow so to check, Have you tried to inser the profile action (default by Boonex)?

If with the action block added to the profile page, this means that we must import also this script.


Also, today we have updated the MegaProfile (ver. 6.4) with a fix for the photos/videos blocks.

If you have installed the previous version 6.3 you can only overwrite the file "core.php"

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
27 Jan 2013

I sent you the details, however I'm away for another week travelling for work so my access to availability is spotty. Were you able to see any problems?

30 Jan 2013

Still don't have modzzz spam report working with MP... 7.0.9 and 7.1 are both not working as expected with the option selected to use modzzz report tool...

9 Feb 2013


Still don't have modzzz spam report working with MP... 7.0.9 and 7.1 are both not working as expected with the option selected to use modzzz report tool...

The integration of the Modzzz tools has been added from the version 6.4.

Today we have released the new update (6.5) that solves the bug with the greetings under D7.1

About the Modzzz tool, make sure to uninstall and to reinstall the module otherwise this feature can't be available.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
13 Feb 2013

Improved the integration for the module Modzzz Reporting Tools.

Upgrade to the new version MegaProfile 6.6 is required if you want use this 3d party module.

If you have already installed MagaProfile 6.5 you can only upload the file core.php

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
16 Feb 2013

On my site mega profile is showing some semi transparent layer and cant click on any link. have a look in attachment. tried clearing caches still not working.

mega.png · 233.3K · 449 views
18 Feb 2013


On my site mega profile is showing some semi transparent layer and cant click on any link. have a look in attachment. tried clearing caches still not working.

Today we have released the new update MegaProfile6.7 that will fix this issue present on some sites.

If you have already installed the previous version (6.6)

you must:

1) Upload the file core.php on the module root folder and the file ibdw/megaprofile/templates/uni/css/style.css

2) empty the cache

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
19 Feb 2013

 Any progress with this improvement?


Have you thought about adding the ability to view more of the user's profile details? This is seriously lacking since users can input so much about themselves... but no one can see it..




25 Feb 2013

Is it possible to display the user's avatar if they have not set a profile picture or uploaded any pictures? Of course the avatar is smaller but is it not possible to display it at the proper size? Just center it where the profile picture is? I'm seeing way too many profiles with an avatar set but isn't visible unless it's in a feed or search results... etc...

6 Mar 2013


Is it possible to display the user's avatar if they have not set a profile picture or uploaded any pictures? Of course the avatar is smaller but is it not possible to display it at the proper size? Just center it where the profile picture is? I'm seeing way too many profiles with an avatar set but isn't visible unless it's in a feed or search results... etc...

From the D7.1 release a new world of opportunities has been opened.

Today we have released another improvement/fix for this module (ver. 6.9).

On this version we have added the icon (default) for the simple messenger area on MegaProfile.

If you have already installed the ver. 6.8, you have to upload only the file core.php, profilecore.php and the template directory.

In the next months we'll works on the new features (if considered usefully for a big part of our customer).

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
22 Mar 2013

We have released a new update for MegaProfile that solves a bug if you set the block visibility to the guests.

If you have installed the previous version, you can only overwrite the files (you must not uninstall the module)

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
10 Apr 2013

It is possible to hide the "Befriend" link if you have already requested friendship from the user? So it behaves like the dolphin button you see at the top of profiles, it disappears if you've already requested it.



10 Apr 2013


It is possible to hide the "Befriend" link if you have already requested friendship from the user? So it behaves like the dolphin button you see at the top of profiles, it disappears if you've already requested it.



This feature works as the default profile's actions. If you send 2 times the request you are informed that this has been already done.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
20 May 2013

Also, today we have uploaded a new update.

If you have already installed the ver. 7.0, you must only overwrite the file "core.php"

This update solves the relationship status "it's complicated" that you see if you add custom relationship status.

The module can decode only the default values (married, in a relationship, single, ecc...).

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
20 May 2013

 Could it perhaps say 'specific' instead of undefined? :) Then members can look across the columns at General Info...

Ah, ok, I found the lang key it points to at the line 710 in core.php (so I can change it to a new lang key _specific)... also, I'll be editing the code to add the custom relationship fields, per your email... thanks. :)

Also, today we have uploaded a new update.

If you have already installed the ver. 7.0, you must only overwrite the file "core.php"

This update solves the relationship status "it's complicated" that you see if you add custom relationship status.

The module can decode only the default values (married, in a relationship, single, ecc...).


22 May 2013

Not sure if I haven't missed it in the admin settings, but could there be a feature that the profile photo that loads up on top of the block, is random and not the first one in the album?


Something like vkontakte - I think - does, they rotate the profile photos from those uploaded and saved as the profile pics...

25 May 2013

One more problem with relationship statuses - with couples now. I made the changes to use word specific if the status is not in core.php and inserted almost all my other custom fields as per your email, but here I'm not sure why the megaprofile should differ from Boonex info (attachment), for the first and for the second person as well?

25 May 2013

Yes, but if you use the big button at the top of the profile, the button is completely gone after the request. If you use the Befriend link in MP, there is no change to that button, it doen't disappear even if the profile is reloaded.


Can you make the button disappear as it does when you use the button to befriend. additionally, it's be useful to also not display the befriend link in MP in this situation, or perhaps you can show "Cancel Befriend Request" or something...??


It is possible to hide the "Befriend" link if you have already requested friendship from the user? So it behaves like the dolphin button you see at the top of profiles, it disappears if you've already requested it.



This feature works as the default profile's actions. If you send 2 times the request you are informed that this has been already done.


27 May 2013

I would like to do away with the Avatar module, is there anyway to have MegaProfile not depend on it? Why does it need it?

30 May 2013


I would like to do away with the Avatar module, is there anyway to have MegaProfile not depend on it? Why does it need it?

 Or maybe you can have a look and find out why user's avatar's are turning all black if they upload a new profile picture and have the "set as avatar" checked.... This happens for anyone... also the crop screen is showing as blank and no one can ever crop their images. Also, when that popup is displayed, everyone is seeing this one profile image in the background that is not theirs... but shows properly one they press "save without crop"

 If they take an extra step, of hovering over their new profile picture and selecting "Set As Avatar" from the hover menu, it sets the avatar properly.

31 May 2013



I would like to do away with the Avatar module, is there anyway to have MegaProfile not depend on it? Why does it need it?

 Or maybe you can have a look and find out why user's avatar's are turning all black if they upload a new profile picture and have the "set as avatar" checked.... This happens for anyone... also the crop screen is showing as blank and no one can ever crop their images. Also, when that popup is displayed, everyone is seeing this one profile image in the background that is not theirs... but shows properly one they press "save without crop"

 If they take an extra step, of hovering over their new profile picture and selecting "Set As Avatar" from the hover menu, it sets the avatar properly.


Can you reproduce this issue on the demo site: http://dolphinextensions.com


username: demouser

password: ibdwdemopass

Let us know.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
31 May 2013

I can't reproduce it.

31 May 2013

When changing profile photo and uploading a new photo from PC, there is no indication to it in EvoWall (and probably just the same in SPY/Timeline).

Why isn't a new profile photo creating a SPY event?

Is it possible to create an event every time the profile photo is changed, even if the new photo is from an album and not newly uploaded?
It's an interesting event to see on your friends wall, shame it's missing. 

12 Jun 2013

How can we add more profile fields to show on the user's MP?? 

The current list is so small and misses all the more interesting information user's can add into their profiles especially if there are more niche specific fields added.


Is there anway you can add a feature to enable selecting which fields you want to have?



12 Jun 2013

Megaprofile is not showing videos when you browse other members profiles. When I check my own profile, there are the sections, Mutual Friends, Friends, Photos AND Videos. When I go to see someone else's profile, the photos are shown, but videos never. I even checked the privacy settings for video albums (and asked several members to check if it's public or to change it for public, both general video privacy and individual album privacy) and for sure it's not showing public video albums at all.

21 Jun 2013
27 Jun 2013
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.