Hey guys. Do you know a better way to redirect them to a splash page if they are not logged in. Example, if i went to mysite.com/member.php or mysite.com/m/videos/home/ , it should redirect me to the splash page only when I wasn't logged in. I don't want that that ugly boonex login box (no offense). Please help! 
I would appreciate it! Thanks
Same problem...
Thanks per advance !
Hey guys. Do you know a better way to redirect them to a splash page if they are not logged in. Example, if i went to mysite.com/member.php or mysite.com/m/videos/home/ , it should redirect me to the splash page only when I wasn't logged in. I don't want that that ugly boonex login box (no offense). Please help! 
I would appreciate it! Thanks
Have you tried to add this code to a file always recalled (es. header.inc.php)?
check_logged(); if (!isLogged()) { header ('Location:' . BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'join.php'); exit; }
On this example the redirect is to the join page, but you can change the page as you want, for example you can redirect to the home page using index.php instead of join.php
I've not tested this solution, so please, if you want try make first a backup of the files.
This is just a possible solution you can try
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Can't call check_logged() in header.inc.php and this code will create a redirect loop if put somewhere that is called on every page generation inside dolphin. So, join.php not possible.
check_logged(); if (!isLogged()) { header ('Location:' . BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'join.php'); exit; }
Put this in design.inc.php at line 92 PageCode() function
if(!isLogged()) { header("Location: splash.php"); }
Assuming the splash.php is not a page that uses dolphin system.
In case you want to redirect to a dolphin page. Put this
if(!isLogged() && !strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'member.php')) { header("Location: member.php"); }
so much to do.... |
thanks!! I found another way to do it. :D
to stop from viewing other pages.. this is how I do it.
Example, go to browse.php. After all "require_once" part, just add this...
check_logged(); function goPage() { if(!isMember()) header("Location: splash.php"); }
Change the orange text to the file you want to redirect. :)
Hey guys. Do you know a better way to redirect them to a splash page if they are not logged in. Example, if i went to mysite.com/member.php or mysite.com/m/videos/home/ , it should redirect me to the splash page only when I wasn't logged in. I don't want that that ugly boonex login box (no offense). Please help! 
I would appreciate it! Thanks
Have you tried to add this code to a file always recalled (es. header.inc.php)?
check_logged(); if (!isLogged()) { header ('Location:' . BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'join.php'); exit; }
On this example the redirect is to the join page, but you can change the page as you want, for example you can redirect to the home page using index.php instead of join.php
I've not tested this solution, so please, if you want try make first a backup of the files.
This is just a possible solution you can try
so the best place is in the header.inc.php?
thanks!! I found another way to do it. :D
to stop from viewing other pages.. this is how I do it.
Example, go to browse.php. After all "require_once" part, just add this...
check_logged(); function goPage() { if(!isMember()) header("Location: splash.php"); }
Change the orange text to the file you want to redirect. :)
Hey guys. Do you know a better way to redirect them to a splash page if they are not logged in. Example, if i went to mysite.com/member.php or mysite.com/m/videos/home/ , it should redirect me to the splash page only when I wasn't logged in. I don't want that that ugly boonex login box (no offense). Please help! 
I would appreciate it! Thanks
Have you tried to add this code to a file always recalled (es. header.inc.php)?
check_logged(); if (!isLogged()) { header ('Location:' . BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'join.php'); exit; }
On this example the redirect is to the join page, but you can change the page as you want, for example you can redirect to the home page using index.php instead of join.php
I've not tested this solution, so please, if you want try make first a backup of the files.
This is just a possible solution you can try
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In Home page Site stats, for video, photo and all it redirect to module page.
How to restrict for these page before logged in.
Why don't you simply change those in the Page Builder so they aren't visible by Guests? That would solve that problem. |
I was thinking the same thing. There's already a way to create a guest homepage..... If you don;t want the ugly login box, then just remove the block from the page in admin page builder.... http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
Can I get help adding this code to the current version? Line 92 doesn't correspond and this topic is from a few years ago. I want everyone to reach the splash page if they're not logged in, and I definitely want the page to redirect when mydomain.com is entered or linked. Thanks! |