Hi Guys,
I may be in the wrong section, but I'm pretty sure this is not a bug. That said, the sub_header file in the template does not seem to be functioning properly when it comes to includes.
Case in point: Was making a few custom additions to the subheader in Templates folder and decided to include a file versus adding the code directly to the sub_header file. Make a long story short, I ended up creating an extremely simple include file which still did not include.
Issue: Eventhough sub_header is an html page, it still should take includes, but it's not.
Ex: Templates/newTemplate/subheader.html
<bx_include_auto:_header.html />
<?php include 'simple_page_to_include.html';?>
<div class="sys_root_bg"></div>
<div class="sys_root">
<h1>"Hi, hello world".</h1>
Guys, can anyone tell me why this is not working? Is this a bug? Why can't Dolphin add a simple include on subheader?
I'm sure this is some oversight on my part, but I can't see what it is.
Thanks guys