Install Issue MYSQL Error

I am trying to install Dolphin Ver. 7.  Everything goes fine and I get to the screen that tells me I need to delete the Install Directory. Once I have deleted it and try going to my main link I get the following message on the screen.

Warning: mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/cswillar/public_html/social/inc/ on line 96

Database query error
SET NAMES 'utf8'

Warning: mysql_error(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/cswillar/public_html/social/inc/ on line 228
Mysql error:
Found error in file /home/cswillar/public_html/social/inc/
at line 36. Called db_res function with erroneous argument #0

Debug backtrace:
[1] => Array
[file] => /home/cswillar/public_html/social/inc/
[line] => 36
[function] => db_res
[args] => Array
[0] => SET NAMES 'utf8'


[2] => Array
[file] => /home/cswillar/public_html/social/inc/
[line] => 113
[args] => Array
[0] => /home/cswillar/public_html/social/inc/

[function] => require_once

[3] => Array
[file] => /home/cswillar/public_html/social/inc/
[line] => 3
[function] => bx_sys_security_get_impact_threshold
[args] => Array


[4] => Array
[file] => /home/cswillar/public_html/social/inc/
[line] => 172
[args] => Array
[0] => /home/cswillar/public_html/social/inc/

[function] => require_once

[5] => Array
[file] => /home/cswillar/public_html/social/install/index.php
[line] => 453
[args] => Array
[0] => /home/cswillar/public_html/social/inc/

[function] => require_once

Called script: /install/index.php
Request parameters:
[x] => 60
[y] => 10
[action] => step6

Warning: mysql_error(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/cswillar/public_html/social/inc/ on line 251

Any help or recommendations on how to fix this would be appreciated.

Quote · 7 Jan 2010

in checking that file, /inc/

function db_get_encoding ( $error_checking = true ) {
$GLOBALS['MySQL']->setErrorChecking ($error_checking);
return $GLOBALS['MySQL']->getEncoding();

its saying you have the wrong format on your database lang string, needs to be UTF-8 please verify that your database is setup correctly. contact your hosting provider and have them look at your database settings.



When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 7 Jan 2010

I checked in the PHP Admin Panel and this is what it shows.

I have also tried editing the file trying utf-8 and utf8_unicode with no luck. Can yo think of anything else I should be looking at or can try?


  • MySQL charset: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)
  • MySQL connection collation: Collation   armscii8_bin armscii8_general_ci ascii_bin ascii_general_ci big5_bin big5_chinese_ci binary cp1250_bin cp1250_croatian_ci cp1250_czech_cs cp1250_general_ci cp1250_polish_ci cp1251_bin cp1251_bulgarian_ci cp1251_general_ci cp1251_general_cs cp1251_ukrainian_ci cp1256_bin cp1256_general_ci cp1257_bin cp1257_general_ci cp1257_lithuanian_ci cp850_bin cp850_general_ci cp852_bin cp852_general_ci cp866_bin cp866_general_ci cp932_bin cp932_japanese_ci dec8_bin dec8_swedish_ci eucjpms_bin eucjpms_japanese_ci euckr_bin euckr_korean_ci gb2312_bin gb2312_chinese_ci gbk_bin gbk_chinese_ci geostd8_bin geostd8_general_ci greek_bin greek_general_ci hebrew_bin hebrew_general_ci hp8_bin hp8_english_ci keybcs2_bin keybcs2_general_ci koi8r_bin koi8r_general_ci koi8u_bin koi8u_general_ci latin1_bin latin1_danish_ci latin1_general_ci latin1_general_cs latin1_german1_ci latin1_german2_ci latin1_spanish_ci latin1_swedish_ci latin2_bin latin2_croatian_ci latin2_czech_cs latin2_general_ci latin2_hungarian_ci latin5_bin latin5_turkish_ci latin7_bin latin7_estonian_cs latin7_general_ci latin7_general_cs macce_bin macce_general_ci macroman_bin macroman_general_ci sjis_bin sjis_japanese_ci swe7_bin swe7_swedish_ci tis620_bin tis620_thai_ci ucs2_bin ucs2_czech_ci ucs2_danish_ci ucs2_esperanto_ci ucs2_estonian_ci ucs2_general_ci ucs2_hungarian_ci ucs2_icelandic_ci ucs2_latvian_ci ucs2_lithuanian_ci ucs2_persian_ci ucs2_polish_ci ucs2_roman_ci ucs2_romanian_ci ucs2_slovak_ci ucs2_slovenian_ci ucs2_spanish2_ci ucs2_spanish_ci ucs2_swedish_ci ucs2_turkish_ci ucs2_unicode_ci ujis_bin ujis_japanese_ci utf8_bin utf8_czech_ci utf8_danish_ci utf8_esperanto_ci utf8_estonian_ci utf8_general_ci utf8_hungarian_ci utf8_icelandic_ci utf8_latvian_ci utf8_lithuanian_ci utf8_persian_ci utf8_polish_ci utf8_roman_ci utf8_romanian_ci utf8_slovak_ci utf8_slovenian_ci utf8_spanish2_ci utf8_spanish_ci utf8_swedish_ci utf8_turkish_ci utf8_unicode_ci <input type="submit" value="Go" /> Documentation
Quote · 7 Jan 2010

I know this is probably obvious -- and may not help, but think I might have run into this way back when... Did you check 'all permissions' when you created the database?  Is it a new 'empty' database or an exisitng one you are using?



Quote · 7 Jan 2010

I had checked the all privileges.  I was originally trying to install it in the same folder and database i had used for Dolphin 6 after I had deleted all the old files and tables.  I setup a new folder and database and it installed and works.  I am not sure on what the problem was but it appears dolphin 6 must of configured the database different when it set it up.

Quote · 9 Jan 2010
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.